Ye Jue originally planned to return on the Ice Country train.

However, the super battleship floating in the sky was too entangled.

I'm afraid that if a heavy artillery fire comes down, the Ice Country train will be destroyed.

Or just carry the tree and return.

Ye Jue snorted coldly.

Suddenly, golden lotuses bloomed one after another at his feet. This was the magical power passed down by the Bodhi tree, which was a bit incredible.

His expression froze, and he felt that there was a third kind of energy that could be used.

At this time, the super battleship pressed forward again, and the huge metal body crashed through the dark clouds, making a roaring sound.


With a low roar, he unleashed various buffs, including the Ups and Downs, Blood Corpse Palm, etc.

when! !

The Super Battleship rolled over again.

This time, Ye Jue did not stop. Anyway, with the Bodhi tree in hand, the two energies in his body were colliding crazily.

Almost at the same time, he launched a counterattack with hundreds of punches.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The super battleship's protective shield was hit wildly and violently.

This is an astonishing scene, a pure-blooded human race collides with a super battleship, like a volcano erupting in full force.

Bang bang bang!!

Super battleships are constantly being attacked by deuterium bombs and aircraft.

If you push me too hard, I will tear your Zhanhang apart with my hands.

Ye Jue was bombarded all the way, and his anger had already accumulated a lot.

As long as the protective shield is broken, he will rush into the super battleship and kill all the humanoids inside.

Ye Zhanshen, leave it to us!

At this time, a rocket-shaped aircraft came at supersonic speed and blasted towards the super battleship in an instant. After blooming there, a dense network appeared.


This unexpected weapon actually neutralized and removed a layer of protective shield.

Suddenly, the protective shield made of energy was completely shattered, and the broken hole was just enough for a person to enter.

Whoever it is, well done.

Ye Jue thanked him.

The 'collider' in his body collided again, gained a brief boost, and then suddenly rose into the air, rushing up to a thousand meters in the air.

The whole person was like a cannonball, blasting directly into the super battleship's body, directly launching the most powerful attack, blasting a big hole.


He's in!

not good!

Humanoids screamed on the spot, immediately put on extracorporeal technology, and fought with him closely to prevent him from damaging the combat navigation system.

I'll smash it!

Ye Jue suddenly discovered that the bodhi tree was too hard and was very easy to wave. The bodhi seeds on it were also extremely strong and would not fall off at all.

Bang bang bang!

He just swung the treasure tree and smashed everything he saw.

Various electronic equipment laboratories began to explode and catch fire, and all experimenters were frightened.


A humanoid warrior was suddenly punched in the face, blood spurted out, and his entire face was distorted.

It feels good to hit me, doesn't it?

Ye Jue's eyes glowed, and he rushed over and beat those humanoids until their bodies were almost broken.

It's like swatting mosquitoes full of blood. If you catch one, swat it hard.


The external technology shattered on the spot, and blood splattered everywhere.

Bang bang bang...

He had accumulated so much anger that he slapped and smashed all the way.

How is it? Are you happy? It's your turn to be beaten. Is it beautiful?

Ye Jue chased them and took pictures wildly. The humanoids he took were almost deformed.


It's a shame for the proud humanoid.

They came across the starry sky, full of expectations for the land of pure-blooded humans that was once glorious but has now completely declined.

Because they know that there is something under this land that disturbs the stars.

But they never thought that they would be punched twice not long after they arrived.

He was beaten wildly by a native with a treasure tree in his hand.

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