This was so amazing that countless people were dumbfounded and looked in that direction.

You also said it's not Ye Zhan Shen, but this is Ye Zhan Shen himself!

Someone broke out and said in shock.

That's right, who in this wasteland can withstand the attack of a humanoid super weapon without dying?

Besides Ye Zhanshen, who else could be there?

too strong.

Everyone was surprised.

Ye Zhanshen was almost dry, hunched over, carrying the treasure tree and leaping in the blazing energy rays.

The super battleship with the skull, I remember it.

His Adam's apple moved and he made an angry sound.

This super weapon was indeed extremely lethal, almost shattering him into microscopic particles.

But his immortality buff directly caused these particles to reorganize.

This means that he is constantly reorganizing and changing in the midst of destruction, which is a very terrifying thing.

If something went wrong in the particle reorganization, he would most likely no longer be himself.

It will then turn into something else, maybe a piece of meat that can only think.

However, I have a spiritual body to stabilize the center, so this kind of thing will not happen. I finally understand the importance of the spiritual body.

Ye Jue also realized something.

Humans are like advanced robots. They receive external information through their eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and then analyze the information through the processor and brain to give feedback.

At best, this is just a very powerful processor, a body without a soul.

The so-called soul is a person's consciousness and memory.

The soul will become stronger and stronger with the will, forming a spiritual body, reaching today's or even higher levels.

I just saw a lock in the smash. I'm afraid that's the lock of consciousness that extracorporeal technology has been trying to open.

Ye Jue recalled while running.

That lock is deep in the brain and needs to be opened in a special way. Once it is opened, the soul can use it. It may be able to enhance the external technology and form head wings and head rings, just like a god.

This is very different from people who cultivate spiritual bodies.

The explosive force just now had tempered his will again, and his spiritual body was mysteriously strengthened again.

This is..

Only then was he surprised to see a spiritual platform on his body with a ball of light floating on it.

That ball of light is his spirit body, which is now very crystal clear and filled with magical power.

This is an exclusive power that only belongs to the path of myth.

Does it mean that my spirit body has reached the small realm of Jingrun?

Ye Jue spread his fingers together, grabbed a raised rock and climbed forward.

Boom boom boom!!

Behind him, gunfire was raging, radioactive energy was still exploding, and small mushroom clouds were rising. The scene was very scary.

Because the super battleship has not given up chasing him, he cannot think too much and must sprint with all his strength.

No way, no way!

Why isn't he dead?

Why exactly?

The humanoids on the super battleship are almost sluggish.

Various energy heavy cannons, beam rays, and floating cannons are all carrying out carpet bombing.

However, the pure-blood human race had no intention of stopping, as if these attacks were like drizzle.

Something's wrong, something's wrong!

He was obviously seriously injured, why did the injury heal so quickly?

Ordinary people must have died long ago. How can anyone still carry a tree and run away after their body is shattered?

Their facial features were distorted, as if they had seen a ghost.

They have never seen or encountered this kind of pure-blood human race.

He can't be killed or blown up, and even super weapons with Death Star technology can't do anything to him.

Now I don’t even know who the monster is.

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