This is really a shame because they have already studied it thoroughly.

The once powerful groups on this planet have all flown away.

In their opinion, this planet is completely ruined and there is no way there can be powerful pure-blood humans, but now they are being beaten violently.


The humanoids that rushed up were swatted to death and exploded like flies.

They came hundreds of thousands of miles away just to be beaten by a local native?

This is too ridiculous! ?

Tell me, what are you planning?

Ye Jue dropped one foot, crunching the humanoid's bones.

You can imagine how powerful it is to be able to destroy external technology with just one kick!

Speak, are you pretending to be mute?

He stepped hard and crushed the humanoid to death.

Then, switch to another person and continue questioning.

Tell me, what is your purpose here?

Ye Jue asked pressingly.

Ah...I don't know, I'm just a warrior!

The humanoid screamed.

Then go to hell!

What was waiting for him was a punch. Ye Jue obviously did it on purpose, specifically to log into Zhanhang and start killing people.

He showed no mercy, killing these humanoids and hiding them everywhere.

The entire warship began to sound red alarms, constantly reminding that aliens appeared, located at xxxxx...

If you don't want to say anything, then destroy it!

Ye Jue shouted, picked up the treasure tree and started beating and smashing it again.

The auxiliary engines and gravity engines all exploded, and various cable tubes were completely broken.

It was so miserable, everything it passed was a mess!


So what happened?

Isn't it amazing?

People on the ground saw an incredible scene.

The super battleship in the dark clouds was blazing with flames. The huge metal body crushed the mountain peaks and seemed to be about to fall.

Bang bang bang, boom boom boom!

There were serial explosions happening everywhere in Zhanhang, and the scene was extremely horrifying.

This is Ye War God showing off his power inside. Does he really want to kill a super battleship by himself?

These people were stunned.

No matter what, today's battle can definitely be recorded in the annals of history.

These humanoids have really tough mouths.

It would be difficult for Ye Jue to get something valuable out of their mouths.

He had no choice but to fight all the way, but the interior of Zhanhang was so big that he didn't even know where he was now.

Anyway, just go on a rampage, take pictures of humanoids when you see them, and smash them when you encounter facilities.

Ye Jue didn't believe that this super battleship could withstand his perpetual motion machine.

Indigenous people, please stop, stop, we can reconcile!

Suddenly, a voice rang out near him, probably from a high-ranking member of Super Battleship.

Reconciliation? Is it necessary?

Ye Jue was very dissatisfied with his tone. He was still so arrogant, as if he was looking down at him, and he was calling each other aboriginal.

With a bang, he destroyed another gravity engine, causing the entire battleship to fall again.


The man was obviously so angry that he nearly fainted.

Repairing the Super Battleship is a huge project that consumes too many resources.

Seeing so many facilities destroyed, he almost cried now.

You said it's okay... Why bother with him?

It's fine now. He was so angry that he would vomit blood after provoking such a plague god.

Stop if you say stop, who are you?

Ye Jue picked up the treasure tree again, and without saying a word, he started pumping wildly, denting everything around him.

He wants to find the weapons cache, which will definitely cause a big explosion! !

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