Ye War God is back!

Someone screamed!

How on earth did he survive the explosion in the Antarctic world?

This is what everyone wants to know, how strong is he now?

The world's number one, not China's number one, but the world's number one!

Many people were talking about it, causing a huge stir.

Who would have thought that Ye Jue would still be alive and become the number one person in the world when he returned!

This caused a big earthquake, many people were talking about it, and even the major forces were alarmed.

How can his clone be willing to accept it?

Many people doubt this because Kuroye Zetsu is too strong and they despise and look down on the main body's achievements.

There will be an unprecedented battle, no less than the Demon God Arena!

Next, an uproar will sweep across the land, and it may cause endless bloodshed.

Kuroye Zetsu was so dangerous that he once let it go.

I don't care who you are or what your background is. If you dare to touch my territory, then pray that you can still live. As long as you are still standing on this land, I will find you and tear you apart.

Coupled with his terrifying figure in black armor and covered in red, the scene was too terrifying.

Many people are afraid of him, afraid that he will go crazy and attack them like a mad dog.

But why did Ye Zhanshen survive, but Adam didn't?

The West, such as the European world, is heartbroken.

Their voices trembled and they said it was unfair, why is the God of War Ye from the Eastern World still alive?

Why didn't Adam survive the explosion?

However, only few people know the truth.

In fact, Adam is not dead. Like Ye Zhanshen, he will return. It's just a matter of time!

Some Westerners reported that, for a while, the West was shaken like a hurricane, sweeping across the entire land of Europe.

I have a hunch that the heroes of the previous generation will return, and none of them are completely dead.

More people believe that Ye Zhanshen can return, so maybe some of the former heroes will also return.

There was no news of their death, they were still missing, and now the world was completely boiling.

This is a big world, and the collision between the waves behind and the waves ahead is about to begin!

Some people were very excited.

I'm so excited, our president is still alive!

Soon, everyone's eyes at the peak domain stronghold were focused on the golden characters in mid-air.

Their president is now number one in the world.

People who saw this font were about to explode. The president survived the Antarctic explosion!

Moreover, the silent upgrade returned to the peak, or even surpassed the peak, overwhelming the clone, which really caused a big earthquake.

Everyone was discussing and excited.

Many people who survived in the peak realm are looking forward to the return of the president.

Not to mention the human side, even all the aliens on Blue Star are now shocked. Is the legendary Ye War God back?

This is so amazing, his legend makes people like them sweat in cold sweat!

This is someone you can't mess with. I heard that Iceman's super battleship was destroyed!

The rumors are too outrageous, Ye Zhanshen is more powerful than they imagined!

The strongest pure-blood human race has returned.

The mutated beast almost dropped its jaw when it got the news.

Especially some wild beast kings, it feels incredible, their mouths can't be closed for a long time, it's so unexpected!

They know that Ye Zhanshen is not killing innocent pure bloods randomly. As long as they don't provoke him, he will not take the initiative to kill them.

Ye Zhanshen is not as inhumane as Black Ye Jue, and he didn't care about his ranking on the hero list before.

Unlike other heroes, they are unwilling to accept any ranking and want to climb up.

Moreover, it is said that he once had a beast king with him, and he was very close to him, which made many mutant beasts with developed intelligence very fond of him.

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