Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 481 Ye Jue is number one on the hero list!


Li Lianxue swallowed the Tiger King's energy, and as lightning landed, hundreds of meters of cracks appeared on the ground beneath her feet.

go to hell!

Li Lianxuewan was very irritable, and her fist surrounded by purple energy was branded on the Tiger King's chest.

boom! ! ! !

Boom! ! !

The earth is shaking! !

The energy of this punch ejected flames at a height of hundreds of meters, and there were violent explosions, causing waves of roars.

The Tiger King instantly turned into the most gorgeous fireworks, and was knocked flying to the feet of Heiye Jue, falling onto his back.

What a waste.

Black Leaf was full of murderous aura, and the sound it made shook the area, making many mutant beasts extremely frightened.

They all knew that he was fierce and domineering and was about to start a killing spree.


Hundreds of thousands of mutated beasts trembled, kept retreating, and then all fled.

This battle is destined to end, and only the strong will show off.

Kuroye Zetsu, kneel down and lick my boots.

Li Lianxue's eyes spurted purple red flames. This was his second personality, fearless of heaven and earth.

I'll capture you today!

Black Leaf's shining black armor radiated brilliance, and mysterious energy surged directly towards him.

boom! !

The two collided and the sound was like thunder.

In the distance, no one dared to step forward to watch the battle at close range. The showdown between China's top combat powers was so astonishing that it could easily be affected.

The body created by God is not invincible and cannot undergo qualitative transformation.

Li Lianxue exudes the mental fluctuations of a king. She knows that although Heiye Jue is strong now, he will definitely not be able to sublimate in the future.

The strongest ones are people like her, who can keep advancing and have unlimited future.


Black Leaf Jue snorted coldly.

He knew that this woman had received a lot of blessings and had received help from the original body.

He will not let go of anyone who is involved with the real body, and will hunt them to the ends of the earth.

In fact, the outside world is already very aware of this matter, and no one dares to mention the former Ye War God, otherwise he will be purged.


At this moment, all the black stone tablets began to shake violently, making a loud noise that attracted everyone's attention.

what happened?

The whole world was shocked.

These hero lists are surrounded by fire and blooming with red clouds, completely different from the past.

Oh my god, there's a new person on the hero list.

That's right, and he even made it to the top seven in one fell swoop. That's why the stone tablet has such a change!

So Lu Juan, the seventh hero, is going to step down?

Some people are so excited that they don't know who is so powerful that they are on the list of heroes.

All major organizations and people from all walks of life could not help but marvel, and were all envious and jealous.


Seeing this, Kuroye Jue frowned.

He had a bad feeling, as if this newly promoted hero had something to do with him.

Who is it?

Chen Ya looked suspicious.


The golden light was so shining that the whole world was shaken!

Number one on the list of human heroes, Ye Jue!

boom! !

It is truly shocking, and many people find it unbelievable.

However, the golden characters appeared in the void, telling everyone that this was true!

That man is still alive?

The Western world lost its voice, and everyone felt a stormy wave coming. How shocking is this?

The font was so clear that it aroused people's amazement and attracted everyone's attention.

Ye War God is really alive and back!!

There was silence all over the eastern world at first, and then there was noise and complete chaos.

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