I knew you were still alive!

Chen Ya spoke simply, with a thousand words in her tone.

The bloody battle in Antarctica is still scarlet to this day. It is shocking and frightens newcomers, and even strangers dare not set foot there easily.

At first, she was possessed by the devil, her consciousness was swallowed up, and she had almost no way to survive.

But Ye Jue did not give up on her, and instead of fighting in Antarctica, he finally saved her.

When she woke up, she found that she was placed in an extremely safe space.

She was buried deep under the Antarctic ice, which allowed her to escape the explosion and only suffer the aftermath.

Come back, no matter where you are now, I must give this to you.

A space bracelet appeared in Chen Ya's hand, with Ye Jue's name engraved on it.

This is what Ye Jue lost in the explosion, which once slept under the icy Antarctic mountains.

She never gave up looking for the signal point, and finally discovered an ice layer under the sea that had accumulated for hundreds of millions of years.

There is an ancient continent in this ice, as textured as any other.

There are relics of ancient civilizations and forbidden areas of life, and the spirit body of the black-feather boy came from here.

Fortunately, the bracelet did not fall into the depths of the ancient continent. She was lucky enough to find it on the periphery.

She had been waiting, and her waiting finally came to fruition, which made her smile.

I'm afraid there's only so much I can do to help him.

The president is not dead, he is still alive, that's great, hahaha!

Yang Wenchao shouted excitedly.

If Cheng Xuan knew about it, he would definitely be extremely moved.

Xu Ziyue was crying silently, and unspeakable emotions were erupting.

President, he is back!

Everyone in the peak realm roared with excitement.

Everyone knows that during this period, the peak realm was bullied and almost collapsed.

In the end, only a small stronghold was left, not even a base.

With the betrayal of the Mobile Steel Shell City, the only one willing to stand on their side is the Yundian Base City. It will be too difficult to move forward in the future.

Now the situation is about to turn around. They want to wipe away their previous shame. With the return of the president, a shocking war will break out!


At this time, the golden font briefly transformed into a golden human shape and disappeared quickly.

However, everyone could see clearly that it was the outline of Ye Zhanshen, although the face could be clearly seen.

Wash your neck and wait for me?

Did I read that correctly?

Ye Zhanshen has declared war!

Even the mutated beasts understood this action, and their fur exploded.

That’s a sign to wash your neck and wait for me!

It's so shocking, it makes my blood boil!

Some people in the Eastern world feel that their blood is boiling.

They can all imagine that Ye War God came back with the thunder and thunder of lightning, and the scene was horrifying.


There are those who are trying to add insult to injury to the peak field with their hair on end.

Even if all the powerful men in their base city join forces, they may be in danger.

Maybe in fact, Ye War God is more dangerous than they thought, and they can only prepare for defense in advance.

But there is no doubt that they have no confidence. They can only give benefits and reconcile with Ye War God when he comes.

After all, Ye Zhan Shen is not Black Ye Jue, he is inhumane and has no humanity at all.

We want to make friends with Ye War God and join forces with him to fight against the forces of the God of Killing!

Some base cities directly made harsh words and expressed their attitude on the spot.

The high-level officials of these base cities have long been dissatisfied with Heiye Jue's behavior. He is too selfish and does everything only for himself, without considering the overall interests of mankind at all.

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