This dark hole is not absolutely dark.

Instead, there was some faint light, and an unpleasant smell kept coming out of it, and it seemed that it couldn't be dissipated.

That's what I smelled outside the door before.

Ye Jue's expression was very cautious.

He may be related to whether he can get the Vajra Secret Scroll and return to the wasteland.

If one could cultivate into a vajra body, the demons in the wasteland would have nothing to fear.

At that time, he could directly descend to the fifth level of hell and escape to the flaming tower and the endless cemetery.

When the open coffin spurted out fire, all the ancient demons awakened.

Pure-blood humans will face a real battle for racial continuation.

If one cultivates into Vajra at that time, one can really reverse the future.

This unexpected journey to the stars is a huge opportunity.

Ye Jue's feelings in the wasteland were constantly touched, and now he finally understood.

This time not only broadened his horizons, but he might also get great benefits.

The greater good is inside this hole.

Ye Jue became more and more excited, this should be a key place.

He went deeper into the cave and finally discovered what the faint light was coming from.

It turned out to be a ball of green flame, but it was a simple will-o'-the-wisp, and there was no harm in burning in the void.

He carefully avoided these will-o'-wisps and continued deeper into this place.

It is surrounded by irregular rock walls that have been forcibly dug out. Various skulls and vertebrae on the walls are humanoid early dragons, dotted on this road of death.

What is the origin of this Qionglou Palace, that there are so many humanoid dragons suppressing it below?

Ye Jue felt a little confused.

Big opportunities are often accompanied by big crises and must be treated with caution.

Physics has the law of conservation of energy, which means that energy will neither be created nor destroyed out of thin air.

It can only be transferred from one object to another, and the forms of energy can also be converted into each other.

A person's luck is not a straight line, there are high points and low points.

As the old saying goes: Misfortune depends on blessings, and blessings depend on disasters.

Sometimes when good luck comes one after another, bad luck may not be far behind.

Anyway, they are born from each other, and ghosts and gods are unpredictable.

This is the conservation of luck, and the ups and downs are the right principle.

Sure enough, there was a gust of wind coming out from behind.

There seemed to be something behind him, as if it was just staring at his back quietly.

Impossible. Apart from spiritual bodies, are there any living beings surviving here?

Ye Jue's heart sank.

If there really was a humanoid dragon alive, it would definitely not be something he could deal with.

It's okay to let him kill the fearless level, but challenging King Kong is definitely a dream.

Don't turn around, otherwise you will be in danger and experience the most terrifying thing in your life.

A faint voice suddenly sounded.

Who are you? What kind of place is this? If I disturb your peace, I will leave now.

Ye Jue said in a low voice.

The people who speak behind the scenes are full of danger and uncertainty.

He didn't dare to turn his head rashly, but his heart was not touched. It seemed that the person who came had no ill intentions.

I am...the gatekeeper of Tushita Palace.

If Ye Jue could see the person behind him, he would definitely be shocked.

Because this man is as dry as firewood and skinny.

All his flesh and blood were gone, he was just a living skeleton.

There were no eyeballs in the deep-set eye sockets, only two green will-o'-the-wisps.

The Tushita Palace must be a remnant of the myth, but even with the body of Vajra, it cannot survive to this day. Could it be that it is a stronger person of a higher level?

Ye Juehan's hair stood on end and he wanted to look back.

He, a bug with an immortal buff, wanted to know how the other party could survive for so long.

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