For a moment, he observed that these particles formed a mysterious dark shadow.

He was quickly approaching Qin Jiaxian, who was as big as an ant.

However, Qin Jiaxian kept walking forward, seemingly unaware of the horror behind him.

Ye Jue couldn't remind her.

Now he and she are in a special state of separation, and it seems that they are at different nodes.

Qin Jiaxian can be observed from other nodes, as if observing with an astronomical telescope.

It was a vague world, too small to get close to.


Ye Jue's scalp instantly felt numb, and a faint shadow approached him silently.

The black shadow formed by the aggregation of particles seemed to be a remaining spiritual body, peeping at him while slowly approaching him.


Ye Jue calmed himself down.

Now that he and Qin Jiaxian were both in danger, they had no time to worry about whether they would survive or die.

What on earth does this strange black shadow want to do?

He was thinking a lot and kept moving forward calmly.


At this time, the black shadow finally couldn't bear it anymore and quickly attacked behind him!

Ye Jue instantly felt a dark wind blowing...


He turned around suddenly and roared!

The fist flashing with golden flames suddenly struck the black shadow's body.


This black shadow was immediately turned into countless particles by the fist.

The power of the mysterious gold liquid has the miraculous effect of restraining these particles.

It seems that the essence of these mysterious particles is actually a special kind of synapsid?

Ye Jue took a breath of cold air.

He had already seen the black shadow clearly. It was a huge creature with the aura of a monster.

But its appearance is similar to that of a humanoid, so it should be called a humanoid protosaurus. It is a type of Tyrannosaurus rex and is very fierce.

Therefore, these mysterious particles should be the remaining spiritual bodies of an advanced species, capable of completely overturning the history of paleontology in the wasteland.

Since it is a spirit body, its realm is probably very high.

After Ye Jue shattered the black shadow, he went to observe another world.

Qin Jiaoxian has disappeared in that place, and I don’t know that she has not defeated this black shadow.

Well, there's a body here?

He looked shocked and saw some huge creature corpses in a deep passage.

The darkness here can swallow up the light. If it weren't for his golden eyes, he wouldn't be able to see anything clearly.

This corpse is actually incorruptible. Could it be that it's King Kong?

He walked over, very moved, and wanted to cook it.

However, these Vajra bodies were so hard that he couldn't tear off a piece of flesh even after pulling for a long time.

Then I guess...these humanoid archosaur particles come from these corpses. Are these corpses left behind by myths?

Ye Jue showed joy, it is very likely that there really is a Vajra Secret Scroll here.

He continued along the slightly more complicated path, where there was absolute darkness, swallowing up the light.

There are more and more remains, and occasionally pure human forms can be seen.

But he's still humanoid, with horns on his forehead, so he's not pure blood.

The more this happened, the more Ye Jue looked forward to it.

At this time, the dark road has been cut off.

In front is a dark hole, which seems to be dug out by man. It is extremely cold inside and seems to be connected to the deepest point here.

It's really weird. I didn't expect that there is such a world outside the wasteland.

Ye is absolutely full of curiosity about the mythical legacy.

Stepping out of the wasteland for the first time, I discovered how vast the world is.

History becomes stories, stories become legends, legends become myths.

Now he is uncovering the stories of history, the myths and legends of this silent universe.

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