However, he still held back and did not turn around.

This was an ancient predecessor who warned him that this place was very evil.

This is a point of no return. Once you turn back, you will be pulled into the great rift in the void and will never be able to return home.

When the gatekeeper said this, Ye Jue felt his hair stand on end.

Fortunately, he didn't turn around along the way. He was so lucky.

However, he was really curious about what was buried under this dark pit.

It seems that you are very curious. You can go and read the writing on the wall, but remember not to turn your head.

The janitor's voice sounded again.


Ye Jue approached the pit wall on one side, moved his eyes and looked over.

Sure enough, it looked like there were a lot of words carved out with fingernails.

We crossed several star fields, arrived at the stars, and finally found this place...

Its wavelength forms a forbidden zone for life here, and we are so excited that we can hardly contain ourselves.

However, it hid in this ruins. We don't know the age of this place or even which civilization left it...

So we started digging and dug out this deep and unfathomable hole.

Finally, we succeeded, got through this place, and followed the directions to find its existence.

It's here and we're going to be remembered in history.

However... it was so powerful that we ran away desperately hoping for a way out.

Then, the words on the walls of the pit were all blood red, and seemed to be carved with flesh and blood.

It won't definitely let us go, it will bury us here...

Because... it doesn't like to be discovered by others. The reason for killing us is that simple.

At this point, the font has become messy, and the life of the scribe has obviously come to an end.

There are other fonts, the writing is very confusing and cannot be understood.

what is it?

Ye Jue's pores all over his body were open and he was feeling cold from head to toe.

The skulls and spine bones of these humanoid early dragons on the walls of the pit are probably the carvers.

These Vajra Powers were actually massacred, and not one of them escaped.

If you want to know, you can go deeper, it's at the very bottom.

The gatekeeper's tone was calm.

After all this time, is it still dangerous?

Ye Jue couldn't help but ask.

If this place has been dusty for a long time, then it may have died of old age.

It has entered a deep sleep and is not in danger for the time being.

replied the janitor.

What is your relationship with it? Does this corner of Tushita Palace have anything to do with it?

Ye Jue deeply felt that something was wrong here and didn't know if he could get the Vajra Secret Scroll.

The Tushita Palace has nothing to do with it. I also hope that someone strong will take it away so that this place will no longer be disturbed.

The gatekeeper sighed. He just wanted to protect this place and spend all his time quietly.

I'm just a young practitioner who's here to look for the Vajra Secret Scroll. I can't help you.

Ye Jue said.

All these humanoid primary dragons were killed, and every one of them was at the Vajra level.

So, what ability does he have to help this janitor?

What's more, it's not clear whether this is a life or an artifact.

In short, the existence that can form a restricted area of ​​​​life is not something he can deal with now.

You want the Vajra Secret Scroll? I remember keeping a copy of that secret scroll, which is among the stone statues outside the hall.

said the janitor suddenly.

The Secret Diamond Scroll is inside that stone statue?

Ye Jue's eyes were fierce and he was very excited.

It seems that he accidentally missed it. If he knew that this place was so weird, he would rather not come in.

But you've already come in, there's no way to turn back, and you're dead.

The janitor sighed.

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