
In the sunset, Qin Jiaxian raised his arms and pushed the door of the palace with all his strength.

Boom boom boom! !

Her power was so powerful that it caused the door to shake violently.

No, what if there are some taboos sealed inside?

The Golden Wolf King was very cowardly, roaring with his tail between his legs.

When he saw Qin Jiaoxian turning his head to glare at it, he immediately shut up and trembled with fear.

It felt that this woman was too fierce, more terrifying and bloody than the people of those extraordinary organizations.

Ye Jue, help me, this door is very heavy!

Qin Jiaxian asked for support.

no problem.

Ye Jue came over. He also attached great importance to this place and pressed his hands on the rusty door.

A little harder, use that power.

Qin Jiaoxian's face turned red from suppressing his emotions, and he couldn't help but urge him.

He knows how to order people.

Ye Jue sighed and still used the enhanced power of gold liquid.

Buzz! ! !

The two tried their best, and the door finally slowly opened at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The Golden Wolf King didn't dare to stay here anymore and just slipped away.

boom! !

With a loud bang, the palace door opened a gap.

It was too dark inside, weird and scary, with no light at all.

It looks like there's a lot of space.

Qin Jiaxian Dai frowned slightly and smelled a foul smell.

It seemed like something was rotten inside, and the smell hadn't dissipated for thousands of years.

Is there really a Vajra Secret Scroll?

Ye Jue expressed doubts.

No matter, let's go in and have a look.

Qin Jiaoxian was very courageous, da da da~~, she stepped on her high heels and walked in directly.

At first, she only practiced physical fitness to strengthen her body. Although she had studied some in vitro technology, she really didn't want to transform her body.

Just groping along like this, making mistakes and bumping into each other, really allowed her to cultivate to a fearless level and embark on the path of mythology.

She felt that she and Ling Xiao had no conflict of interest with each other and could get very close.

Even if there really is a Vajra Secret Scroll, we can share the enlightenment together.

Moreover, her sixth sense also told her that Ling Xiao was a person to whom she could give her back, which was very reassuring.

Ling Xiao...

However, when she turned her head, Ling Xiao was gone! !

Behind him, there was nothing and darkness.

It was as if Ling Xiao was an illusion and had never existed.

Did he abandon me?

Qin Fake Immortal was moved.

However, she felt it was impossible, Ling Xiao was not this kind of person.

At the same time, she was also convinced that Ling Xiao came in with her.

The only answer is that there is something weird here that separates her and Ling Xiao.

It's too dark, but I seem to see rows of bookshelves with various scriptures and classics on them. I don't know if they are Vajra Secret Scrolls.

Ye Jue said with bright eyes.

However, when he turned his head, Qin Jiaxian was no longer in front of him.

Impossible, she is obviously only one foot away from me.

Ye Jue was suddenly startled.

In less than a second, Qin Jiaxian was nowhere to be found.

Oh no.

His heart sank.

After arriving here, my heart keeps throbbing!

It felt like there was something big and terrifying. The fluctuations were very violent and extremely shocking.

It seemed as if it was going to devour him and Qin Jiaxian!

I must find her, otherwise she will most likely be in serious danger!

Ye Jue took a deep breath.

His eyes stopped moving, and in an instant, the spirit body saw something different.

This is an undiscovered mysterious particle that expands in the darkness like ripples.

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