What's getting bigger again?

Qin Jiaxian stared at Ye Jue with a puzzled look on his face.

The power of that mysterious pattern is of great benefit in her eyes.

My strength has grown again.

Ye Jue smiled bitterly.

Is there such a thing?

Qin Jiaoxian was a little dumbfounded. He walked over and looked around Ye Jue.

Are you saying that your terrifying power has become stronger again?

she asked uncertainly.

That's right, if it was 10 before, it's now 20.

Ye Jue was speechless.

In fact, when he saw the young man in black armor being killed under the white jade stairs, he had a familiar feeling.

At that time, he didn't think too much, and his heart wasn't touched.

Unexpectedly, not long after approaching the stone statue, the mysterious veins were completely integrated into the golden liquid.

Now the gold liquid is extremely hot, flowing with mysterious veins, and is even more active.

Incredible, where did you provoke this power from?

Qin Jiaxian couldn't help but ask for his secret.

The process of obtaining this power is also very strange.

Ye Jue remembered the star-and-moon mechanism in the Special Paradise Tower.

When he revealed the hell inscription, he shocked those ancient heroes.

When the ancient heroic spirit saw the small stone slab, he felt that he had great luck and said that this thing belonged to him.

So, he took away this power.

Who would have thought that in the constellation of stars, the same kind of material would be obtained and merged with the golden liquid.

This is too coincidental, fate is unpredictable.

No matter what, this power shows extraordinary power and shines brightly, although...it's a bit scary.

Qin Jiaxian comforted him.

While the risks are high, the rewards are also high.

The body of a tyrant can kill fearless people, which shows how powerful this material is.

As soon as I said I wouldn't use it, it got stronger again.

This is why Ye Jue can't laugh or cry.

This power has been strengthened again, and the temptation is too great. Who wouldn't want to use it if I put it on it?

Anyway, be careful. I'll check the relevant information for you when I get back and see if I can't find any useful information.

Qin Jiaxian said.


Ye Jue nodded, not expecting anything she could find out.

Because this substance is indeed extraordinary, and you may have to travel across the stars to find any clues.

The key is that the system cannot authenticate either.

Not even the upgraded system can do anything about it.

It has always been a [mysterious substance] that cannot be identified.

If we could get the information, we might be able to extract its power and avoid bad and horrific consequences.

But the inability to obtain information means that the system is not strong enough.

Furthermore, the buff system on him is also a puzzle, and it can actually evolve.

If another opportunity can be triggered to evolve again, maybe the truth about the mysterious golden liquid can be identified.

The last time the system was upgraded, he accidentally came to this place.

Ye Jue guessed...

If we go to other unknown star fields, will the system be upgraded again? !

This remains to be verified.

Since you have gained benefits, then give me the contents of this rusty palace.

Qin Jiaoxian looked at the bricks and tiles in front of him and felt that they were very ancient.

Those pale golden halos reflecting on the tiles have a very divine aura.

This is…

She walked over and was very moved as soon as she got close. She felt that there was something strange in the room that made her heart beat faster.

Maybe it's the Vajra Secret Scroll, and we can understand it together.

Qin Jiaxian was very excited.

After all, it is a legacy of mythology, so it is really possible that the Vajra Secret Scroll exists.

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