
Ye Jue agreed directly and put the demon core into the beast suit.

However, it was extracted immediately the next second.

The overlord-level demon core gain was extracted successfully, and you obtained a 1x gain.

[Overlord Level Demonic Core Buff: 1x] [The gain can be superimposed] [Up to 50 layers]

It's so cool...extract 49 more, that's 270 times. It's much closer to being fearless.

Ye Jue felt happy.

Not to mention that there is a big demon here, which will definitely attack the fearless body in this place.

Okay, there are no monsters here anymore. Let's search for the divine seal and collect the monster cores at the same time.

Qin Jiaoxian looked at the big spider on the ground.

This big spider is poisonous and not suitable for eating, so just throw it away.

You still say that I am such a waste and you are not picky about food?

Ye Jue can now extract the benefits of the demon core, and he can't look down on the corpses of the two demon beasts.

However, if the system cannot extract them, he will definitely not let them go.

So, I made a joke.

Hmph, I can tell you that there are many mysterious places in this place, and there are many things that can strengthen your physique.

Qin Jiaoxian walked, leaped to a strange tree, and collected a fruit.

This fruit has purple skin and black heart, and looks poisonous.

However, she didn't care and took a bite, juice overflowing.

Take this fruit as an example, its purity is no less than cooking a monster beast.

She finished it in a few bites, leaving no bite for Ye Jue.

Ye Jue didn't intend to eat her saliva. His eyes were very poisonous, so he found one of these fruits.

Gaba! !

He took a bite, and it was indeed delicious, almost like an apple.

Hey, why are you okay?

Qin Jiaoxian was originally snickering, but when he saw Ye Jue continuing to eat like no one else, he was a little dumbfounded.

This fruit is actually poisonous, but the toxicity is not strong. She has taken it since she was a child and has antibodies in her body, so she is fine.

However, this young man must be eating it for the first time, right?

How come nothing happened?

What, is this fruit poisonous?

Ye Jue said with a half-smile.

Humph, of course not.

Qin Jiaxian jumped up to a high place and looked around. He seemed to have discovered something, and his face was very excited.

We have encountered an opportunity. It is a piece of medicinal soil. Rare and top-quality medicinal materials grow in it, which can greatly increase the strength of our bodies.

She jumped down quickly, her silver clothes fluttering upwards, and she didn't mind even if she was naked.

Surely it's not that easy to get, right?

Ye Jue poured cold water on her.

You are right. If you want to collect medicine, you need special skills, and we must cooperate, because there is a fearless Titan snake there.

Qin Jiaxian said.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain?

Ye Jue jumped to a high place and saw that there was indeed a land of light in the distance, colorful and very eye-catching.

He understood and looked at Qin Jiaxian.

Let's do this, I'll attract the Titan Snake, and you go collect the medicine!

Although Qin Jiaoxian's face was like Bingshuang's, a cold goddess, she was easy to talk to, so she patted her chest and took the initiative.

No, you have experience in collecting herbs, but I don't, so I'll attract the Titan Snake.

Ye Jue said.

You believe me so much?

Qin Jiaxian asked.

Fairy, we are acquaintances. We have a common goal and are destined to take adventures together in the future. Maybe we fly together and break up for a piece of medicinal soil?

Ye Jue was very cheeky and pressed her shoulder with serious words.

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