You are really good at extracting oil.

Qin Jiaoxian slapped his hand away, and a pill fell into Ye Jue's hand.

This is called Illusion Essence. It is a special medicine that can temporarily improve physical fitness. It is a banned medicine. It will have strong side effects afterwards. Taking more than 8 pills may lead to death.

Her expression suddenly became serious, as if the side effects were terrible.

Ye Jue took it without moving.

Wow~ System identification completed:

[Phantom Essence] - After taking it, the physical fitness will be increased by 5 times for ten minutes. At the end of the time, it will damage the cell terminals. The more you take, the more dangerous it will be.

The system... can it be extracted?

Ye Jue's eyes were bright. It would be great if he could extract 5 times the physical strength.

Host, you can extract this special medicine.

Extract one grain of [Illusion Essence], and the buff will be 1 layer, and this will be superimposed.

Each time you stack 1 layer, you can directly gain 5 times the body's gain.

[Illusion Essence] buff can be stacked up to 8 layers.

5 times physical strength multiplied by 8 layers equals 40 times! ?


Ye Jue was extremely surprised.

Wow~extraction successful!

[Illusion essence buff: 5 times] [Gains can be stacked] [Up to 8 layers] [5x physical gain per layer]

Current host physique: 226 times.

The distance to fearless body: still 74 times away!

You don't want to use it? Are you afraid of the side effects?

Qin Jiaoxian glanced at Ye Jue who was distracted.

No, I think this medicine is too good for my taste. Do you have any more?

Unexpectedly, Ye Jue's eyes gleamed.

Yes, I have a dozen more pills here.

Qin Jiaxian nodded.

Okay, give me 7 more pills, I'll spare them.

Ye Jue said.

Yes, you can, but you can't take it anymore in the future. More than 8 pills will be life-threatening.

Qin Jiaoxian shrugged his shoulders and gave Ye Jue 7 red pills again.

Okay, then I'm going to attract the Titanoboa. You find the right time to collect the medicine.

Ye Jue reminded Qin Jiaxian and leaped away.

At this time, he had extracted all the effects of the 7 pills and converted them into buffs.

Now his physique has soared to 261 times, and his whole body is full of strength.


Full of confidence, he came to the medicinal land full of colorful flames.

Before I got completely close, I smelled an ethereal fragrance.

It seems that as Qin Jiaxian said, there are top-quality medicinal materials in it, which are very suitable for people who practice the old way.

Si Si!!

At the same time, the Titanoboa guarding the medicine soil moved, as if it sensed the intruder.


Ye Jue leapt away, very quickly, heading straight for the medicinal soil, as if he was going in to collect the medicine.

Si Si!!

This Titanoboa reacted very quickly and immediately chased after it.


Ye Jue had already grabbed an herb with purple flames, pulled it out fiercely, and grabbed the medicinal soil together.

This scene directly angered the Titanoboa, and it opened its bloody mouth and chased and bit him.


Ye Jue dodged in time and seemed to have been prepared. He grabbed the herb and leaped towards the towering dense forest in the distance.

Ho ho ho ho...

The Titanoboa chased after it like this and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

That snake's physique is fearless. If you are caught up, the end will be tragic.

Qin Jiaxian murmured to himself.

She revealed her body not far from the side, jumped gracefully into the medicinal soil, put on a pair of silver gloves and prepared to collect herbs.

Wow, there are so many top-quality medicinal materials, I really made a profit now!

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