Fairies don't poop, don't you know?

When Qin Jiaxian heard this, his face darkened.

She wanted to give the young man a few punches.

However, I'm afraid it won't cause much harm, and maybe it's like being coquettish, so I'll just give up.

Are there many more monsters like this?

Ye Jue turned around and asked.

He thought it was so wonderful, this place was simply a treasure land for cultivation.

Digesting a Tyrant monster is no less than Kao's juice extraction.

If you eat like this for a few years, you might be able to develop a fearless body.

Of course there are many, too many. How else do you think the human branch was destroyed?

Qin Jiaoxian took out another weapon.

It's a disk with electric lights flashing on it.

But we have to be careful. If we don't do it well, we might attract the big demon. The big demons are all fearless.

She controlled the disk, tilting it forward.

Boom boom boom! !

In an instant, the place turned into a thundering ocean, and all the towering trees collapsed.

All kinds of monsters are fleeing in fear, including many overlord monsters.

Is this demolition?

Ye Jue was stunned.

When he came back to his senses, he discovered that Qin Jiaxian was dismantling the monster's nest.


She was bathed in electric light, and the bulldozer, like a landslide and tsunami, was the disk, constantly pressing forward, forcing away all kinds of monsters.

In less than a minute, a large area was cleared.

What are you waiting for? The monsters are coming!

Qin Jiaoxian's silver high-heeled shoes touched the ground, he took out a cyan long sword, his fingers burst out with an increasingly dazzling light, and he killed a giant ape.

This green long sword spit out high-tech electromagnetic light. When the sword thrust out, the gaps in the sky intertwined into spider webs, instantly trapping the giant ape.

You have high-tech weapons, but I don't.

Ye Jue had no choice but to raise his fists and hit another big spider that was rushing towards him.

This big spider was obviously very angry, and it was covered in purple mist, which seemed to be very poisonous.


The two clashed faster than lightning.


The next moment, the big spider was pushed to the ground and defeated miserably.

Crush the tyrant, your purity is indeed much stronger than the ordinary tyrant.

Qin Jiaxian has also solved the giant ape.

The sharp high-tech sword sliced ​​open the giant ape's body, seemingly looking for something.

Yes, the tiger monster just now was too weak and did not have a demon core, but this giant ape does, although it is very small.

Qin Jiaoxian's face was excited. This giant ape looked too dirty and she didn't plan to eat it.

Demon core?

Ye Jue followed suit and reached out to touch the big spider's belly for a long time.

After a while, he actually took out a round citrine.

The system has been identified: [Overlord level demon core]

Since the system has been upgraded, it can be directly extracted as buff.

Extract one [Overlord Level Demonic Core], the buff will be 1 layer, and stack it up.

Each time you add one layer, you can directly gain 1x the body's gain.

[Overlord Demonic Core] buff can be stacked up to 50 layers.


Ye Jue was immediately stunned.

Isn’t the system upgrade this time so awesome? It can actually extract the gain directly?

This is so convenient.

Anyway, keep it for now. I'll process it at home. The demon core must be combined with the evolution liquid before it can be taken. Taking it directly is very toxic and will cause great harm to the body. After all, it is the crystallization of a monster.

Here, Qin Jiaxian thought Ye Jue was shocked by the existence of the demon core, so he hummed a little tune and said.

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