You dare to stop me, you dare?

The black-feather boy's eyes shone brightly. Although he was seriously injured, his body drew an arc and hit the old road in the void.

Why don't you dare?

Ye Jue grinned.

Now that he is completely integrated with the mysterious golden liquid, he will never go crazy again.

When he moved, lightning as thick as a water tank was released around him.

This alien bomb allowed him to absorb terrifying energy.


He suddenly jumped up and swooped over quickly.

The Huang Quan Dao fell together with the space bracelet.

Now he can only use his fists, but his explosive power is so powerful that it's almost scary.


The black-feathered boy was so shocked that he was knocked over by a punch.

Shame, this is an absolute disgrace!

He opened his lantern-like bloody eyes, but a fist hit its eye socket, almost injuring the eyeball.


He was knocked away again.

A mere tyrant can actually do this... What do you have in your body?

The broken feathers on the back of the black-feathered boy stood upside down, extremely angry.

He saw that the old Void Road was about to close and rushed over again.

Boom boom boom!

Ye Jue had a fierce collision with the black feather boy.

At this time, the aftermath of the bomb is still continuing...

The sight of the two confronting each other shocked the leaders so much that their jaws dropped.

Strong, too strong. Is this a strong man following the old path?

Don't you recognize it yet? That's Ye Zhanshen!

As expected of Ye War God, he actually beat up the ancient demon god...

These people all had heart palpitations and were sweating coldly.

This was the first time they understood the concept of old roads.

Strong men from ancient times to the present have followed the same old path, strengthening themselves, deepening their physique, and slowly upgrading from unparalleled to vajra.

After King Kong, there are still mysterious levels, but they go back so far that they have completely disappeared from this planet.

Like dinosaurs, maybe fossils can be found.

But, I just got information...

Ye War God is preventing the ancient demon god from going to the old path of the void.

If the black feather boy comes into contact with his true body, I don't know what amazing things will happen!

We must stop him!

Now everyone is freaking out. After all, even alien bombs can't kill them. It's amazing.

Hey, there's another fluctuation!

The third wave? Find out who it is!

Oh my God, it's Adam!

Adam? He's not dead either? Is this alien bomb fake?

Some people were dumbfounded for a moment.

However, we don't have time to pay attention to the battle situation over there!

Yes, all the demons in the Second Purgatory went crazy and gathered into a wave of demons to attack!

There are also those who were brainwashed and the awakened people who joined the Advent Society are also coming!

The situation is very tense now.

Unlike the ghost demons, when the demon dies, they run away like crazy.

The wave of demons in this second purgatory is abnormal, gathering crazily to start a decisive battle.

It stands to reason that this shouldn't be the case. After all, their queen is dead.

The higher-ups at the base were very puzzled.

In fact, they don’t even know…

In the second purgatory, a black evil lotus plant emitted a little black light and was filled with black mist.

On this black evil lotus, a face appeared again.

The originally extremely dead Second Purgatory became alive again!


My... knight... chop... their... heads...

I... need... my... soul... to... recover...!!

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