

This man can't even be killed by a bomb!

That's the famous Queen Bomb!

A super alien bomb that everyone in the world knows about!


But the man was not killed!

Even Adam and the ancient demon might be dead at this time!

Only he is not dead!

What does it mean to be a god?

This is the Conferred God!

One blast to become a god!

Ye Jue was still absorbing electrical energy in the big explosion!

The electricity here is very strong!

It would be a waste not to use the buff to absorb it.


Everything and everything he had before had changed!

What you get in exchange is a brand new body!

This body is completely integrated with the mysterious golden liquid.

Every drop of his blood is flowing with powerful golden energy!

This is simply a miracle!

220 times physical strength?

Ye Jue was extremely pleasantly surprised, and he would soon be close to the fearless level.

The increase that the mysterious golden liquid brought to him was too strong!

Hey, this is... I actually created a spirit body without knowing it?

Ye Jue was shocked for a moment.

After the brutal explosion, the mysterious golden liquid completely merged, the soul became stronger, and it actually became a spirit body!

This is my spirit body?

He stared at his hands.

Within the body, there are wisps of mist flowing, and there are dim golden light spots, which condense into a human shape.

However, the spirit body cannot leave the body and needs to be carefully cared for and cultivated slowly.

I wonder what happened to Adam and the black-feathered boy.

Ye Jue was now on the verge of explosion, and the shock wave just now knocked him far away.

The surrounding roads are now blurred and very dark, and cracks appear throughout the space.

My space bracelet...and withered fingers.

Now that he had reaped the benefits again, Ye Jue had to quickly find what he had just lost.

There is a small stone tablet with the hell inscription in the space bracelet.

Withered Finger is still a top-level crown-level treasure. In addition to the black ice of hell, it also has other unlocked abilities and cannot be discarded easily.

But where?

Ye Jue couldn't even open his eyes.

The picture that appeared in my mind was also a sky full of yellow sand, and the pits on the ground were disintegrating and sinking.

The surrounding storm was too fierce, the aftermath of the impact was still continuing, and the world was turned upside down.

The explosive force of this alien bomb was so strong that the void was collapsing, exploding a dark path into the void.

This road is the opportunity I have been waiting for!

Ye Jue felt very strongly that the void road accidentally opened by the alien bomb might be the way to the black realm.

A place that countless strong men once wanted to reach...

Everyone, including Xu Mohe, wanted to enter this old road and find clues to the physical King Kong.

But I can't throw away my bracelet and my dead fingers.

Ye Jue hesitated.

Those two treasures were very important to him.


Then, he saw that the void road began to become unstable, and void blocks kept falling down. It was quite terrifying inside.

If you hesitate any longer, this old road will be closed.

Unexpectedly...this alien bomb actually blew up the node of an old road.

Suddenly, a weak voice sounded.

A young man covered in black blood walked hard, spilling a large amount of spiritual blood along the way.

It turned out to be a young man with black feathers. There was not much left of his body, and he was walking towards the void road.

You want to follow the old path and merge with your true body?

Ye Jue spoke first, his eyes twinkling.

The fact that this ancient demon is going home and he doesn't know what will happen is really scary.

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