Report...a demon tide, a demon tide has broken out!

The scale of this demon wave is too huge...

Too many, too many of them!

The wave of demons formed by demon soldiers, hell knights, and lord-level demons were roaring to the sky, and the endless mountains roared and shook.

This scene is so terrifying that it makes the leaders of various countries feel chills in their backs and their scalps numb.

Soon, there will be a decisive battle!

The ultimate decisive battle between all humans and the Second Purgatory!

Kill... all humans!

The hell lords are blazing with black flames, riding hell skeleton horses, and their fiery red swords are pointed at every human base.


All the demons roar!

Everywhere he passed was devastated!

The decisive battle between humans and demons is about to begin?

Ye Jue frowned.

Xinjue saw a blurry picture, each base city was burning with blazing fire.

Humans and demons fight together.

Then, something burst out with a bright light, and the mountains and rocks collapsed.

Oops, I have to go back.

Ye Jue was shocked!

That bright flame turned out to be a powerful demon, sweeping across Longxiao Mountain.

Although there is a gap between him and the base, the guild is still there and cannot move in a short time.

It is very likely that he will be destroyed in the hands of this demon.

The demon is not completely dead, and his spirit body will be resurrected in hell.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound above his head.

It turned out to be a young man with yellow hair.

However, the skin all over the body was burned red, and there was no trace of fabric left.


He's not dead either!

You can't stop me!

The black-feathered boy was extremely angry and rushed towards the ancient road in the void again.

However, he will face the obstacles of the two, unable to cross them, and can only collide.

You've become stronger.

Adam Ruo stared at Ye Jue with interest.

He didn't seem to expect that Ye Jue could knock this demon away now.

You know, although this demon is a ray of spirit, his level is real.

Ye Jue can use his body to shake him hard, which shows how terrifying his power is.

It's okay, your abilities are terrifying.

Ye Jue said honestly.

Adam's ability is so mysterious that he seems to be able to copy everything he sees if he wants to.

And the power is not reduced, it seems to be more powerful than the user. It is really too buggy!

In that case, you all come in!

When the young man with black feathers saw that the ancient road in the void was about to collapse, his eyes suddenly changed.

He seemed to have touched some rules, and a buzzing sound came from the ancient road in the void.

Run away!

Ye Jue's hair suddenly stood on end and his scalp became numb!

I had a bad feeling and quickly responded, but it was still too late.

A giant shadow protruded from the ancient road in the void, grabbing at them with overwhelming momentum.

This power is too overbearing and cannot be resisted.

In one fell swoop, Adam and he were caught.

If you let me take action, you will have to pay a considerable price...

There seemed to be a low voice…

As soon as Ye Jue heard something, he was pulled by the giant shadow and flew rapidly towards the ancient road in the void.

Bang bang!! Bang bang bang!!

Adam attacked a few times, but to no avail, and gave up immediately.

This is not an existence that he can fight against, and there is nothing he can do in the end.

Go find my true body and get the price!

The black-feathered young man snorted coldly and quickly flew towards the ancient road in the void.

Swish, swish, swish! !

Just a few seconds after they entered, the void rift suddenly collapsed and disappeared without a trace.

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