Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 340 The black shadow that can easily destroy planets

Logically speaking, Adam's physical quality is absolutely incomparable to his spiritual body.

However, Adam's eyes emitted a brilliant beam of light that could simulate everything about him.

Including movement reactions, energy, moves... it's so accurate to the tiniest detail!

What exactly are your eyes?

The black feather boy's mood was a little shaken.

After all, he is an ancient level old demon, and there are very few things that can make his mood fluctuate.

Three words, guess it.

Adam's eyes swept over him like a divine rainbow, which was too shocking.

His body was so flexible that he dodged all attacks.

Then, he copied all the attacks unleashed by the black feather boy.

Moreover, the power has not diminished at all and has been completely restored.

Bang bang bang! !

Far away from each other, the black-feather boy was injured again, looking embarrassed.

So strong!

Adam is too strong!

It's incredible!

For a moment, everyone paying attention here was stunned.

This Adam's strength is so mysterious and terrifying!

Even the power of the ancient demon god can be completely imitated.

So far, only the Demon God is suffering, and Adam has not been harmed at all.

This is really incredible, after all, Adam's whereabouts are too mysterious, and many people have never seen him.

Can you copy this trick?

The young boy with black feathers spread out his arms, and the black feathers spread out and turned into sharp swords from the sky.

Swish, swish, swish! !

These black feather blades turned into a black lightning, which was very fast and shot around Adam.


Adam seemed to have forced dodge, his body was twisted in an extremely weird way, and he evaded all attacks in an instant!

Then, those black feather blades also appeared behind him, spreading towards the sky!

Can Adam copy this too?

Look at those sharp blades, the flames are even more blazing!

so smart!

Everyone was shocked!

Choo Choo Choo!

Treat others in their own way!

The black-feather boy didn't have Adam's forced dodge. Even though he dodged a few times, he was still shot.

Many holes appeared on the spirit body, and the black breath collapsed.


The black feather boy's face was completely gloomy.

Many people feel extremely depressed.

The devil's anger is finally about to burst out!

Come out, my true body!

He growled lowly...

The sky and the earth suddenly became a forest.

This is……

After settling Chen Ya, Ye Jue raised his head and his eyes narrowed sharply.

It was a huge thing that covered the sky and the sun, a terrifying black shadow, crossing the vast black field, emitting tens of thousands of flames, its body was covered with chains, each one engraved with the true meaning of complex runes.

It came to this planet and literally crashed through this wasteland.

what is that?

Oh my god!

Did I see a ghost?

The people on the ground, as well as the people and demons in the arena, all looked up to the sky, extremely shocked.

This is the true form of Leviathan. It passes through the wall of the black domain of the universe and arrives across the sky. It is really shocking!

I'm afraid that with a slight impact, the entire planet will be turned into powder.

Is humanity going to perish?

Is this the power of the ancient demon god?

Under this dark shadow, all plans are in vain...

Facing the behemoth, in addition to shock... but more despair!

Humans, don't worry. It can't actually pass through the wall of the Black Realm. The black shadow you see is the demon god from long ago. It can't reach the present world.

At this time, the man in black robe suddenly opened his eyes and told the truth.

Not in the same world?

Everyone's eyes widened.

That black shadow can easily destroy the planet with one strike...

But he didn't move for a long time, because he seemed to have hit some dimensional barrier and refused to leave at that node.

I see, we are not in the same world as that behemoth.

Many people were sweating coldly and were extremely happy.

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