It's my turn!

boom! !

Ye Jue moved!

The power is fully displayed!

Why is it said to be the ultimate?

The power of Hunyuan + internal power + electric energy reserve + the Red Dragon Emperor's praise... they were all used.

Spiritual rage!

Ye Jue drinks low.

The movements suddenly slowed down several times and became extremely precise, making it impossible to dodge!

The Huangquan knife turned into a thick bolt of lightning and hit Chen Ya directly.


Chen Ya let out a scream, which seemed to penetrate the clouds and mist!

Ho ho ho ho ho!!

A sea of ​​demons roared like a tidal wave, layer upon layer like waves.

They all realized that the demon's body was injured!

So they all rushed over desperately, without any hesitation and ignoring death.


Ye Jue also took action at the same time.

Flames exploded all over his body, and the sword flashed, making perfect cuts in the air!

Like a butterfly dancing in the blood flowers, every time his sword flashed, large areas of blood flowers sprayed out.

The knives are deadly, and the speed is getting faster and faster, beyond the limit.

Now, his blood vessels are bursting, and his body can really withstand such a frequency of attacks!

However, he still rushed into Chen Ya's side.


Chen Ya looked up to the sky and roared.

boom! !

Suddenly, with her as the center, circles of energy vibrated out.

Boom boom boom!

These energies have extremely strong attack power!


Ye Jue pushed hard with his body, and the handle of the knife hit Chen Ya's head again.


Chen Ya was hit directly and felt extremely dizzy.

She still wants to resist...

However, the handle of the knife struck again, and there was a sound of bone hitting.

She felt numb and lost consciousness!

I finally knocked you out.

Ye Jue vomited blood and after a fierce fight, he won in the end.

You know, this Chen Ya was able to shake the Super Battleship before.

It's enough to show how terrifying her fighting power is.

Now I have defeated her.

That means he has become a lot stronger.

it is finally over.

Ye Jue breathed a sigh of relief.

He took out the mechanical cabin of the cyborg to remove the demonic flesh sprouts, grabbed Chen Ya's calf and threw it in.

Then, he pulled it with both hands and buried it in the ice and snow.

After all, living bodies cannot be stored in space bracelets.

Are you really a wisp of spirit?

Adam said calmly.

He grabbed the black-feathered boy's wings...

With a sudden tear, there was a pop and feathers flying all over the sky.

Lightning flashed across Antarctica as bright as day!

All the bosses in the base saw this scene. It was an ancient demon god, and he was brutally tortured.

Then Adam is simply a humanoid murder weapon. His combat power is terrifying. It's perfect. This is the experimental subject we want!

There is a boss with bright eyes.

However, this is unrealistic.

Humans who can beat up even ancient demon gods can easily destroy a base city. It is too simple.


The black-feathered boy had been violently beaten by Adam dozens of times, leaving cracks all over his body.

This spirit body of his was actually very powerful, and was actually suppressed by a young man and suffered heavy losses.

This is my first time meeting an enemy like you. Why can you copy all my moves?

The black-feather boy frowned and moved like a ghost, too fast.


However, the humans on the opposite side actually moved with him!

The speed is no less than his, which obviously shouldn't be the case, but it's just so weird.

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