The Black World?

Ye Jue was a little hairy and a little surprised.

He had heard of it in his last life, it was an old road!

The upgrade inside is very fast, and there are many ancient treasures that surpass the fallen treasures!

Many strong men have tried to enter, but have failed.

Because it is not a world familiar to humans, and it is very, very dangerous!

But Ye Jue is not afraid of danger, he is eager to go in and look for opportunities.

I heard that in the dark realm, there are clues that the body can become King Kong.

He has to follow the old path, strengthen his body, and sooner or later he will enter the dark realm.

I have a feeling.

Ye Jue squinted his eyes.

His mind told him that this opportunity would appear soon.

But it comes with considerable risks!

Although he is immortal, he may fall into that mysterious dark realm and never escape.

It is also possible that consciousness may be sealed.

At this time, the black feather boy spoke: My real body is here, can you still copy it?

You can try it.

Adam tilted his head and smiled.

He looked at the behemoth in that node without any fear at all.

Instead, he was full of interest, and he didn't mind having a battle with the black feather boy's true form!

It's a pity that the body of the black feather boy is in the black domain.

According to the words of the man in black robe, the Black Realm is the world of the past and cannot reach the present world.

But even so, the scene of this behemoth crashing into the world is enough to shock people's hearts.

As you can imagine, the Black Feather boy's true form is so terrifying and astonishing!

If this body really appeared in this world, the demon would definitely be able to quickly become stronger and restore its ancient glory.

This planet is actually very unlucky.

Ye despaired at the battle between Adam and the black-feather boy, and not only shook his head.

A hell node is buried deep underground, and demons are constantly crawling out, getting stronger and stronger.

Humans are just food and not the real enemy of the demons.

The enemy is mysterious and has not yet been born.

In short, troubled times are coming, and various races will descend on the wasteland.

Among them, there are those who take the super technological path, and some who take the old path of exercising their bodies.

Anyway, they all want to break through the shackles, reach a higher level, and become a god!

Human beings have evolved from devil's rations, and it is very difficult to take root in this wasteland.

How difficult is it? In the last life, all human beings were wiped out, which is enough to explain everything.

Theoretically speaking, as hell gets deeper and darker, humanity is bound to fail.

At that time, it will be a battle between the devil and the enemy. Among the hundreds of tribes, there will be no humans in the wasteland, only those branches.

But those branches are no longer pure human beings, mutated and mutated, blackened and blackened.

There are even some human branches that choose to integrate into the Zerg genes and transform into Zerg...

You can only copy, so you can't stop me. I'm going to kill all humans and destroy those bases. Can you stop me?

The dark shadow of the huge thing above the black-feathered boy spoke in a sinister voice.

This sentence stirred up thousands of waves on the spot.

This demon is too powerful, our base city can't stop him!

Only the top few on the hero list can compete!

Something is wrong!

The leaders of various bases felt chills all over.

This black-feathered boy is so stinky that he actually wants to bypass Adam and attack major base cities directly.

The powerful demon god in ancient times was so shameless?


Ye Jue also frowned.

The level of this black-feathered boy was too high, a full 100. He tried his best and had all the gold liquid at his disposal to be able to fight with him.

However, as long as the black feather boy wants to leave, neither Adam nor him can stop him!

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