The human hero, on behalf of Fentian, officially challenges the second Demon God. The Demon God Arena will open in 7 days!

The deep voice of the man in black shocked all humans!

Feng Tian!!

We believe you!!

Destroy the devil!!

There were a lot of cries going around the world.

The scene of God of War Ye wielding his sword to slay the Demon God is still firmly in everyone's mind.

Now that Fentian takes the initiative to issue a challenge, who is not excited?

This momentum is too strong!

The mysterious man in black robe had just announced the end, and Fen Tian issued a challenge without saying a word.

How confident do you have to be to do this?

Feng Tian?

Ye Jue was a little stunned.

What kind of medicine did that guy take? How dare you?

The Black Wind Queen's strength is even more terrifying than Xu Moyi's.

Now that they are just in their early 20s, how can they dare to challenge them directly?

Isn't that country boy looking for death?

Laifu is also complaining.

Fentian has also seen it, and his strength is average, so he should cultivate Luobao to be stronger.

The Chen Ya in front of him gave it a shocking blow.

In an instant, it understood how big the gap in strength was between demon gods and humans!

Zhanhang is gone.

Ye looked despairingly into the distance.

Xu Mohe went to find the answer and left with Zhan Hang.

Chen Ya's spirit body also disappeared.

Now, they are the only ones left.

Didi didi... Anomalies were detected in the Antarctic and North Pole!!

Immediately, an alarm came from Long Shaoqin's communicator.

what's the situation?

They frowned.

The Antarctic and the North Pole were shaking at the same time.

Something is wrong.

Ye Jue's heart skipped a beat, and his face immediately became serious.

Xinjue saw a blurry scene, with countless black shadows pouring out from the snow-white ground...

Could it be...

What's wrong? Could it be that the demons from the Second Purgatory are attacking from the South Pole and the North Pole?

Laifu said jokingly.

It saw everyone's faces darken, and its heart skipped a beat.

No way?

Are you crazy?

Musashi was dumbfounded.

I'm not crazy. The top level Luobao I'm practicing now is simply invincible. I'm reborn in Nirvana and getting stronger and stronger. It's just a demon. I'm confident to defeat him!

Fentian's body was burning, but it was not destroyed. Instead, it was bathed in fire, which looked very mysterious.

That is the Demon God of the Second Purgatory. His strength is incredible. He is countless times stronger than the Nether Demon God of the First Purgatory.

Musashi's heart was pounding.

He had seen the Black Wind Queen and found her to be creepy and frightening.

Fentian dares to challenge her?

It's like a bear's heart and a leopard's courage.

Don't worry about it, I will definitely win.

Fen Tian merged into the rolling flames and began to practice a certain form.

Uh...could this be...

Musashi was taken aback.

Originally, he thought Fentian had no chance of winning.

But, now I feel like I have it!

Adam, please, this research needs you, and maybe the whole world will be liberated.

Yes, Adam, you are the strongest human being. As long as you help us complete this research, you can say anything.

Adam, please!

In the dark room, a group of big guys lowered their heads.

Okay, then do you want to listen to my conditions?

Adam said with a smile.

What conditions?

The big guys’ hearts jumped.

kill me.

Adam shrugged.

Adam, you said that again!

How could you die? You are the savior of mankind!

This condition does not hold true!

The bosses said with emotion.

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