Not early on, but from the very beginning, the core of the base was given as a gift from them.

Wei Ting said with his hands behind his back.


The big wolf dog seems to understand but not understand.

From this point of view, the super battleship used technology to preserve the bodies of people like Xu Mofu and the strong man.

Now I wake up one after another, all planned.

Yes, this is one of the major plans, the Heroic Spirit Project.

Long Shaoqin looked calm.

The so-called heroic spirit plan is to create these life-sucking alien bodies to control the situation?

Ye Jue also asked calmly.

This is the responsibility of the Isolation. We don't have this technology.

Wei Ting shrugged his shoulders.

They already knew about these alien bodies.

Including Xu Mofu breaking into the base city, which shocked them beyond measure.

At that time, they already knew that the plan on the Isolation was successful.

The ancient heroic spirits are resurrected, and each one is extremely powerful!

Xu Mofu is the best living example.

However, there is a problem. Xu Mohe seems to have the ability to act independently.

They speculated that it might have something to do with the Bagua jade she was born with.

However, other heroic spirits are different. They can be controlled by the people on the Isolation and can fight for mankind.

Then you won't support me?

Ye Jue asked calmly.

Support? No, we are just a cooperative relationship.

Long Shaoqin shook his head.

At this time, Chen Ya had already fought against Super Battle Hang again.

However, Chen Ya's body is getting lighter and lighter.

Hmph, it's just a demon. Our plans have been successful one after another. The counterattack on hell is in the future!

The people on the battleship made a cold sound.


Chen Ya laughed crazily, the laughter was so shrieking that people couldn't help but cover their ears.

The Heroic Spirit Project, it's really interesting, and the time is about the same. You humans have had enough comfort, so let's start the war!!

The actual voice no longer came from Chen Ya's mouth, but came from the sky!

Everyone in the world heard it!

Let the war begin! !

The Second Demon God is about to start a war!

Is the second battle with the devil finally about to begin?

There is no fear like before, instead, everyone is eager to try!

You know, each of them is different from the past!

After the upgrade of Paradise Tower, everyone has become much stronger!

It is no longer the toy that those little devils rubbed at will!

If the war begins, then the war begins!!

South Africa was the first to speak out, and Fen Tian was from South Africa.

At this time, he was extremely arrogant and thought that the devil was just that.

Start the war!!

North America also roars!

Next came Europe and other countries, all roaring!

See, this is the power of all mankind!

The people on the battleship laughed, and the Heroic Spirit Project was launched around the world.

There are strong bodies buried by them in various places around the world.

Since ancient times, these people have been secretly planning and waiting for this moment.

As long as you fully awaken, you can not only annihilate the devil, but also...

The Queen's virus...has spread...all over the world...

The voices in the sky fell silent.


There was lightning and thunder, and a huge countdown appeared in the sky.

Humans VS the Second Demon God of Purgatory!

Countdown: 100 days!


The man in black robe appeared out of thin air and sat cross-legged at the top. Lang Lang said:

The Demon God Arena has been opened. Humans can challenge the Demon God. If the challenge is successful, the power of the second purgatory will be reduced by 300%!

This sentence shocked everyone!

What’s even more shocking is the next sentence! ! !

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