Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 300 What is hidden in the sky under the Antarctic

But, it's so boring!

Adam yawned.

If you can make me less boring, I will promise you.

He picked up an apple and gnawed it.


Look, why don't you go for a walk outside?

I heard that the Heroic Spirit Project has been launched. A strong person appears in this world. Maybe it can bring a little fun?

The big guys made suggestions one after another.

They acted sincerely and kept their attitude low.

Uh...it seems interesting, so let's do it.

Adam finally nodded.

Very good!

“This research is guaranteed to change the world!”

Yes, that's right!

The big guys were very excited.

Now that Adam nodded, it was finally time to turn it on.

They have been preparing for a long time!

The scouts are back, and a large army of demons appears in Antarctica!

The drone footage shows... the terrifying army is spreading in all directions!

Oh my god, what is that, a skeleton knight?

These are the cannon fodder-level demons of the Second Purgatory?

It didn’t take long…

Almost all base cities have received the information.

The devil actually has two pig farms in the North and South Poles? And there are mysterious equipment and buildings?

Su Yan felt a headache.

No wonder the weather has gotten so cold that the energy towers have to be turned on for long periods of time to maintain the heat.

If the mysterious devices of the demonic armies in the North and South Poles are not eliminated, humans will freeze to death.

I see.

Ye Jue pondered.

The news I learned from ancient books turned out to be that the queen almost transformed the earth into hell.

Maybe it has something to do with the equipment and buildings at the North and South Pole.

However, what it is exactly is not clear from the drone.

Must see for yourself.

Just in time, I want to upgrade to level 30, and I also want to level up the demon hunter to 10 stars.

Ye Jue pondered.

It seems that a trip to Antarctica is necessary.

After counting the time, the star core has almost arrived.

You're going to Antarctica, and I won't accompany you.

The big wolf dog knew what Ye Jue was thinking and quickly ran away.

Okay, bon voyage, here are various armors and spare parts, as well as food...

Su Yan knew she couldn't stop Ye Jue, so she brought up the prepared space bracelet.

It was very well prepared, everything was included, everything was thought of.


Ye Jue sighed, explained some things and left.

For example, when Xu Mohe came back, he asked her to find him on the way to Antarctica.

And it will bring a new core of the base, so that they can not be anxious and stabilize the situation.

Okay, it's all up to you.

Su Yan nodded.

Without Chen Ya, she is now the top leader of the guild and can decide everything.

There were no sad or touching speeches between the two...

The next day, Ye Jue hit the road and headed for Antarctica.

In fact, it originally takes about a month to get from China to Antarctica.

But with Ye Jue's speed, he could arrive at the beginning of the Demon God Arena.

He even thought of some countermeasures that might be useful.

The blizzard is getting fiercer and fiercer, and the biting cold wind brings large flakes of snow.

The mutated beasts that Xu Mohe called demons were all dormant underground, waiting for the warm days to return.

Now is not the world of mutant beasts...

One day, they will rise in the wasteland and become terrifying enemies.

Of course, this is another story.

After all, Ye Jue consulted the contents of ancient books and speculated on a lot of things.

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