Ye Jue's battle flight penetrated directly through the clouds, staring at the blizzard and returning to Longxiao Mountain.

After a short period of time, the base city here has undergone great changes.

Five ultra-high temperature energy towers burning with thick smoke have been erected.

There are buildings with twinkling stars everywhere.

Viewed from above, this scene is very shocking to future generations.

Humanity has finally begun to rise!

After the energy tower is built, the base city will be upgraded to level 3!

In the level 3 base city, the men in black robes will unlock many technologies and useful equipment for the base's computer system.

For example, the plasma cannon has been upgraded again with great power, and the magma bomb has been developed to be more versatile and practical.


The current level of human beings is increasing crazily.

The Gan Emperor can also catch up with the strong ones, generally reaching the tenth level, and even higher levels in the Paradise Tower.

Soon there will be a job-changing craze!


A light film blocked the fusion machine.

Didi didi~ The protective shield is under attack!

Find location coordinates!

Displaying image!

Instantly, a small battleship appeared on the computer screen.

Is this an aircraft developed by a foreign base city?

Some people were extremely shocked.

The aircraft hovering in mid-air has a smooth shape, full of technology, and is very exciting.

I don’t know what kind of technology can be used to create it.

Have foreigners already been promoted to level 3 base city?

Unlocked the flying battle?

That's really strong and smart!

Their current base has only reached level 2 before it hit the market, which is already very difficult.

The computer system unlocked new technology, and they all cheered for three days.

Who knew that with the appearance of this battleship, these people's faces would sink.

In a certain building, an old man looked calm and spoke coldly:

This aircraft did not forcefully break into the base. It just happened to encounter the protective shield. We can have a good conversation with it.


Let's talk.

The middle-aged man in military uniform gave the order with cold eyes.

Didi didi~ Who are you, and why do you want to invade the base city of Longxiao Mountain from above?

A middle-aged man's avatar appeared on the computer screen of Ye Jue's fusion machine.

Long Shaoqin, Long Si Ling, why don't you recognize me?

He also turned on the function of transferring avatars.

Uh... Ye Jue, it's actually you?

Long Shaoqin was obviously stunned and said, Where did you get this Zhanhang?

This? You got it from the ruins. Are you not going to let me in?

Ye Jue laughed.

It was an accident. There was a gap in the protective cover.

Long Shaoqin said.

Peak field.

Two energy towers stood tall on both sides of the guild, bringing a comfortable warmth.

Ye Jue drove the fusion machine and landed on the square.


What is this?


Members of the peak realm rushed over and surrounded the fusion machine.

After all, the origin is unknown and there is no identification.


After the hatch opened, Ye Jue walked down.


It's the president!

Ye...God of War?

These people recognized the person who came, after all, most of them had seen him before.

The new members were all extremely shocked, with sweat dripping from their cheeks, feeling like they were facing a wild beast.


Someone drove over quickly. It turned out to be Cheng Xuan, followed by four or five people.

This is……

Cheng Xuan was shocked when he saw the fusion machine.

War voyage?

Their president actually brought a war ship?

This is called a fusion machine. I'll tell you its functions later. Let me take a rest first.

Ye Jue said.

No problem, the room is being cleaned all the time.

Cheng Xuan replied quickly.

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