Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 287 What does the peaceful base want to hide?

It's really warm. The energy tower can really withstand the bad weather.

Ye Jue had a long sleep and now felt refreshed.

He has been traveling and exploring outside and has never even taken a shower.

This time I finally relaxed and stretched.


A sound like fried beans erupted from his body.

Looking in the mirror, his body lines are so perfect now.

As expected of the Overlord level, it was more powerful than before, like a ball of flames like the scorching sun.

This is……

Ye Jue took a closer look and his eyes gradually turned golden.

This was affected by the golden liquid and seemed to emit a golden glow.

No wonder those members of the peak realm would feel numb and afraid of being well-behaved when they saw him.

He was not in good condition before, and his energy and blood were not good.

Now that he has fully recovered, most members would be so frightened that their legs would become weak when they see his eyes.

After he woke up, he walked to Su Yan's office.

But there was no one inside, it was empty, only the robots were there.

Hello, President, what are your orders?

The robot served tea and waited respectfully.

Where are Su Yan and the others?

Ye Jue asked.

Answer: The president, vice-president and guild elders are still in the process of upgrading the Paradise Tower.

The robot answered immediately.

President, I'm late.

Cheng Xuan pushed open the door and walked in with a solemn expression.

You have something to tell me?

Ye Jue asked.

Through his mental image, he had already seen Cheng Xuan coming.

Yes, President, the situation has escalated again. The base city army is very unfriendly to our peak domain, and even secretly supports other guilds to compete with us.

Cheng Xuan pushed up his glasses and displayed what he said through 4D images.

I see.

Ye Jue's mouth twitched.

Didn't he talk to those leaders before entering the base city?

After seeing me, some of those people turned pale and sweat dripped from their cheeks. They were researchers from the institute.

The other part is quite arrogant and no longer afraid of him, such as leaders like Wei Ting.

It was not like this before. They were extremely respectful to themselves, shouting one by one Ye War God, the number one in China.

I think their research was successful!

Cheng Xuan said.

He discussed this matter with Su Yan and the elders many times.

Finally came to this conclusion.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the army to suddenly break the harmony and escalate the situation.

Doing this will undoubtedly give you confidence and a trump card.

This trump card is very powerful!

It can be said that now even Ye Jue, the number one in China, is no longer afraid.


Ye Jue tapped his fingers on the table.

He really didn't know what those people were doing.

It's just a level 2 base city, can it really develop any super technology?

Just the day before, we got a video.

Cheng Xuan solemnly pulled up the video. Although it was very blurry, after zooming in, he could see a figure.

This figure shuttled through the rainy day, carrying the head of the Winged Demon, the Lord of Hell, in his hand.


While running, the dragon roared in waves, as if a blue dragon was soaring.

Who is this?

Ye Jue frowned.

I don’t know why, but this person’s figure seems a bit familiar.

My mind was not touched, and no image appeared.

We suspect this is the base's trump card.

Cheng Xuan said.

You know, he is now level 13.

But facing this man, he was completely invincible, and he didn't even have the thought of resisting.

He had only experienced this state with Ye Jue.

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