
Ye Jue groaned miserably.

In just a moment, many cracks appeared all over his body! !

It's like the flat crust of the earth cracks and magma gushes out!

The ravines and ravines are filled with blazing white light.

The heart was ripped out!

Ye Jue's heart was torn open, making the front and back of his body translucent.

This force was too overbearing, impacting his body and destroying him.

The others would probably be dead by this time.

it hurts.

Ye Jue bared his teeth and his face was covered with cracks.

It was as if something was about to rush out of the body.

It's like a lobster peeling off its skin again, and new flesh and blood growing out from under the skin.

It turns out that attacking the Overlord is so difficult and deadly!

Ye Jue understood it heartily.

His current injury is too severe, more severe than the battle with the Demon God.

The light under his skin turned into a flame, burning his body.

There are even shiny white bones exposed in many places...

Without the immortality buff, he would have been dead long ago.


Ye Jue roared low and had no intention of stopping.

His most profound accomplishment is the body.

Various buffs are also extracted around the physical body.

If he stops here, wouldn't he be violating his own path?

Click, click! !

Ye Jue's body kept breaking and healing, and his bones kept breaking and joining together.

Repeatedly, we fell into a stalemate.

Even so, the mysterious gold liquid had no reaction.

It seems to be a matter of course, wandering among the limbs and bones.

The same was true for that withered finger, it was so quiet and terrifying.

They all seemed to be observing whether the master could survive this challenge.

It has disintegrated no less than a hundred times.

Ye Jue's mouth twitched and he used various means to resist.

After a long time, he fell there on his back.

Blood stained the entire spacecraft...

His body was in tatters and his bones were broken.

He remained motionless, extremely tired.

This picture is so beautiful...

The only good thing is that he survived!

All the terrible medicinal properties of Kao's juice were absorbed, and he withstood this torture.

However, he was too tired. Although he was not dead, he wanted to fall asleep.

Tyrant, I succeeded.

Ye Jue did not close his eyes, but his tired eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

The process was so exciting that I never want to experience it a second time.

The physical strength increased by 5000%, a full 50 times!

Adding the base... it exceeded 100 times and is now 130 times!

Overlord's indicators were exceeded by 30%.

Kao's sauce is just too overbearing.

Becoming a tyrant means that he is not far away from being fearless!

It was simply sneaking to the extreme!

He has seen with his own eyes the most powerful human beings.

The sky is filled with dense demons, as well as demon lords in the depths of hell.

With the power of that man's roar, the entire mountain range collapsed!

The devil dropped like a fly, it was so awesome!

Now, Ye Jue's loud roar can make the dark clouds roll!

The energy is gone, but I can't sleep. I need to take the fusion machine back first.

Ye Jue had just experienced a catastrophe and was now extremely weak.

He flew out of the cave in the fusion machine.

Did he really obtain the technology in the ruins?

**Yang was extremely shocked, and just watched in a daze as the technologically advanced little warship flew out of the laboratory.

In the cave, stars are dotted and gradually condense.

Slowly, it turned into a blue bird and landed on the ground.

Its eyes flashed, its wings moved, and it flew out of here.

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