The terrifying fluctuations like the ocean are surging, and an unparalleled powerful aura bursts out.

Impossible! You actually have it? This is the power of that withered finger, something that even I can't conquer!

How can humans... possibly master it...

This is impossible, absolutely impossible!

The Titan Lord's eyes almost popped out of his head.

This withered finger has been suppressed by the Nether Demon God in the coffin of the Bone Palace for who knows how many years.

It puts this withered finger together with its four bodies, which is enough to show how much it attaches importance to.

Laifu quietly entered the Bone Palace and stole it, but the Netherworld Demon God didn't even notice it.

It still thinks that the withered finger is suppressed in the coffin.

Still in its bone palace, in the netherworld purgatory.

Who knew that at this moment, it would actually land on this human's finger.


Are you surrendered to this human being and stay quietly on the human's finger?

what is happening?

The Titan Lord was simply incomprehensible and unable to understand.

Now its expressions are all twisted together!

Ye Jue opened his eyes in the light ball. It was the first time that he saw the Demon God so shocked.

It turns out that the devil is also taboo about this thing!

I can't even understand what this withered finger is.


He was now radiant and his body was on fire.

The power brought by this withered finger is too huge and mysterious!

A hundred times more terrifying than Hunyuan Jindou! !

It is completely incomparable to his Hunyuan energy and internal force.

Do we still need to sacrifice the inscriptions of hell to suppress withered fingers?


The situation this time is different from the last time.


Ye Jue was like a comet flying across the sky, suddenly rushing towards the Titan Demon Lord.

Point forward a little bit! ! The whole sky has changed! !

A ball of black light burst out from the fingertips, forming a circle and spreading out.

what is that?

Everyone in Longxiao Mountain was dumbfounded.

They had never seen such black light, it was too mysterious and terrifying.

As if being illuminated, I felt like I was falling into endless darkness.

Hell's Black Ice!

Ye Jue blurted out.

What, hell's black ice, impossible, that's...

Uh-huh! !

The Titan Demon Lord suddenly howled miserably!

Before he could finish his words, his body, which was taller than the city wall, was frozen in the black ice of hell.

It's so ridiculous that the majestic Demon God of Hell was actually frozen by the black ice of hell.

When the huge head is sealed, this demon will no longer be alive.


The man in black robe sitting on the void pondered for a moment.

He stared at the withered finger for a long time.

Humanity has won this battle for racial continuation.

Finally spoke.

The sound spread throughout the land and was heard by everyone's ears.


Cheers filled the sky and the earth!

Look, the Nether Demon's body has shrunk!

The power of Netherworld Purgatory has weakened!

Is this the death of the devil?

Really, the devil is really weakened!

Fight back, fight back!!

This day is the dawn of mankind!

Suppressed by demons for so long, the base city was constantly destroyed, and strong humans continued to rebuild.

Finally, humans are fighting back!


All mankind fought back! !

Before, the ghost demons were chasing and killing them, so humans had no choice but to run for their lives!

Now, they are chasing the ghost demon, and the demon is running for his life!

Experience, treasure falling... the new humanity strives for awakening!

Awakened people work hard to change their profession at level 20!

The great era begins!

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