The dark devil...

Although there are many, they are scattered in all directions, but there is nothing to fear anymore!

Humanity has been suppressed for too long!

There was no way, humans were too weak in the early stage, and the Nether Gate was opened in advance.

Therefore, the number of awakened people has not been increasing.

Now is the real rise!

A great battle came to an end, and all the night wind and clouds disappeared...

The Nether Demon God fell, and the human race was continued.

Ye Zhan, the God of War, looks down on the younger generation!

His achievements are enough to be etched into the history books!

This will be the beginning of a great era, something unprecedented in the era of the rise of mankind.

The Titan Lord is dead, the news is spreading!

There are shocks abroad and turmoil at home. It is destined to be an uproar!

It’s hard to calm down anytime soon…


Chen Ya is missing!

Su Yan said in disbelief.

Previously, Chen Yaming was placed in the management residence of Peak Realm, which was very safe.

Now he was pulled apart from the bedclothes and completely missing.

what happened?

Ye Jue always felt that something was wrong.

Video, here's the route.

The big wolfdog ran over with the monitor in its mouth.

On the screen, Chen Ya was wearing a loose black robe, her face was beautiful, and she looked a little sickly.

She walked over gracefully on high heels and disappeared from the screen.

This dress looks so familiar. Why do I feel like I've seen it before?

Some members of the peak realm were stunned for a moment.

It's her, that woman, that woman's clothes!

Suddenly, someone spoke passionately.

That's right.

It turned out to be the dress that the Black Wind Queen wore just now in the arena!

If you look closely, the details and everything are almost exactly the same.

This is really crazy. How could Chen Ya wear the clothes of the devil?

Su Yan couldn't figure it out, she felt cold in her heart and felt the air-conditioning whistling.

However, this is not a feeling, but the weather is really getting colder.

The temperature is probably below 0 degrees now, and the water is starting to freeze.

I can't figure it out either.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Ye Jue also frowned.

What exactly is going on?

Why is Chen Ya connected with the Black Wind Queen?

Also, where did she go?

I always have a feeling that a powerful enemy is about to appear.

Cheng Xuan pushed up his glasses and said.

Now that the demon god has been killed, the ghost demons have become weak and have no command, so they are fleeing in all directions.

It seems that humans are at an advantage, but I don’t know why…

There seems to be a mysterious force at work in this world.

Let me think.

Ye Jueyu said earnestly.

In his previous life, he was born in the wasteland.

At that time, the 1st to 4th floors of hell were already empty.

He was fortunate enough to have followed a strong person into the fifth level.

There are towers with blazing flames everywhere, and there are endless cemeteries inside.

The opened coffin spewed out fire, and it was filled with demons and treasures from all ages.


Each coffin contains treasures, but they are also guarded by the corpses of demon gods from past generations.

He had also heard that the fifth and sixth levels of hell were connected.

It's all a powerful demon guarding his soul.

The subsequent demise of mankind occurred during this period of time.


Regarding the records of the Black Wind Queen, he glanced at it casually in the ancient books.

I vaguely remember the words describing this Black Wind Queen.

The second hell, the Black Wind Queen!

A powerful demon who has kept humans all over the world in freezing cold conditions.

Her... almost twisted the ground!

The world has almost become a purgatory!

Ye Jue really couldn't remember the rest clearly.

Why Chen Ya dresses up as the Black Wind Queen is really a mystery!

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