This is a frozen scene! !

The picture is so beautiful!

A beautiful painting of tiny human beings going beyond the scope and challenging giant beasts!

At this moment, everyone was frozen!

The overwhelming demons pounced on Ye Jue, and the Titan Demon King roared and punched out.

Make them unable to look away at all.


There were no earth-shattering explosions.

Because everyone nearby was instantly deafened.

Did you win?

This is the thought that everyone has at the same time.

This knife's terrifying pressure makes people's souls tremble! !

This sword seems to be more terrifying and terrifying than the sword in the arena!


Suddenly, the air quickly gathered back.

The light expanded again and was extremely dazzling, making everyone unable to open their eyes.


What happened after that stabbing?

At this time, everyone was extremely shocked!


The violent energy hits the sky like a flood and surges like a vast ocean!


Ye Jue's first strike was not very fast!

Slowly slashing towards the demon god, the heavy sword cut through the obstacles of every ancient demon, destroying everything.

This is a confrontation with all the demons of the underworld and the hell army of the demon god.

to his ears.

There were even sounds of various experiences increasing.

This blow directly pushed him to level 20 with full experience!


When the sword light fell on the Titan Demon Lord, its power was shocking, destroying everything.

A huge arm fell to the ground, and blood was like a long river! !

Damn human being, where do you get your power from?

The Nether Demon God roared.

Its eyebrows suddenly split open, and it sprayed out terrifying demon rays!

This is not energy, but a highly concentrated corrosive liquid that can melt everything in the world.

Chirp! !

Ye Jue was penetrated directly, the speed was too fast and there was no way to avoid it.

At this time, the right side of his body was gone, and his whole body was still hit by the devil's rays, which was terrible.

Recovery can't keep up.

Ye Jue took a breath.

This high-concentration corrosive fluid continued to corrode his body, and now he couldn't even hold the knife in his left hand.

He could only clench with his phalanges.

So, a magical scene happened! !

That finger!

That's right, the withered finger that was integrated into the middle finger of Ye Jue's left hand started to buzz and tremble.

This is……

Ye Jue couldn't help being startled.

He had been frozen before and suffered that kind of horrific attack.

Is this going to make matters worse at this time?

Quack, quack, you're dead!

The Titan Demon Lord closed his vertical eyes and stretched out his giant hand to capture Ye Jue.


Ye Jue was held in its hand like an insect.


The Titan Lord finally laughed.

It had three bodies destroyed in succession by this human being!

Finally, it fell to its true form!

Its five fingers are folded, and now it only needs a little force.

This human's internal organs, flesh, blood, and bones... will all turn into mud.

Is Ye Jue dying?

Originally, he was immortal.

Having the immortal buff will turn you into meat at best.

However, a mysterious scene finally happened.

Bang! !

The palm of the Titan Demon Lord was exploded!

Blood once again spread across the sky, forming a blood mist!

This is...this is...

The demon looked at the human in front of him in disbelief.


Ye Jue's whole body sounded like a god awakening, with golden blood soaring to the sky!

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