how so?

Everyone in Longxiao Mountain was trembling.

Ye Jue's failure means the end of mankind.

Those demons will come in endless numbers!

It is a matter of time before the base city is destroyed.

Hmph, you really think he lost. Come on, he is Ye Jue.

As a gentle voice sounded.

Everyone looked at the back of the beautiful woman who spoke.

The sun just fell on her bloody armor, and people couldn't help but look a little dazed.

at this time……

There was a cry from the arena in the sky!

This exclamation was filled with endless excitement and excitement!

People looked up quickly.

They all saw a shocking scene!

The man with a broken body actually stood up, holding the magic sword in his hand.

He...he stood up!

He's still alive!

Humanity is alive!

At this moment, many humans were so excited that they covered their faces and cried.

Who would have thought that even though his body was beaten to pieces, he could still stand up.

How powerful is this belief?

For the sake of mankind, he actually stood up.

Even though his body was in such terrible condition, he still stood up! !

Hehe, what's the use of standing up, human being, you have already lost, your body is already rotten.

The Nether Demon God chuckled cruelly.

It knows the power of its punch! !

This human being is actually standing and may die on the spot the next second.

come on! Come on!!

Ye Zhanshen, we believe in you!

Come on, come on!!


Humanity erupted into rolling thunderous slogans.

The deafening sound made the Netherworld Demon God frown.

It's already annoying!

Kill your heroes, and my hell army will sweep across the ground, completely destroy you, eat your flesh and blood, and your souls will be tortured by me!

The Nether Demon God roared.


His roar was instantly drowned out by the voices of humans!

King of Netherworld, kill him, kill him!

Let them scream, chop off his head!

Eat him!!

The demons also screamed crazily.

These humans still don’t give up!

This hero is already in tatters and he still says come on, come on?

What more oil should I add?

What else are you shouting for?

If you are just waiting to be slaughtered, what hope is there? ?


Ye Jue made a gasping sound.

That blow was really powerful!

He was dead just now!

However, the immortal buff is so perverted.

All his bones and flesh were now destroyed.

It will take a few minutes for the repair to be completely intact.


This blow gave him great strength.

He can use Sekiryuutei's Praise!

The important thing is that this blow hit him hard, and the Demon God was actually rebounded by 120% of the damage!

He could clearly see that the devil's mouth was bleeding and his body was withering.

This is holding on.

If the conditions are met, then...

It's time to call it a day!

Ye Jue took a step forward, preparing to use the strongest killing combination buff.

This knife... will open up the real wasteland and open up a brand new future!

The human situation will no longer be so tense. Are you ready to face the real wasteland? Let's start.

As he spoke, the heaven and earth trembled slightly, and the sound of swords shook the universe!

A melancholy divine rainbow blood spilling out, especially misty.

77 times stunning blow!

Ye Jue's Huangquan knife suddenly grew in size and was extremely terrifying, and it fell down.

This blow caused the entire arena to collapse.

The burst of power, the sound like mountains and seas crashing into the sky, was deafening!

This is Ye Jue's stunning blow!

The most amazing blow in human history!

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