This is……

The Netherworld Demon God is shocked! !

It felt like the air around him was constantly compressing, freezing him in place!

This is the most powerful enemy it has encountered since its birth!

Even his body was obviously broken, but he could still deliver such a shocking blow! !

Not to mention anything else, in terms of strength alone, this human being is extremely terrifying! !

It is simply a humanoid tyrannosaurus with an unparalleled body.


The man in black robe who presided over the arena was also surprised!

In his opinion, the Demon God's attack just now should have been a direct kill!


The man lay dead on the ground for nearly a minute.

He was actually jumping around again, and even used attacks that surprised him.

A stunning 77 times strike, this was a stunning brilliance that lit up the entire arena.

Soul burning!

Suddenly, the Nether Demon God let out a low roar.

The eyes are glowing with blazing green light!

The teeth protrude and the face is ferocious!

This time, another 100 million was burned!


More than 100 million souls were all converted into his energy.

Hell Soul Sword!!

The Nether Demon God crossed his arms.

The airflow around the arms exploded, and the roar was like divine thunder!

A black giant sword condensed and appeared, making a sound that shook the world.

Hell Soul Sword?

The Black Wind Queen on the throne watched everything with interest.

This sword is made of condensed human souls.

Mountains and rivers can collapse in one thought!


It has a ferocious face!

The Hell Soul Sword collided with Ye Jue's Huang Quan Dao in an instant.

At this time!

There is no light from the sun or the moon!

Everyone on the ground looked up.

The sky and the ground are still resonating, unable to calm down, making a buzzing and trilling sound!

This duel is too scary!

This Ye Jue actually has such strength.

Be the best and defeat the devil.

In an instant, Fentian, Musashi, Nicholas, and Dawn were all shocked!

Even my eyes stung because the light was so intense!

There is no doubt that Ye Jue's combat effectiveness is the second in the world today, and there is nothing wrong with it!

Some even compared him to Adam!

The dazzling light gradually disappears...

A touch of sad blood bloomed, and red clouds fell on the sky arena, which shocked people's hearts.

Is that blood?

Whose blood is it?

Humans and demons almost stopped breathing!

The results are out, which side wins?

Seeing this scene, some people couldn't help shouting.

The final ultimate move was so fast that it made everyone's heart palpitate!

The miserable red light blooms and the blood mist flows on the Demon God Arena. Whose is it?

Everyone is waiting!

Waiting for the moment to see clearly.

Oops, it belongs to Ye Jue!

Someone cried out.

They could see that half of Ye Juexie's body had been chopped off.

The special evolver armor was shattered into pieces.

He just stood there, motionless, without any life.

Did we lose? We humans?

All humans are watching silently, such as the leaders of various bases and the famous figures on the hero list.


Lost like this?

Some people can't help but feel extremely heartbroken.

They didn't blame Ye Jue for losing.

For this duel, they watched from the beginning to the end.

It is deeply clear that this man tried his best.

That's it, that's fine.

The people in the stands were all in tears and stood up involuntarily.

They put their right hands on their hearts, closed their eyes and sobbed.

Although the duel was lost.

But this does not mean that mankind has lost hope.


Through this duel…

The heroic figure of that man desperately resisting the devil inspired everyone to resist the devil.

Ye Zhanshen is still standing there and has not fallen down!

Humanity is stronger!

No... no, look, the demon is dead too! We didn't lose! Humanity didn't lose!

The haze cleared, and someone finally yelled.

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