Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 208 The devil strikes with all his strength!

Soul Burning!!

At this time, the Nether Demon God in the arena roared.

Although this body is not its strongest body.


After absorbing so many souls, he still can't handle this human being.

This is simply a shame in hell!


Countless souls howled miserably in its body in an instant.

Every human being heard it and felt numb all over!

Those were the screams of my comrades!

They were burned up and became fuel for the demon god.


Humanity is silent!

My comrades are suffering, the devil is cheering, sad!

Among them, a girl with eyes as clear as lakes couldn't help crying.

If I hadn't been kicked off the hero list by that Laifu, I would have killed this demon a thousand times!

The tearful girl with snow-white teeth is none other than Pandora, number seven on the original hero list.

She was actually in the stands, among the crowd.

Just watch those human souls being burned so incompetently!

She held her pink fist and wanted to rush out to fight! !

However, this battle can only be left to that man.


Ye Jue also fell silent.

He had heard that the demon gods were filled with the helpless souls of humans.

Now I finally saw such a scene.

His blood boiled with rage and he almost went berserk.

Those miserable howls, those despair, those helplessness...

He can feel it all!

These people are not dead yet!

They lived in the demon's body and suffered a lot.

Now, it is used as fuel to enhance the power of the devil!

Kill, kill, kill!!!

At this moment, the humans in the stands roared!

Kill, kill, kill!!!

The humans on the ground also let out loud shouts!

Don't worry, I'll set you free right now!

Ye Jue's black hair was disheveled and he held out the Huangquan knife with one hand.

The tip of the knife pointed at the devil diagonally, with an invincible aura!

Dong, dong dong~

The Demon God clearly felt that his heart was beating hard several times.

Its body was actually scared! !

How can this be!

It is impossible to believe this fact!

In this hell, among these ancient evils...

He is known as the First Purgatory Netherworld, a mountain that can never be crossed by living creatures on earth.

How many of those ancient people can compete with it!


But he was shocked by a rookie.

The devil strikes with all his strength!

The Nether Demon God burst out with the most brilliant killing energy, and attacked Ye Jue's direction with his fist.

This blow burned countless human souls.

Probably millions, tens of millions, or even 100 million! !

Bang! ! !

Ye Jue was hit directly to the ground, and his bones were shattered.

This is inevitable, the Demon God's attack is too powerful.

There are so many souls used that no one on the ground can compete with them!

Even Adam might not be able to resist this soul-burning punch.

how come?

Ye Jue is dead?

No way!!

In an instant, the humans in the stands screamed.

Ye Zhanshen actually failed!

Humanity has failed!

Humanity was defeated by the devil!

It’s over!

The world is over!

The Nether Demon God, invincible, invincible!!

The hell lords in the stands of the arena shouted crazily that the Netherworld Demon God is invincible!

No way...Ye Jue is dead...

Ni Qiuyun, Wang Xiuhan, Wu Yini...

These people he had saved...

All collapsed to the ground.

Did he really lose?

Scarlet red, couldn't help but close her eyes...

Brother Ye...failed?

On the other side of the wasteland, Dong Minmin sat down on the ground.

She looked at everything on the mirage in disbelief.


This is not true!

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