At the same time, battles began in base cities around the world.

Not just China…

North America, Europe, South Asia, Middle East, North Africa, etc...

This is a bloody picture!

Corpses lay across the sky, blood stained the sky.

In order for humans to survive, demons fight for their flesh and soul for thirty days.


This battle lasted for thirty days, facing countless sudden attacks by demons.

Humanity is at a loss, and base cities are being destroyed one after another!

Those who survived could not help crying.

Two lines of clear tears flowed down, and the sobs were choked.

Their home was gone again.

Once again, he was mercilessly destroyed by the devil.

Damn demons... I'm going to kill them all when I grow up.

A foreign boy who lost his home wiped away tears.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, my father, my mother.

The little girl standing in the smoke burst into tears.

I want revenge, I want revenge!!

Awakened people all over the world roared loudly, and the blood in their whole bodies was boiling.

At this moment...whatever your heart desires! ! !

Humanity’s second defeat…

But no one despairs!

Without anyone to guide them, humans closed their eyes and clutched their hearts...

For the first time in human history, there is unity.

Humanity becomes one at this moment!

boom! ! ! !

At this moment, people all over the world heard a loud voice.

You humans are recognized and you are qualified!

The Demon God Arena is open for you!

Human heroes from 1st to 7th on the hero list, you will be qualified to face the devil!

If you want the race to continue...then keep winning!

Otherwise...the only option is destruction...

The Demon Arena is finally open!

As soon as this news came out, people in all regions were shocked!

No matter which country you are from, everyone will be shocked.

Hero list 1~7…

Are they still those people today?

The people closest to the hero list monument quickly checked.

The same people, Adam, Musashi, Nicholas, Fentian.

and Breaking Dawn, Pandora, and Ye Jue.

However, the ranking has changed.

Ye Jue's name has suddenly risen to second place.

Instead, Musashi ranked third, and Pandora ranked seventh.

When that voice spoke...

All humans understand.

As long as the heroes defeat the demon in the Demon Arena, the demon's hell army can be weakened.

Human beings will have a chance to breathe and rebuild their homes.

If the hero loses, his soul will be swallowed by hell, and a more powerful hell will open.

If you keep losing, the gates of hell will open one after another, and endless demons will crush this wasteland.

In the future, there will be no room for human beings to survive.


Can only win!


You can only win!

Wherever the heart goes, the wishes of you and me ultimately fall on those heroes.

Musashi, our hero, go kill all the so-called demons.

The people of the island country put their hands together and prayed for him.

Dawn, you are our only light.

In the desert, a group of people wearing veils knelt on the ground and prayed to the sky.

Pandora, we are counting on you.

A group of people held her hands and burst into tears.

No problem, just leave it to me.

The girl showed her white teeth and made a careless promise.


Ye Jue looked down at the ocean-like number of demons in front of him...

Looking into the distant sky, his eyes are very deep.

Who is speaking?

The big wolf dog trembled beside him.

This voice traveled through time and space...what exactly is it?

That's the source's voice.

Ye Jue said.

In the last life, until the death of mankind, no other information was obtained.


The big wolf dog instantly felt his scalp numb and looked towards the base city below.

The Long Roar base has been destroyed...

There's no one left.

It can't help but feel sad...

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