The Nether Guard's hair stood on end, but it was already too late.

It was also caught by this sealing force and was suddenly sucked into the air.


The Nether Guard let out a shrill scream.

It felt it, and the blood in its body was twisted and bloomed, staining the sky.

Once you enter that sealing ability, it will fall apart and disappear.


boom! !

The metal capsule behind it exploded instantly.

There was a loud noise, and the big wolfdog rolled over continuously!

The whole sky was filled with angry waves and clouds.


The fire of hell burned and turned into a huge fire, falling all over the sky.

This energy is still the smallest. After all, it is a demon that can destroy a base city.

Ye Jue shook his head.

The souls absorbed by the Nether Guard are still too few.

Otherwise, the big wolf dog would be seriously injured now.

I succeeded, haha, I also awakened the top Luobao.

After the dog spun 360 degrees, it stood up and came to Ye Jue's face to sneer.

But it's so funny now, covered in burnt hair and black smoke.

Congratulations, the level restriction has been unlocked. Now you can upgrade to level 20.

Ye Jue chuckled.

This trip was very fruitful, and both he and the big wolf dog benefited.

Didi di di!!

At this time, the communicator on his wrist suddenly rang. Jue...?

The voice inside was that of a girl.

What happened to Base City?

Ye Jue's voice was very calm.

Destroy... destroy... quickly...

Three words came from the intermittent voice, and then there was no more news.

The base city has been destroyed? me??

The big wolf dog trembled all over.

That's Su Yan's voice! !

Help me quickly?

Hearing these words, the big wolf dog looked up to the sky and howled anxiously.

It ran towards the base city.


Ye Jue was also in a heavy mood.

The growth of the base city cannot avoid destruction, this is inevitable.

But when it actually happened, it was still a bit hard to accept.

After all, during the few days he lived in the base city, he felt the sense of racial continuity.

Now I hear the word annihilation...

Indeed, it is somewhat difficult to accept.

He followed the big wolfdog, and he didn't know how many demons rushed towards them.

There was no verbal communication between one person and one dog, and they were extremely silent.

You can only kill and kill along the way...


Dragon Roar Base was now crying and howling, with thick smoke billowing all around, turning into a blood-stained sky.

They didn't know how long the battle lasted, and the city wall collapsed!

Countless demons swarmed in, the sky was filled with blood, and the ground was red.

Corpses fell one after another... They were all former friends, relatives, and comrades-in-arms.

In this situation, it would be useless even if Ye Jue came.

There are too many demons to kill.

The destruction of the base city is inevitable.

Let's go, I can't hold on anymore, I can't hold on any longer.

Wei Ting was covered in blood and his face was trembling.

One of his arms was taken away by a gargoyle.

Well, it's time. You can leave everything behind. Only the things in the institute must be taken away.

Long Shaoqin's face was covered with gauze and his left eye was lost forever.


Those who survived were covered in blood...

They stood in rows, looking at the thick smoke billowing in the distance, biting their lips tightly.

Next, this place will become a feast for the devil...

Blood and corpses will become their main nourishment, and more demons will swarm in.

After resisting several waves of attacks from demons, the entire Dragon Roar base was attacked.

In the end, drowned in the black sea of ​​demons.

The Dragon Roar Base was completely destroyed!

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