Is Su Yan dead?

Where is Chen Ya?

Are there all the people in the peak realm guild?

Is everyone gone?

The dog howled and wiped its tears with its paws.

Fuck you, I made you cry to death.

Ye Jue slapped Laifu on the head.

Hmm? Do you think they are not dead?

Laifu raised his head and his eyes shone.

I have informed them in advance of building a second core base. They have probably retreated.

Ye Jue shook his head: However, I don't know the evacuation route. I need to find it.

Why didn't you tell me earlier? Did you do it on purpose?

Laifu couldn't get over it, so he raised his claw fist and hit him.

Bang bang bang!!!

It is also a level 10 evolver after all.

After a few punches, the awakened person will be unable to bear it, and his bones will break.

But Ye Jue acted as if nothing had happened, as if he had been bitten by a mosquito.

Pervert, how do you do your body?

Laifu's eyes widened, his face full of astonishment.

It gained Xuanhuang Qi and its strength increased greatly.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't break through Ye Jue's defense. Is he really that perverted?

You haven't fully mastered the power of top-level treasures yet.

Ye Jue couldn't help but smile.

Indeed, this dog's strength has increased dramatically now.

But this requires very strong control skills!

For example, once his Hunyuan energy and internal force are used, his power will increase several times!

Most people won't be able to react at first.

It's like when an ordinary person suddenly discovers that he has several kilograms of strength.

Even if I walk, I will fall down, and if I open the door, I will crush the door handle.

But in his previous life, he was many times more powerful than he is now.

I had a profound contact with that powerful force.

The stronger the power, not only will it not be difficult to control, but it will become more proficient, and it will feel like you have returned to your previous life.

In particular, the energy of the Peak Awakening Luobao and the buff extracted by the system made him feel like he was in love.

But there are so many demons, what if we catch up with them?

Laifu was still worried about the safety of Su Yan and Chen Ya and wanted to find them quickly.

Ye Jue, look at that number floating in the sky. What number is that?

Suddenly, he screamed.

Countdown to Demon God Arena.

Ye Jue didn't even have to look.

He knew what that meant.

this point in time.

The entire world, all humans, can see the countdown in the sky with the naked eye.

Countdown: 25 days, 20 hours, 10 minutes and 05 seconds.

Demon Arena? The battle between you human heroes and the devil from hell has nothing to do with me.

Laifu reacted and said with a mean smile.

When humanity is extinct, do you think you can still live? The whole planet is full of demons.

Ye Jue said calmly.

Isn't it okay if I hide? I...I surrender to the devil!

Laifu shouted in dissatisfaction.

As long as you still have flesh and blood, the devil will not let you go. If you catch it, you will probably be stewed in it.

Ye Jue narrowed his eyes and thought of something.

But... you can fight the devil instead of the human camp.

He couldn't help but look at Laifu, with a smile on his face.

I'm a dog, how can I fight for you humans?

Laifu shook his head quickly.

I have seen the Demon God before, and its power is too weird.

Isn't it exciting to let him fight the devil?

As long as you are willing to fight for me, I will tell you about the level 20 job transfer.

Ye Jue throws out temptation.

Can you change jobs at level 20? You didn't lie to me, did you?

Laifu was stunned for a moment.

It originally thought that awakening was the end, but who knew it could change jobs?

Awakening is the beginning of fighting against the devil. Changing your profession to become a demon hunter is the key to fighting against the devil.

Ye Jue said indifferently: It is not difficult to become a demon hunter. Just take a normal job transfer and challenge the Paradise Tower. You can get the corresponding title and exclusive skills after the job transfer.

Of course, the Paradise Tower has not appeared yet, and it will take some time.

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