The world began to turn upside down again, and the universe began to collapse again.

The wind howls and the rain of blood pours!

The dark universe has changed again!

A terrible portal appeared, like the heaven and earth were shattered, and the world came to the end of destruction.

There is a door of life and a door of death. Do we want to break into the door of death? Or is the door of death the door of life?

Chen Ya murmured to herself.

Around her, waves of terrifying whirlwinds were blowing, all bloody, and blood mud appeared at the bottom of the dark universe.

The old days.

The Supreme King Tou Tie used his non-god body to knock open the gate of the Red Dust Heaven, opening a gap in the door.

There is still a hole left, and thousands of ghosts are crying and howling, roaring in the sky and earth, angrily scolding Cangyu.

This opening is the direction that the three super giants are going to enter.

Come with me!

God roared and took the lead in rushing into the portal of the world of mortals.

Although it is the door of death, he would rather believe that the door of death is the door of life.

The original demon and the true god of myth also took off instantly.

Puff puff!!

But before they even got close, their bodies were already riddled with holes from the material ejected from the world of mortals.


The Scorpio monster below is so huge that it has already occupied the second half of the universe.

They have absolutely no way out.

This is already facing the finale.

This is their final moment.

Everything is false. With our false power, we cannot defeat the destruction device.

Chen Ya has already looked away.

Time flies, and during these years, one after another epic battle records emerge.

In the course of time, everyone she cares about has disappeared.

Shocking the past and sparkling today, so what if it is immortal?

It cannot be remembered, everything is false.

The power of falsehood cannot defeat truth.

It dawned on her again.

And I felt a lot about Ye Jue’s last words.

Come on, ah, ah, ah!

God, the original demon is close to madness and rushes into the terrifying door of death.

She followed closely and looked back.

Still nothing exists.

Nothing is left.

Everything is empty.

The three ultimate super giants soared into the sky with shocking light, shocking the world, and rushed into the only mouth of light.

Here we are, we finally came in and entered the world of Hongchentian. I want to see what the truth is. What is Hongchentian? Why is there a liquidation? Why do you want to destroy us repeatedly?

God has gone crazy, and along with his own world, it has turned into space oscillations.

Wait until he sees it clearly.


Is this the world of Hongchentian? How could it be? How could it be like this?

Prince Yama roared again and again.

Is the world of Hongchentian really a world? There are only monsters. This is a real dead end.

Chen Ya laughed miserably.

In the end it was all in vain.

The perspective of the world of Hongchentian slowly widens.

A total of eleven giant monsters lay dormant there.

The aura emitted by each monster is different.

There is the moody Croissant, the stubborn and arrogant Minotaur, and the two-faced Gemini who is full of change and grinning.

As well as a pessimistic cancer with eight sky-high thighs, a female monster with extremely beautiful lines...

They...haha, they are all mortal angels from the past eras of destruction. They are all still alive. They are all still alive as expected. They are all conspiracy, everything is a conspiracy, ahhhhhh!

God yelled, crashing through with the whole world.


The sound was deafening, tearing the place apart and breaking apart a fragment of void.

Ho ho ho ho!!

Loud roars, screams, neighs, roars... were instantly shaken, and all the mortal angels woke up.


The original demon was so shocked that his legs were shaking.

Impossible, this is impossible, a trap, a trap!

He was yelling too.

Don't want to believe this is true.

How can we win?

How can you win?

Can't win!

There is no chance of winning at all.

As God said, everything is a conspiracy.

The anti-universe is a dead space from which no one can escape.

The true universe, only the true universe is the door to life. Only ghosts believe that the door to death is also the door to life!

Prince Yama is now seriously injured.

Fighting just one mortal angel nearly cost him his life.

It's not that he's not strong enough.

The record is already shocking enough.

However, in front of the weapon of despair, under this death trap, there is only despair, endless despair.

Escape, escape back to the anti-universe!

God screamed again and again, turning into light and returning.

Let's die together, everything is in vain.

Seeing the original demon, God tried his best to escape, but Chen Ya chose to stay here.

She was shaking her head, with endless sadness in her eyes.

She no longer has any attachment to power.

I have let go of everything in my heart.

I have been waiting for this moment for a long time, Chen Ya. It seems that you have finally realized that we are no longer enemies. Even if one person is stronger than ten thousand, the power of one person is all in vain.

At this moment, Ye Jue's figure actually appeared next to Chen Ya.

Am I hallucinating?

Chen Ya looked at this man in disbelief.


Ye Jue shook his head.

“We’re all real-world people already.”

There were too many figures standing behind Ye Jue, with a mix of familiar and unfamiliar faces.

Why exactly, what kind of power did you gain?

Chen Ya still doesn't understand.

Ye Jue's death is absolute.

As a true god, she clearly felt it.


Ye Jue raised his hand: I am my true nature, which sums up all the truth. The power I understand can be summarized as 'stop'. What is stop? Stop means 'annihilate yourself', because all names and forms are The source of my troubles, I am now free from them and truly detached.”


Chen Ya looked at him confused.

You have understood that everything is empty. You have completely understood what real power is. Your spirit has transcended.

Ye Jue shook his head.

But my power is still there, I am the true god.

Chen Ya was stunned.

That's because you can't get rid of this false power and are entangled in the power of delusions. However, this power is not permanent. It will not be pursued to the extreme for a long time, and then it will eat each other. The so-called world of mortals is just a cultivator's view of the world. The ultimate force of destruction born of the greedy pursuit of power without limits.”

Ye Jue looked at the messengers from Hongchentian, but there was no trace of fear in his eyes.

What you mean is that these mortal angels are all collections of power born out of our unrestricted pursuit of power. Because our greed is endless, we cannot defeat them.

Chen Ya continued to be shocked.

That's right.

Ye Jue nodded: The pursuit of power is endless, and human desires are endless. As long as there is still desire for power, one can never defeat the incarnation of these desires.

Is the messenger of the world of mortals the embodiment of desire? It is also the end of the road for those of us who seek infinite power. The true God, the original, and God have reached the imaginable limit of power, but desire is still endless. What we are fighting against is There is no end to desire, so it can never be defeated. Every time the mortal angels die and are reborn, just like our endless desires, they continue to be resurrected.

At this moment, Chen Ya completely understood what Hongchentian was.

This is the ultimate dead end for all seekers of infinite power, and cannot be defeated at all.

They are invincible as long as there is still the so-called incarnation of power.

There is no end to victory.

There is no end, you want to create space, is it the truth of the world of mortals?

Chen Ya smiled.

The human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant. A contented person is always happy. Greed is the root of all evils.

Whether it is the pursuit of power or wealth, there is no end. There will never be any shackles or shackles.

Human nature is what it is.

There is no end, and you can never defeat the desire to create space, this world of mortals.

It turns out that they have always been in the world of mortals.

But I did it, and only I can do it.

Ye Jue smiled.

He pulled Chen Ya and brought her into his real world.

But my power is still with me. I can't fight against Hongchentian. Hongchentian will always target me and destroy me. Even if I know the so-called truth, I can't escape. Moreover, I still can't face you, no matter now , or from now on, even if there is no shackles of power, it will be the same.

You saved me, but that doesn't mean I'm free from the knot in my heart.

Chen Ya turned to Ye Jue and said with a smile.

I know.

Ye Jue touched his nose: You can't face me, but you can always face everyone, right?

Sister Ya!

Aunt Chen!

Chen Ya!

Suddenly, countless cheers sounded.

If you keep me here, I will be destroyed by the world of mortals. It's better to let me go. I can't affect this place.

Chen Ya turned around, and a crystal tear fell from the corner of her eyes.

She is now the embodiment of power and cannot escape such huge divine power.

The never-ending mortal world, the incarnation of greed, will bite her back, there is no escaping it.

Then we will fight against the world of mortals together, and our victory will never end!

Ye Muling held her pink fist and said.

well said.

Ye Jue rubbed her hair, and then said seriously: Now the truth of the world of mortals has been dissected by us. It comes from the infinite greedy power of human nature. This is human nature. It can never be restrained or avoided. As long as we are still here In the anti-universe, there is no way to escape. Only by transcending the world of mortals can we escape.

Is it the positive universe? Only by going to the positive universe can we escape from the world of mortals. What's more, what is this positive universe? Is it the endless opposite?

Everyone was confused.

You are right, everything in the universe is empty.

Ye Jue nodded.

But the door to the positive universe has been closed!?

Su Yan said quickly.

Haha, haven't we always found a way to survive in crises?

As soon as Ye Jue finished speaking, his real world was eroded by endless greed.

As long as Chen Ya is still here, trying to create the final incarnation in the world of mortals, all the messengers of the mortal world will bite her back.

Everyone, the final battle begins!


The finale is tomorrow! !

Thank you for your company! !

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