Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 1296 Reappearance of the Heavenly Gate of the Red Dust

Seeing this red light, Zhao Yin's expression changed drastically in an instant!

Ah ah ah ah ah!

Fragments of memories are constantly emerging in God.

Everyone in the Dragon Roar World can see it clearly.

Time flies and the wheel of history keeps rolling forward!

This guardian of the Garden of Eden finally planned to reach the seventh era and evaded the world of mortals several times. Unexpectedly, he still failed to escape the fate.

Now I'm facing a mental breakdown!

Why is God so afraid? It's just the world of mortals. The Sixth Era could seal it in the past. What's more, our current strength has surpassed that of the ancient times. What is there to be afraid of?

Prince Yama didn't think so.

He was also present when he sealed the Red Dust Angel in the Sixth Age.

That messenger Adam, now seems to be nothing.

Although it is a life form that ordinary people cannot understand.

But now, I am more powerful and terrifying than I imagined, even better than the Demon King of the past!

With the help of the Sacred Tree of Destruction, he became the original demon.

Achieved jaw-dropping achievements and brilliance.

What does it mean to be a mere messenger from the world of mortals?

I see, after the door to the universe disappears, the Red Dust Heaven will come out to destroy the world.

Chen Ya looked at the red light.

Now that the seal has been broken, the red light is centered there and spreads to the entire universe.

That mysterious and strange power comes again.

Even if you become a true god, you can still feel terrified.

Damn it, damn it!

Zhao Yin was still there, roaring wildly.

The power of God stirred up that space and escaped far away.


Where can you escape?

The door to the positive universe has disappeared.

With a huge roar, several people trembled!

A seemingly human-like life form quickly condensed from the red light.

The red light all over the sky was shrinking, forming the phantom of Scorpio, and the terrifying aura rushed towards his face.


Adam opened and closed his eyes and looked around blankly.

Strange, really too strange.

Where is this place?

How come I'm not dead yet?

He stood there without moving even a step, and with just a slight movement, endless strange light burst out.


However, at this time, Prince Yama launched an attack.

The whole hell came over.

The original power actually caused Adam's body to explode!


It's just too powerful.

This is the power of the original demon.

God, have you seen that the thing you fear is vulnerable to my hand!

The cold seventh universe was filled with the sneer of Prince Yama.

Even Chen Ya frowned.

Hong's messenger today is really too weak.

There is no way they can compete with the Big Three at the end of their road. They have gone beyond convention and broken the rules.

It seems that not even the world of mortals can restrain them.

But then again, what exactly is the mechanism of this mortal world?

Why is it that every time the door of the positive universe is closed, it will be destroyed?

Is it for liquidation?

Liquidating life?

Why does the portal of the positive universe appear in every era to give them a way out?

People who have no way out, people who have no chance, will die in this era. What is this for?

But no matter what.

Now Hong Chentian's messenger is dead.

The truth is nowhere to be found.

Idiots, two idiots, the Red Dust Angels...can't be killed at all!


The escaped God told the terrifying truth.

He paused, finally calming down.

Knowing that there is no way to escape.

It will eventually be liquidated.


Immediately, Prince Yama seemed to feel something and looked towards the place where the Angel of Red Dust died.

The red light there was hazy and obscured by mist.

Suddenly, a pair of red eyes opened slowly and forcefully. Suddenly the world was turned upside down, mist surged, and red light overflowed!

This made the original demon open his eyes in shock.


The messenger from the world of mortals is truly reborn!

Could it be that just as God said, it couldn't be killed at all?


Prince Yama once again tore open the universe, and the entire fallen space instantly collapsed towards the mortal angel.

Suddenly, the sky collapsed, ghosts cried and gods howled!

The second half of the universe was directly destroyed. This blow was really terrifying.


The Red Dust Messenger was actually killed by the original demon again.

The strength of the original demon is the absolute mastery of power, an absolute mastery of power.

The hell world behind Prince Yama is boiling with flames and can turn a demigod into his original state at any time.

At this moment, he truly revealed the meaning of the word original.


But God sneered.

Before Prince Yama could regain his senses, the red light in the lower half of the universe condensed again, and a burst of spiritual thoughts flashed, and a fierce aura shot straight into the sky, seeming to compete with the original power for edge.


Prince Yama trembled a little, feeling that the force from below that could suppress all the rivers of time in the past and future was coming.


This caused him to spurt out a mouthful of blood and turned into countless blood-winged demons, burning around his whole body. He refused to accept it and took a step forward with a loud roar. The mountains and rivers were shaken, and the world was turned upside down. The original power used this power again Suppressed.

Ah, I can't kill him. This messenger from the Red Dust Heaven is getting stronger with every breath he takes. What on earth is going on?

The original demon was horrified.

The power of the Red Dust Sky below instantly spanned the distance between light years and time and space, as if nothing could stop evolution, and it was a completely suffocating feeling.

Now, there is a force that is evenly matched with him.

That's just a few breaths away!

True God, Yuan Yuan, do you know why a being with our strength died? Why did such an invincible being die? Time, fate, and space cannot restrain us. Our lifespan is already infinite. Why would such an invincible being die in such a state? , haven’t you ever thought about it?”

Zhao Yin smiled miserably: That's because of this Red Dust Heaven device. It was born based on the power of destroying the anti-universe. It does not belong to the anti-universe. The former true god, the original God, joined forces to kill the Red Dust Angel. Eight thousand times, but at the time of eight thousand and one defeat, the group was destroyed and killed.”

God, do you mean that our power always comes from the anti-universe, and we are never able to compete with the weapons that can destroy the anti-universe device? Is this a trap set by the people from the positive universe for us?

Chen Ya raised her eyes and asked.

It doesn't matter anymore, everything doesn't matter. Now there is only one possibility, which is to kill the Red Dust Angel for the 5000th time. The door to the Red God's Heaven will be opened. The former God, the original, the true God, did not dare to enter it. , since death is inevitable anyway, why don’t we take a look at the world of mortals?”

God knew that he could not run away, and he had reached the highest level of tyranny in history. He was the most powerful in mastering the laws. Such a great existence should not die silently.

Rush to the world of mortals?

Chen Ya nodded slightly without any hesitation.

She was not interested in entering any positive universe.

After all, everything has been lost.

There is nothing to worry about anymore.

Then take a look at what the world of mortals is like.

Maybe the truth about the anti-universe can be revealed before he dies.


At this time, Prince Yama spread an aura of destruction, and the entire universe was shaking violently, seeming to be falling toward the boundless abyss of hell.

In the endless abyss, a Scorpio monster blooming with red light slowly emerged, which could not be suppressed at all.

Now the messenger from the world of mortals has transcended the original.

No, it shouldn't be so strong. Why was it possible to seal it in the Sixth Age, but it's impossible now?

Prince Yama yelled with a look of horror on his face.

He tried to seal the Red Dust Angel in the thirteenth level of hell, the Coffin of Light and Darkness.

But unexpectedly, this demonic coffin, which even God could temporarily seal, would be broken through by the messenger from the Red Dust Heaven and turned into nothing.

This is the weapon he uses against God!

It was simply destroyed.

The Red Dust Angel of the Seventh Era was originally an existence that ended everything. It was sealed in the Sixth Era and now it has broken through the seal and inherited the power of the Red Dust Heaven of the Seventh Era. This is why no new Red Dust Angel will come. It is now a double Double evolution, double power.”

God turned pale and began to release his big hand, pressing the Scorpio monster back into hell.

Now that God and the original have joined forces, they can still gain temporary victory.

But it won't last long.

With every breath, the messenger from the Red Dust Heaven becomes stronger.

Then what are you waiting for? Kill it five thousand times.

Chen Ya had Heaven-Splitting and Qijue weapons on his left and right hands, and he killed the Red Dust Angel again.


The moment it exploded, the Scorpio monster revived.

The speed of resurrection was much faster than before, and he was reborn in an instant, becoming stronger and more terrifying.

Fight to the death!

The lives in the world of Dragon Roar exuded a strong fighting spirit.

At this point, the whole world is sighing!

Original, God, True God, reappearing the final battle that destroyed the super universe in ancient times, each of the three super giants exerted their ultimate power.

Boom! Rumble... waves of vibrations were transmitted from the collapsing void.

After that, it didn't weaken at all, it just got stronger and stronger.

I don’t know how long it took.

The three disheveled beings were blown away, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

The original demon's face was distorted and a large part of his body was missing.

God was also miserable. Almost a third of the Dragon Roaring World was destroyed.

One arm of the true God is lost forever.

The powerful ultimate power of the road, destruction, origin, and ascension, can all cause damage to the mortal angels at the beginning.

But his strength is getting weaker and weaker. Now, he must gather all his strength and strike with all his strength to kill the mysterious monster in front of him that has completely transformed into a Scorpion.

There's still one last time left, five thousand times!

God roared.

The three parties once again used the full strength of Lu Zhongji.


The body of this messenger from the world of mortals was pierced.


At that moment, where the portal to the positive universe originally appeared, the gate to the world of mortals reappeared.

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