The eleven incarnations of desire that want to create space are screaming, shedding blood and tears. It is no exaggeration to say that they are the incarnations of evil ghosts in the world.

The world of mortals appeared. When everyone saw such a scene, their moods fluctuated violently and they were extremely panicked.

Before the mystery of the mortal world was solved, everyone was shocked and frightened once, but it gradually subsided and those thoughts were forgotten.

But now, the faces of these desire incarnations made them tremble inside.

What we are facing is the infinite desire of all people in the world since ancient times. This will be the final war.

Ye Jue's words were extremely firm, as if he was stating a truth.

Suddenly, as he spoke, the Kunlun Mirror shook out of Chen Ya's body.

what happened?

She was stunned.

Because the Kunlun Mirror has been completely refined by her, how can it still be out of control?

The Kunlun Mirror is the cornerstone for you to become a true god. As long as the Kunlun Mirror is separated from your body, this huge power of the true god will be released, desire will be transformed, and the intensity of the pursuit of you will become smaller.

Before Ye Jue finished speaking, Yi flew out of the Kunlun Mirror.

He is now the weapon spirit of Kunlun Mirror.

This artifact covers an unknown number of light years.


Rumble... waves of vibrations were transmitted from the void.


Chen Ya was stunned and looked at Ye Jue: You had expected it a long time ago, right? That's why you hid this guy in the Kunlun Mirror?

I finally saw the light of day again. I almost suffocated to death. Of course, the master has been vaguely aware of the truth about Hongchentian.

B stretched himself, and now, his long-cherished wish came true.

Under his thoughts, the Kunlun Mirror slowly flew up and fixed behind Ye Jue's body.

This is the Kunlun Mirror, and it is also the power of desire. Ye Jue, you...

Chen Ya felt that her true power was transferring to Ye Jue.

She was stunned.

Don't think too much, this is not for you, I have a plan.

Ye Jue made a rolling sound.

He used his real body to wrap around the power of myth, attracting attacks from the incarnation of desire.

The whole person rushed towards the opening where he wanted to create space.

Whoosh whoosh!!

He broke through the bloody storm and arrived in the anti-universe in the blink of an eye.

Today's anti-universe is slowly collapsing and shrinking, and sooner or later it will turn into a singularity and disappear forever.

This is the seventh, the end of reincarnation.


God screamed.

Because he saw it.

From the mouth of the mortal world, eleven mortal angels flew out.

Each one is extremely strange, strange, and powerful!

Counting the Scorpio monsters in the Anti-Universe, there are twelve in total!

As for why he screamed.

That's because I saw blood stains everywhere. In God, there were countless dead bodies, the mountains and rivers were broken, and all the heroes were gone. Only the bones and dried blood were left, mottled, recording the desolation.

Not only God, but also the original demon was trembling, anticipating the same death.


They have all fallen!

No, I won't die.

Zhao Yin roared, breaking through eternity, reappearing the power of God who created the world. The entire God's true body awakened from the haze, becoming domineering and unparalleled.

The power of God is beyond human understanding, unparalleled, and can move the foundation stones of the universe.


However, all the messengers from the world of mortals seemed to be reversing the long river of time, colliding with the light of God, and bursting out with brilliant light.


However, after the force that caused the universe to collapse was released, the brilliant light burned out violently, and a broken world appeared.

It was God, riddled with holes.

Twelve mortal angels, like big bells, are there, releasing strange auras.

Such a scene actually made God take a few steps back in fear.


The original demon was frightened at this time, and crashed into the hell world with it, sacrificing all the demons, and began to kill.

Boom! !

Fierce confrontations, terrible confrontations, this place is boiling.

God and the Prime erupted with a breath that made the universe tremble.


With a pop, blood spurted out on them, and their bodies were all bright red.

How could the incarnation of desire to create space attack God and the original in the first place?

Some people don't understand.

That's because the position of true god has been abdicated. Ye Jue is now the god of myth. He started on the path of myth and became a monk halfway. Later, he was entangled by the light of science and technology and lost his way. Now he has become the pinnacle of myth and passed away. A long-cherished wish.”

The big wolf dog shook his head: Although this is the power of creation and will eventually lead to destruction, at least it has reached its peak.

So what does this have to do with desire incarnate, attacking God and the original?

Crane Fairy blinked.

That's because his body is special. The real body is entangled with the power of the true god, which seems to offset this counterattack force. This is a rare thing that has never been seen before.

Fen Tian frowned and said.

Originally, he thought that Ye Jue would face a backlash from the incarnation of desire if he achieved the status of true god.

As a result, these desire incarnations actually attack God and the original!

Is this complete disregard?

Or do you mean to kill God and the original demon and then come back to kill him?

Does the incarnation of desire judge the target of backlash based on strength?

This takes practice!

I didn't expect it either.

Ye Jue also felt amazing.

He had just escaped to the counter-universe, had already faced the backlash, and was ready for a war.

As a result, those monsters killed God and the original demon, and they all passed by him.

Could it be that... I am the only one who can break this deadlock? Sure enough, there is always a way out. Every time we face adversity, we can always find a way out.

Ye Jue opened his eyes, stopped absorbing the stars of the universe, suddenly stretched out two big golden hands, grabbed two of the mortal angels, and grabbed them into a pulp with a pop.

After launching this attack, his figure appeared.

It's you, you're Ye Jue, how could you not be dead? No, you are definitely dead. This is impossible!

In the world of roaring dragons in God, Wei Ting, with disheveled hair, seemed to have seen a ghost.

Where is the True God? No, you are the True God now. Have you taken away the power of the Seven Jue Women?

Zhao Yin was obviously stunned.

I didn't expect that in this situation, this existence would still have a chance to appear.

This was the result that he had not expected despite all the calculations.

You're not dead.

Long Shaoqin's eyes flashed.

Ye Jue became a true god!


What good could this do?

It's you, why, no, I can't care about the why anymore. Since you have become the true god, then we will fight together. Maybe we can survive from the hands of the mortal angels!

Prince Yama yelled crazily.

At the same time, the abyss of hell also shook, and the light of destruction bloomed and struck over.


These messengers from the world of mortals are still in the stage where they can be killed.

But they can be reborn infinitely.

Therefore, what he thought was that if he could burst out with the power to completely turn these monsters into ashes, then he might be able to defeat them.

Yes, yes, you are Ye Jue, you are extremely mysterious, you are a time traveler, if you join forces with us, maybe we can really win!

Zhao Yin was also hysterical. A big white hand appeared again, covering all the rules, beating these mortal angels to death and seriously injuring them.

It's useless, you will never be able to defeat them.

However, Ye Jue made no move anymore. Instead, he quietly looked at God, the original devil.

You say this as if you can defeat them. Sure enough, you know how to defeat them, right? Tell me quickly, you are indeed our savior, Ye Jue, hurry up, I will never be your opponent again from now on. I won’t go against you anymore.”

Wei Ting in the world of Dragon Roar shouted, extremely surprised.

We promise not to deal with you again.

Long Shaoqin said calmly:

Ye Jue, I didn't expect that you would be the one to solve the deadlock in the end. Sure enough, you are so special as a human being. I knew that you must be alive for something. Time traveler, it turns out it's to help. We traveled through time in order to break the deadlock of the Seventh Era, right?

This was the first time he showed such an expression.

Because it's like the feeling of surviving a disaster.

It was as if I saw the only glimmer of light in the pitch-black space.

Of course there is a way, but even if I say it, you can't do it.

Ye Jue shook his head.

Stop being so pretentious, True God, is there anything that our God and the original devil can't do? It's impossible, absolutely impossible. As long as you say it, we can definitely do it!

Prince Yama yelled over there, the messenger from the Red Dust Heaven was reborn again, and became stronger and more terrifying.

He hurriedly suppressed it, the abyss of hell shook the past and the present, and the heaven and earth collapsed, completely submerging it.

Yes, yes, if there is anything we can't do, tell me quickly. We don't have much time. The messengers from the Red Dust Heaven are getting more and more powerful. Damn it, why are they so powerful? What kind of life are they and what kind of power are they composed of?

Zhao Yin said through gritted teeth.

They are the incarnation of infinite desire. This is not life or power. Their power comes from your endless desire, so they cannot be defeated and will even get stronger.

Ye Jue stood in a distant place, looked at God, Yuanchu, and said: The only way is this.

He raised his arm, squeezed his fist in the air, and then released it.


God was stunned, and his murderous intention suddenly surged. This was impossible.

Fart, it's pure nonsense, it's impossible. We have obtained the power of the final level, how can we give up? When I move, it shakes the universe for eternity. With one kick, I can make the entire universe tremble. With one thought of eternity, One thought is freedom, the other thought is gods and demons!”

The huge wings of the original demon were billowing with burning magic flames, roaring over there.

Then he let out a muffled groan and was hit by a mortal angel with his tail. He flew backwards and collapsed the dark universe.

Look, what did I say? Even if I come up with this method, you can't do it.

Ye Jue flicked his fingers.

No, Ye Jue, you are lying to us, aren't you? Are you deliberately asking us to give up this ultimate power? As long as we give up, you will be able to swallow up all our power and become something we have never seen before. An unheard of existence, the most terrifying existence of a person!”

Zhao Yin said word for word.

What does it mean to give up power?

His body has decayed and his blood has dried up!

Just like the rotten iron pot, the longevity energy will leak out, and finally become a dying old man, and then end this life.

It's so sad. Who can accept this ending?

Make them give up their power?

How can it be? ?

God, the original devil, do you understand? We are all in this mortal world full of infinite desires. As long as there are existences like us and people who are looking for infinite power are still there, they will eventually be backlashed. The extremes of things must be reversed. The ultimate road is Deadly rebellion can only be the state of being counterattacked, because it is no longer strong.

Ye Jue shook his head.

Everyone’s desire is to be all-powerful and unbeatable in the world and in heaven and earth. They don’t want to become old, gray-haired, blood-stained, and will die in the years. Just thinking about it makes your heart twist.

Therefore, as long as there is a way that allows them to stop aging and become stronger, they will pursue it indefinitely.

The weak can only be trampled by the strong, and the strong want to become stronger, never ending.

The life that finally reaches the end of the road is no longer life, it is the embodiment of power, and it can destroy the entire universe with just one move.

Such an existence will only lose to itself and be counterattacked by infinite desires.

This is the truth of Hongchentian. No, I don't admit it. I have finally reached the final level of cultivation. I plan everything for what. Isn't it now? You want me to give up at the peak? Ye Jue , are you sure this is possible?

Zhao Yin yelled hysterically.

I want to build the underworld and create a demon world of eternal enjoyment. If you ask me to give up this power, I will become the weakest demon. Others will trample me to death with just a kick! Oh! So that's it, just move. You just want us to commit suicide, right? Ye Jue, you are such a vicious human being!

Prince Yama said through gritted teeth.

So I said, you can't do it.

Ye Jue couldn't help but shake his head.

How can you give up when you have just reached the top?

Do you know that giving up is also a kind of strength? I have no doubt about your desire for power and your vision for a better life after the peak. However, only by giving up can you realize the true wisdom.

Thus he warned God, the original devil.

This is a great wisdom.

From humans!

They may not understand, but now, tell them yourself.

The famous generals who passed five passes and killed six generals always succeeded and always had honors, but there will definitely be a day when they defeat Maicheng.

Faced with the temptation of money and beauty, high-ranking officials often walk by the river. How can they not get their shoes wet?

Everything in nature, once it reaches the state of perfection, will gradually decline.

Just like a spinning top, the so-called extremes of things must be reversed.

No, it's all false. You're talking nonsense. You're making it up. You want to gain our power!

Prince Yama yelled.

He wanted to believe it wasn't true.

But now, he was covered in blood from the backlash of power, his body was broken a lot, and the Demonic Abyss was collapsing.

Ye Jue, I will never give it to you even if I die.

God yelled.

This reality is too cruel! !

He actually had to give up his power in order to survive.

So what is it that they are looking for?

It is the satisfaction we encounter along the way. Love is part of it. Along with the twists and turns, there is destruction, but there are always miracles, right?

Ye Jue was very calm. He didn't make any move. He was persuading God and the original devil from beginning to end.

Love? You talk to me about love? About miracles and twists and turns?

Zhao Yin went crazy.

He won't give up his power.

Even if you die, you must die at the top.

let it go.

However, there were many voices coming out of the dragon roaring world in God.


Zhao Yin was immediately hit hard at the soul level. Not only his soul, he was attacked again by the incarnation of desire. A big crack appeared on the face of God, and he was hit by incomparable pain.

Zhao Yin, let go.

Long Shaoqin shook his head.

He can see the situation clearly and know how to advance and retreat.

Understand the principle of retreating bravely from the rapids.

Since our Commander-in-Chief said so.

Wei Ting wanted to say something else, but when he thought about dying, his face turned pale.

God is very powerful.

But what's the use if it can't be maintained?

Why not retreat and find another way?

How dare you betray me? Since you are going to die, you should all die first!

Zhao Yin's eyes were extremely vicious in an instant, and God's hand grabbed fiercely in the world of dragon roar.

Puff puff puff puff! !

All living things in God die.

Long Shaoqin's expression was indifferent, and he slowly closed his eyes, and the memory of watching things reappeared over and over again.


Wei Ting's eyes widened before he died, as if he couldn't believe that he would die so easily.

This is power. You, Long Xiao, were finally defeated. You were defeated by your own hands and were backfired by your own power. Our grudges are over.

A group of voices passed through, from the old part of Earth.

Ye Jue, I believe you can lead mankind to continue on...

Finally, a sound came from the world of dragon roar, and then there was eternal silence.

This feud is finally over.

The world of Dragon Roar is completely gone.

Without the God of the Dragon Roaring World, his power is rapidly declining.

After all, the world of Dragon Roar is the cornerstone of God.

Zhao Yin, your God's rules now belong to me.

Ye Jue took action, and the destruction of Longxiao World made him feel complicated.

Now, Zhao Yin is no longer his opponent.

Repeatedly being backlashed by the incarnation of desire, the foundation stone was destroyed, and he was powerless.

Ahhhhh, Ye Jue, you don't have to die well, you will die, you will die, I curse you!!

Zhao Yin's whole body disappeared, God's world completely collapsed, and the light of technology successfully came to Ye Jue's body and was fixed.

This conspirator is finally dead.

Some people hated him with all their heart.

Now, Ye Jue possesses the two powers of God and True God, and has become the entangled body of Lu Zhongxing. He has become the greatest one in history, surpassing Lu Zhongxing.

Covered by three layers of power, even the real body finally aroused the idea of ​​the mortal angel.

Twelve incarnations of desire rumbled and turned around.

Okay, okay, you're done, you're dead, hahaha! As you said, you are now the embodiment of ultimate power!

Prince Yama roared in shock and then great surprise.

Devil, it's time to settle the hatred between us.

Ye Jue absorbed God and had complicated thoughts. Instead, he took the incarnation of these desires and rushed towards Prince Yama.

Original Invincible!

Prince Yama yelled immediately.

Want to kill him?

Then give it a try! !

The abyss of hell behind him shook, and the power of the devil caused him to transform again, becoming a burning demon king.

However, he is no longer a match for Ye Jue's true power, true god's power, and God's rules.


The entire body of this original demon king was crushed like a big cake.

Then, it was swallowed by Ye Jue.

The whole process takes place in the blink of an eye.

The demons disappeared forever.

They first howled miserably, and then turned into the most primitive power of destruction, entering the Sacred Tree of Destruction, and also came to Ye Jue's world.

in this way.

Ye Jue has become the incarnation of God, the original, the true god, the final level of the three paths, and the ultimate power throughout ancient and modern times.

No matter how far apart we are, we can tremble and we can't help but kowtow.

This is another kind of transcendence beyond the final level of the road!

This kind of power will make the twelve incarnations of desire more terrifying and powerful. The backlash of endless desire is unimaginable and may destroy him at any time.

A way out, where is the way out?

Everyone was shocked by this scene.

They all looked in one direction. No matter how far away, even across the dark universe, they could still see Ye Jue's body and saw a spectacle that shocked the ages.

Hey, no, why did I come out?

We have left Ye Shen's world!

Ye Jue!

Everyone was shocked and looked at the being who looked about twenty years old and had black hair like a waterfall, standing in the dark and vast sky, overlooking all living things.


Ye Muling was anxious and wanted to rush over.

But she was stopped by Su Yan.

Mom, why did you stop me?

Ye Muling was puzzled.

The way out has been found.

At this moment, Chen Ya, the big wolf dog, shook his head slightly and said.

Everyone looked at them with doubts on their faces.

Ye Jue is going to create space, you see.

The big wolfdog stretched out his paw and pointed in that direction.

I saw that sky-like figure rushing towards the gap in the world of mortals again, flying away with the incarnation of power and desire.


Why, why would he do this?

That's right!

A group of people were dumbfounded.

Let me tell you, according to calculations, Ye Jue will have to fight in the space of desire for half a million years before he can exhaust the power of transcending endless desires. At that time, he can return.

Su Yan told everyone with a smile, you could see her lips were biting tightly and she was not as calm as she appeared.

No, why doesn't he take us to fight for half a million years? We are willing too!

After hearing these words, some people wanted to follow Ye Jue and rush into the gap in the world of mortals.

As a result, it was too late.

The portal to the world of mortals completely disappeared.

The true power left by Ye Jue just now created the celestial sphere of all realms again.

All of them are now standing on the earth.

Moreover, you can jump to the positive universe at any time in the collapsed dark universe.

This is how they survive.

Five million years?

Ye Muling screamed.

It will take six full eras for dad to return?

This is too long!

At that time, everything was different!

Let's go to the positive universe. Our mission is very important. It is to introduce all the imaginary power of the positive universe into the anti-universe and eliminate the incarnation of endless desire. We can come to pick him up early. Six epochs. Who can afford to wait?”

Su Yan wiped the corners of her eyes and told everyone.

Wait for us. One day, God will come to greet us.

Everyone nodded vigorously.

The world of mortals is over, see you in the future.

Chen Ya turned around, seemingly crying but not crying, with tears in her smile.

season finale---

Don’t leave in a hurry, there is a postscript at the end, first the final thoughts...

It’s really incredible. The author has been writing it for more than a year without knowing it. He originally planned to finish it early, but he didn’t expect that it would get longer and longer, and that he could even continue writing it.

But there is no need for that anymore, the story has ended like this, thank you for following along.

Let me tell you secretly that the author has been secretly reading your comments and comments on the latest chapters. Sometimes he is very angry, and sometimes he is happy. Thank you again for reading this.

It's really not easy. I'm such a scumbag, but you can still keep chasing me! !

But the author is vomiting from writing and needs to rest for a month.

In addition, there is news about new books. The title of the book will be updated here in October, and there will be an extra chapter then. Don’t forget to take a look in October or later. Thank you for your support.


I don’t know how long it has been, but the dark universe of the seventh era has long since collapsed into a singularity and disappeared forever.

The portal to the world of mortals has long been annihilated in it.

It seemed like everything was over.

However, there is always a little bit of light that gradually lights up.


There will be no more epochs from now on.

Because this is a world composed of six sacred trees.

One hundred thousand years later.

New life emerged and developed rapidly. Before we knew it, it had become high-rise buildings, subway transportation, sea cruise ships, and airships.

Suddenly, the beings in this world stared at the sky. Their mouths grew and turned into a '0' shape.

A group of shining lives strolled over.

After that, without realizing it, two hundred thousand years had passed, and many things had been eliminated.

However, this group of beings who came back a hundred thousand years ago actually tore the heavens apart!

They fought into a hazy red light, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, ghosts cried and gods howled.

Not long after, a figure fell out of the red light from the sky. His vitality was still at the original stage. His eyes slowly looked towards the lower half of the universe, with a smiling face.

Welcome back!

On the surface of the earth, four big characters lit up, as if they had been waiting for someone to return in triumph.

——————Complete the book.

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