You are nothing now. The three of us each represent the final level of Lu. What can you count?

God shook his head.

In an instant, the man's blood was drained, his bones were broken, and his soul was scattered.

Such is the power of the power of God.

However, at this moment, there were golden patterns intertwined on Ye Jue's back. A sigh came from behind him, and a powerful force suddenly destroyed the power of God.

True God, now that things have come to this, you actually take action for this person?

God saw Chen Ya's mythical light, like a sharp blade, penetrating his power and preventing him from killing Ye Jue.

This shows what?

Ye Jue, go to the Zhengzhou Universe. You are no longer strong enough to participate now.

Chen Ya, who rescued Ye Jue, couldn't help but shake her head.

If it weren't for her, Ye Jue and the tribe behind him would have died just now.

God is very scary.

Only the true God, the original, can compete.

Chen Ya, I didn't expect that you would actually save me. It seems that you still have feelings for us, right?

Ye Jue was covered in blood and injured everywhere. His hair was disheveled and he smiled.

Now, he is protected by Chen Ya's power.

In the beginning, no power of God could harm him.

So what?

Chen Ya looked at Ye Jue with complicated eyes.

As a true god, she could naturally see the ethnic group behind him, and even the people in God's consciousness space could see it.

They are all very, very familiar people.

Even Ye Muling is still calling her, which can be judged from the shape of her mouth.

Ye Jue, do you think it's so easy to enter the final realm? I've sacrificed too much and can't go back. I'll send you away to the positive universe, and take them with me back to your true home.

Chen Ya soared into the sky, flew out from the original realm of God's power, and rushed towards the door of the positive universe with the light of the true God.

Nowadays, the portal of the positive universe no longer spews positive matter, and it is already possible to enter it.

True God, please keep Ye Jue. We all have a lot of grudges against him. He must die here today. Let him return to the universe? How can there be such a cheap good thing? Hand it over!

At this moment, in the primordial moment, the voice of God sounds from below.


As he spoke, various whirlpools appeared around Chen Ya. The Hand of God and the Original Wings came towards Gungun to suppress it.

Trying to use supreme power to shatter Ye Jue, who was under the blessing of the true god.

Although Chen Ya was attacked from two sides, the true God is invincible. Even in the original, God teamed up to attack her.

It is impossible for every tens of millions of years to damage her true divine body.

But Ye Jue was different. He seemed to be deliberately not defensive.

Let these forces wash over you.

The power of each party can collapse the entire wasteland, tear the sky apart with one hand, hold the constitution of heaven in his mouth, use his words as the seal of heaven, speak the law with his words, and master the ultimate secret with his golden words.

Despite the blessing of the true god, his body continued to decompose and disappear.

Seeing such a scene, Chen Ya frowned.

She separated her palms and killed the original demon and God.

Bang bang!

The light was bright, and the power of the planes was distorted, but it was still easily blocked.

True God, you can't protect him. Even if our power is blocked by you, it can still penetrate and he will still die in the end.

The original devil, God strikes again.

Their joining forces formed a river of time that swept past.

Qijue God!

Chen Ya was shocked. A kind of mighty power appeared in the Kunlun realm. It was engraved with complex symbols, with endless lines and dazzling eyes. It resisted the attack of the original demon, God.

Bah, bah, bah! !

However, Ye Jue's body still burst out with immeasurable blood mist.

He is too weak. Don't you understand what kind of life we ​​are now? You should know very well that you cannot protect him.

Among the gods, Long Shaoqin of the Dragon Roar World reorganized his body and said indifferently: You deliberately asked the original demon to start a war, just because you don't want him to deal with Ye Jue. Knowing that our god will go to the positive universe, then No one can hurt him.

However, our grudges with Ye Jue must be resolved in the anti-universe. Get out of the way, Chen Ya.


There was another large amount of blood splashing on Ye Jue's side, and his body was decomposed.

However, his expression was extremely calm.

No one knows what he thinks.

Ye Jue, you are about to die, but you are so calm. Are you looking away?

Wei Ting looked sarcastic.

This kid is a time traveler who used the knowledge of the pioneers to dominate the wasteland. He finally lived until now, but now he is about to die.

This was just so exciting for him.


Chen Ya's face was cold and stern, and she once again confronted the original demon and God, her body shaking violently.

Every time she shook, some of the Ye Jue in her body would dissipate.

In the end, only one head remained.

The destructive power made it impossible for him to regenerate.

Everything will be destroyed, and for all eternity, everything will become void.

In the end, after Ye Jue made this sound, even his only head disappeared.

This is true dissolution.

The sense of the original devil, and God, is infallible.

Dead, finally dead. It's so sad. His plan failed, but there was no hope of life in the first place. He couldn't stop Lu Zhongjie at all. We are bound to become such beings, but he is nothing, just a human being. Damn time traveler.”

Wei Ting breathed a sigh of relief.

The stone that had been weighing on my heart was finally let go.


Prince Yama shook his head.

This human being died in the end.

This is inevitable and cannot be escaped.

They are the original, God.

How could Ye Jue survive in their hands?


Really like ants.

However, Chen Ya's expression was dull, and a special memory of the road collapsed.

She stood at the end of the road, a little at a loss.

Ever since she awakened the power of Qi Jue, she has not been aiming to kill Ye Jue or the life of the tribe behind him for a long time.

Rather, I just want to gain strength.

She wants to become a true god and surpass Ye Jue, but she is not him.

“One thought will bring flowers to bloom, and one thought will cause flowers to fall.”

Chen Ya murmured to herself.

If she had joined forces with Ye Jue long after becoming the Seven Jue Girl, then this ending might not have happened.

However, she couldn't pass the test in her heart.

What happened before made Chen Ya unable to face Ye Jue.

Her goal is very simple, that is to become stronger, become stronger again, and become the strongest.

But now that he had gained this power, he was no longer there.

This made Chen Ya feel melancholy and extremely lost.

At the end of the power, there is nothing. It is true that everything is destroyed, and everything becomes void for eternity.

She seemed to realize it and looked at her hands.

All the creatures in the Qijue world are gone.

All her men were also killed.

Jue Ji, Zhang Ziran, and Yang Wanjin are all gone.

It is impossible to resurrect them in the anti-universe.

Now she is alone.

Nothing but strength.

She finally understood what Ye Jue said before he died.

That was not said to himself.

But he said it to her.

All become void…

Everything is in vain.

Okay, since Ye Jue is dead now, True God, you and I will fly to the positive universe together. Original Demon, you and our goals are different. There is no need for us to start a war again.

God rumbled.

True God, God, may we never see each other again.

Prince Yama licked his lips.

The Seventh Age was now his.

No, he made the decision in almost all eras, and he was the master.

He will use the Sacred Tree of Destruction to create a perfect underworld, control the creatures born in the future, and then, like raising pigs, create a world where demons can enjoy themselves forever, without end.

Indeed, he is dead, but... God, the original, it was you who killed him.

Chen Ya suddenly raised her head.

Whether she can enter the universe or not has no meaning to her.


She suddenly created a torrent of myths and blasted towards the door of the positive universe.


The huge portal to the positive universe was closed instantly.

What, what are you doing!!

At this time, God screamed strangely, and that was Zhao Yin's voice.

We are about to enter the positive universe.

This true god actually attacks the portal?

Ah ah ah ah ah!

It drove him absolutely crazy.

Do you know what you are doing?!

Prince Yama's expression also changed drastically.

The door to the positive universe suddenly closed. Although the door is still there, it is not certain whether it can be opened.

If it cannot be opened, the True God, God, will remain in the Seventh Age.

Then his long-cherished wish to create eternal pleasure in the underworld will be ruined!

Of course I know, very clearly, come on, original devil, God, I have nothing now, let's fight, fight for tens of billions of years.

Chen Ya made a sneak attack on the portal of the universe, but her aura became more and more powerful. Looking at the original demon and God, she used her aura to oppress them and crushed them overwhelmingly.

Damn it, you didn't know it, you didn't know it, damn it, ahhhh!

Who would have expected that the giant face of the God that Zhao Yin transformed into roared crazily: You idiot, wow, wow, the portal to the universe is closed, you can't go in, the seventh era will be destroyed, completely destroyed, Even if we are the final level, we will die, completely die, ahhhh, stupid woman!! You have ruined us all and shattered our hopes.


When Prince Yama heard these words, his eyes widened instantly, as if he had heard some incredible truth.

God, what are you talking about?

he asked with a look of astonishment on his face.

You stupid pig, it is impossible to create an eternal paradise of enjoyment. It will never be possible. Do you know why? Because the seventh era is the end. I started planning from the Garden of Eden in the first era, and finally became God and the strongest , enter the positive universe with the strongest posture, surpassing all previous kings who have entered the positive universe, with the artifact, I will be invincible from now on!!

But, but, ahhh!

Zhao Yin yelled crazily, feeling a little mentally disturbed.


At this moment, as the portal to the positive universe closed, a mysterious red light came from a distant place...

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