The first one to finally evolve was Chen Ya, in which a strong beam of light blazed out from her body, washing everything away and heading towards the final level of myth.

She was rising slowly, with the aura of the gods wafting all over her body.

All her particles were re-tempered and arranged again, presenting the most perfect prism, as beautiful as snowflakes and ice crystals.

It is simply the uncanny workmanship of nature, all integrated into it.

This is the true God.

The most perfect aura of mythology is presented, the power operates at will, and the entire Seven Ultimate World is promoted in the light of the gods.

One moment it transformed into a giant sacred dragon, the next moment it transformed into a phoenix bird burning with billowing flames.

In Chen Ya's body, the Kunlun Mirror, Splitting Heaven Sword, Seven Ultimate Divine Sword... these divine objects were integrated.

Originally they were all foreign objects, but when they were charged by the true god's energy, they became one with her.

This true god's body is so condensed that it is indestructible. Even if she stands in front of the demigod and bombards her body with all her strength, any force may be directly resolved by the power of the true god.

Especially when ten colorful god belts appeared on her body.

Each colorful god belt is condensed from the material of the universe, and contains a rich mythical spirit, which greatly tempers Chen Ya.

According to rumors, the life of the True God will reach another form again.

Now Chen Ya is waiting patiently, waiting for the divine light to slowly digest and settle into the body.


Then her eyes suddenly opened, and she felt that everything in the sky and on the earth was under control.

The God Emperor will also be shackled by Shou Yuan, and as a true god, Shou Yuan is directly ∞.

Okay, I have successfully become a true god and completed the great transformation of my life. I am now the most perfect mythical body and have achieved brilliant achievements that none of the seven women have ever accomplished.

Chen Ya changed her mind slightly, and her bright face showed a look of surprise.

It's just that there is ∞ calculation power running in a spiritual thought.

With a slight movement of your feet, it seems that across thousands of rivers and mountains, across endless historical space, a long picture of time unfolds.

He raised his hand slightly, and various images appeared, such as knives, swords, halberds, hammers, etc., all of which were the most terrifying magic weapons.

The life at the final level of the Mythical Road has the power of the gods.

Just by raising your hand, you can manifest matter and reshape all kinds of matter. The boundless power appears through the bubble-like sky.

On this day, a being finally becomes a true god.

If there is still intelligent life alive...

They will tremble and panic.

The terrifying aura that shocks people's hearts, is so grand and majestic that it makes people's minds tremble and their souls frightened to the extreme.

The energy of the gods has crushed all worlds!

The long and ancient divine sound, like a bell, vibrates between heaven and earth.


However, at this moment, the light curtain of the gods was torn open, and countless magic light shot into the sky, shattering the light curtain of the gods covering the dark universe of the seventh era. It seemed that someone was about to come out!

Prince Yama!

It's him!

Now, a bottomless abyss appeared where he was.

Going deeper and deeper inward, the stream of light shuttles back and forth, and the surrounding environment is filled with magic light.

Space faults, powerful planes, float vaguely, exist, and exude extremely powerful power.


There is a lifeless, hazy abyss of hell, from which the ferocious aura of evil spirits emanates, and extremely ferocious demons lurk.

In addition to these planes and faults, in the deepest part of the abyss, the Divine Tree of Destruction grows.

This sacred tree of destruction is the heart of the underworld formed by the condensed power of boundless destruction.

The underworld is built on it, and it is the most dangerous thing here.

At this moment, countless mysterious evil auras and pollution auras condensed into the hardest entity.

This entity, tempered by colorful substances, was wrapped in the aura of depravity. At this moment, a pair of devil claws suddenly stretched out and tore the light film.

Suddenly, a terrifying figure appeared in the god's light curtain. Cause and effect, karma, evil, curse...the boundless darkness began to pollute in all directions.

A big hand as black as ink, covering the entire world, poked out from the underworld.

The original devil!

This is the darkest life. With a slight shake from the big hand, the power of the gods begins to disintegrate.

Then, a large number of demonic creatures poured in from the abyss like a tide, pounced on the mythical creatures created by the gods, and wanted to destroy all obstacles.

In an instant, a grand battlefield was reflected. The true god standing there could cause all kinds of chaos, and mythical creatures were constantly born.

Countless dark demons also rushed out of the underworld, colliding together like a tide.

However, the masters of both parties did not act.

Because this is just a collision between living beings.

The last giant is about to wake up!

Meanwhile, the True God, the Prime, looks in one direction.

There is a blue light that is constantly shrinking.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Common sense can no longer describe it, and the light of science and technology shines with unimaginable light.

It can be seen that countless civilizations are constantly being staged in it like phantoms.

Rise, fall, rise again, fall again... the cycle repeats endlessly.

Until the stars gathered together and the light of science and technology reached its peak, the sands of time appeared, and a qualitative change finally occurred there.


Chen Ya, Prince Yama, and Ye Jue all felt that their time was jumping, and they suddenly became extremely old.

Even the true god actually appeared in a scene of falling into darkness.

The power of God?

However, each of them had their own methods, and they had already cut off their own time. With a wave of their hands, their aging state disappeared completely.


At that time, the aura over there was rolling, spinning violently, and immediately began to change. A shadow that evolved from a giant face appeared. It was tall and majestic, without a face, looking down at the people and twisting the heavens.

This is God!

The entire Dragon Roar world is transformed by technology, and everyone is a part of God. The mastermind is Zhao Yin, and the executors are Long Shaoqin and Wei Ting.

Boom boom boom! !

The technological light curtain is densely covered, and the power of psychic energy shoots in all directions.

Both the True God World and the Underworld have been decomposed to varying degrees.

Now, the three giants have turned into huge faces, looming and competing against each other.

There was only one person who was shaken by the auras from three directions, looking like he was on the verge of collapse.

True God, Original, God!

No matter which side has the most desperate strength.

Now, the door of the universe is wide open, and the three giants are looking around and looking at each other.

Originally, I didn't expect that you really have the power to restrain God. I can feel that God is afraid and afraid of you, but I don't feel it at all. Instead, all the particles in my body are jumping, wanting to fight you.

Chen Ya's eyes suddenly flashed, and there was a thunderbolt, and a god's hand, which contained the strongest killing power, fiercely grabbed Prince Yama.

The entire void suddenly collapsed into countless epochal dimensions, trying to trap the original demon into it.


Pressed by the god's big hand, the original demon's robes flew off violently.

But he had no intention of dodge at all.

It’s also a palm in the air!

It's the same devil's claws, facing the god's big hand.


In an instant, countless layers of dimensions collapsed, and countless wormhole tunnels collapsed.

The thundering hand transformed by the true god represents the ultimate power of the mythical path.

He was actually pushed up by the original demon!


Prince Yama roared fiercely, and the invincible aura of destruction seeped out of his body.

His whole body was suddenly transformed into a demon, soaring between heaven and earth. He actually transformed into a being with billions of thunders and voids generating electricity. In an instant, he tore apart the true god's hand and broke through the suppression.


The original demon magically transformed into countless hell thunders, destroying thunders, and attacking the true god from a distance.

Then, there was a dull sound of collapse.

In the fall, a shadow completely transformed by the power of mythology rushed into the sky.

Chen Ya's appearance also changed. Her whole body was in a feathered state, crystal clear, and the ring of the true god was spinning behind her back. As soon as it appeared, she stared at Prince Yama and uttered two words.


The original demon is indeed powerful!

As expected of a life capable of chasing and killing God!

I didn't expect that the power of the true god has the same origin as the original.

Prince Yama also looked at the legendary true god with sharp eyes.

His true body is now revealed. It is not a being whose whole body is made of billions of thunderbolts, but a true body similar to that of a human being. His true appearance is that of a man with fair skin, a very delicate appearance, and a mark of hell between his eyebrows. He is a young man with a slender body and is perfect.

But in his eyes, there is a kind of supreme authority, mastering everything, mastering everything, and there is a kind of ancient vicissitudes.

Ye Jue has seen many powerful people, including Zhang Ziran, who are all powerful and can kill whoever they want, but he has never seen such a powerful aura in the original demon.

Now, the True God and the Original Fire were fighting for the first time, and Ye Jue's whole body was shining with the light of truth.

During the fight between the two parties, he absorbed a little bit of power from both sides. After dissecting it, his understanding of the reality rose to a higher level.

Even if the original demon and the true god want to kill him now, he will not really die.

Because he saw the truth!

Our Super Three were born, but there is a little ant spying on us. Kill him first. True God, Primordial, do you want to stop me? Or do you want to join me and join forces to kill this kid?


As the words fell, the dimension around Ye Jue suddenly collapsed. This was God taking action against him.

He saw a tall figure standing tall, staring at him. Suddenly, there was boundless pressure, like mountains and seas collapsing, and the universe and stars falling, pressing down on him.

In an instant, the world collapsed, and everything in Ye Jue's body continued to break apart!

He was actually torn apart by God. He could not resist this unparalleled power, and his body was directly crushed and broken.

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