
This power finally manifested itself in Ye Jue.

No otherworldly sight emerged.

A kind of mystery, invisible and inaudible, washes Ye Jue's body,

He was so bright that all the distracting thoughts that had swallowed up others were evaporated.

All of them are Zhang Ziran, the leader of Chaos Zuma...the curses of those people before they died.

Detached and shattered, extremely void!


That great gate to the positive universe, what had always existed, actually shook every time the anti-universe era collapsed.

Puff puff puff puff!

Immediately, more colorful substances were sprayed out and became thicker.

what's going on?

Long Shaoqin's eyes widened suddenly, and the huge door to the anti-universe slowly opened.

Could it be that the time to enter the positive universe has finally arrived?

Will all your long-cherished wishes be fulfilled?

Plunder, plunder with all our might, and we will become God!

Wei Ting roared, leading the entire Dragon Roaring World to madly devour the positive cosmic matter.

Buzz! !

The entire world of Dragon Roar immediately emitted a colorful light curtain, which was simply indestructible and reached a point of horror that was unimaginable.

Any force can be neutralized by the running spiritual energy.

This world is already invincible!


At this moment, a stream of light shot from the bottomless abyss and landed on the top of the dragon roaring world.

Zhao Yin!

This person is very different from before. His skin is covered with dense scales, his hands and feet have become sharp claws, and he has a slow aura. He looks like a human, an animal, a monster, or a demon.

The guardian of the Garden of Eden finally revealed his identity.

Very good, continue to devour, and devour the matter of the universe crazily. The time has come for us to become gods.

Zhao Yin spread his wings and was full of confidence.

It was not easy for him to lead a weak, ant-like tribe to this point.

But the hard work finally paid off.

This moment is finally coming!

He was going to be God.

He was about to take the place of the existence that he could only look up to before and fulfill his long-cherished wish.


From the bottomless abyss, a second figure flew out.

This man's demonic aura is billowing, and the terrifying power of destruction is rippling through his body.

Prince Yama!

The sky is now filled with this colorful substance!

He devoured it like crazy.

Flow into the entire hell world!

You can see that in the hell scene behind him, a tree of destruction has grown to an extremely large size.

This kind of horrific thing has never happened before.

His long-cherished wish to create the underworld was to become the original devil.

It’s coming soon too.

As for the deaths of Ji Zizai, the leader of Chaos Zuma, and the three pillars, he didn't care at all.

These three people were not even as powerful as his men in killing demons.

Killing demons now have the strength of the supreme god-emperor level.


Immediately afterwards, a third shadow spurted out.

Chen Ya!

Now Chen Ya's hair has turned blood red, and even her eyes are scarlet. She is floating in the void, as if there is an invisible giant hand dragging her.

If you look carefully, you will find that it is the virtual shadow of the Kunlun Mirror, which has completely integrated into her body.


This makes Chen Ya's aura even more majestic, filling the heaven and earth, like the sun and the full moon, shining on the universe, like mercury leaking out to the earth, all of them are round.

The colorful substances ejected from the positive universe made her frantically refine the Kunlun Mirror.

There is a qualitative leap in understanding this artifact.

The three giants fell in all directions instantly.

Bahba bah…

At this moment, a person slowly appeared in the center from head to bottom.

His body was plain, not like these people, either filled with destruction or filled with holy light.

This makes this person the most special one.

Ye Jue, do you think that after killing a few minions and improving your combat power, you can challenge us now?

When Zhao Yin saw Ye Jue's appearance, he couldn't help but sneer: I used your genes to make copies, and I still have the samples. After becoming God, I can easily make thousands of you, all the same as you. With the same strength, realm, and methods, what can you do? You are finished. You have fallen behind in this game and failed! Starting from the time when you deal with the minions, you can't compete with our three giants.

There is a legend in the ancient fable, that is, human beings will live in an ignoble existence among three races. It is you, your race.

he said loudly.

Human beings, just like what he said, this guardian of the Garden of Eden will soon become God, and I will become the most powerful original demon, killing God! No one is my opponent, I want to build the underworld and raise captives I will enjoy and be happy for all living beings in the future forever, this is the greed of our demons!”

Prince Yama looked coldly at the human in the center.

Of course we know that the original demon can kill God, but we will not start a war with you. We will go to the positive universe, and you can stay here to build your underworld.

Long Shaoqin said.

He, they claim to be human.

But the only real human being is the one in the middle.

You, you are no longer worthy of being human.

Ye Jue looked at them.

Ye Jue, what can you do now? You are already a loser. Our three giants are too powerful. I will become the true god, they will become God, and Prince Yama will become the original devil. , True God, God, the Original...No matter which one, you can't deal with it.

At this moment, Chen Ya's clothes were flying back, her voice was cold and decisive.

You all don't know my power. Maybe you have never thought about it. There is any power that can surpass the true God, God, and the original. Indeed, it has never been. These three ultimate powers can no longer be surpassed. It's the way. The ultimate.”

Ye Jue said this strangely: Everything will be destroyed, and all the world will become empty.

Traveler, you are originally a life in the positive universe. Return to the positive universe. For you, everything is a dream. Now the portal of the positive universe has been opened, and it is your time to return.

Long Shaoqin shook his head.

A dream?

There was no power vibration in Ye Jue's body, so he just hovered here.

Stop it, Ye Jue, we are going to sublimate now, you can leave first, what's the point of starting a war again?

Chen Ya shook her head, feeling mixed.

No one knew that she was suffering in her heart and felt an unspeakable sadness.

She is going to the righteous universe, side by side with God.

This has never happened before.

The true God walks with God.

Maybe this is the key to breaking the situation.

Let the seventh era be left to the devil. Let the original devil be.

Buzz! ! !

The next moment, she, Zhao Yin, and Prince Yama all started their final evolution at the same time.

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