Ah, how could I die? It's impossible. I am immortal, and everything is difficult to overcome. I have control over everything. I have experienced the destruction of the world several times, and my heart and will are so firm that I can flow forever in the long river of history. This kind of me How could he be killed!?

At this critical moment, Zhang Ziran finally showed the grace of the Supreme God Emperor!

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

His body changed continuously, forming a surging divine river.

In this rolling divine river, countless whirlpools appear!

In every vortex, one of his bodies was sitting, and these bodies were issuing curses.

This is the supreme death curse. I'm going to curse you, Ye Jue!

Transformed into a divine river, he withstood Ye Jue's attack, and actually had the power to vaguely absorb Ye Jue's power and turn it into the power of the curse.

Break it for me!

Ye Jue roared loudly, stretched out his palms, and filled the sky and the earth.

Come on!

He pressed directly into the divine river, and the divine river immediately began to explode!


Zhang Ziran issued a painful seal, and the huge figure transformed into a human form again and fled outwards.

The curse of life was actually broken in an instant.

Ye Jue has a majestic body and his big hands cover all directions!

Wow! !

His ten fingers vibrated continuously, and radiance bloomed between each finger, shooting out, like an Optimus pillar, blocking Zhang Ziran's face.

Ye Jue, I'm going to fight you!

As Zhang Ziran roared, the auras condensed into thunder and turned into catastrophe. He counterattacked violently, and clouds of tribulation were everywhere between the sky and the earth.

It seems that you are old and confused. Not only did you stand on the wrong footing, but after seeing that I can control the robbery cloud, you still dare to use the power of the robbery?

Ye Jue soared out of the calamity cloud.


The power that is close to reality sweeps the world. This power explodes, like the sound of heavenly drums and heavenly bells, completely breaking the tribulation force of this move.


Zhang Ziran screamed again, fell down, and turned into a shadow of many hours.


Again he fled violently in all directions.

However, Ye Jue seemed to have expected all this.

Escape? Where can you escape!

He opened his mouth wide and took a deep breath.

Hoo ho ho! !

The particles in the body began to circulate, and the strong suction force directly sucked all the time shadows over, fell into Ye Jue's mouth, and swallowed into his abdomen.

In an instant, Ye Jue's body became crystal clear and everything was shining!

It can be seen that countless time shadows have condensed into Zhang Ziran again, shuttling back and forth in Ye Jue's body, but still unable to escape.

Ah, Ye Jue, you don't deserve to die, you actually want to refine me, I am Zhang Ziran, I was once the Jade Emperor, and I am your ancestor, ahhhh!!

Then, the blazing true fire from the other side enveloped him and began to refine.

Zhang Ziran's screams were earth-shattering and hysterical.

However, just two moments later, the screams stopped abruptly.

Until now, Yang Wanting still doesn't know what happened.

She turned around and saw that Zhang Ziran was being slowly refined by Ye Jue. Within two or three rounds, he was completely defeated. All methods were directly cracked in these rounds.

Then, the instant kill was completed!

In this way, this supreme God Emperor, who had lived for several epochs, whose talent surpassed all others, and who was close to being a demigod, became the food of Ye Jue.


The super-god body of the big wolf dog was originally transformed by Ye Jue's power.

In an instant, Yang Wanjin's gap was caught.

Then he dug his claws hard into her body.


In the blink of an eye, the armor, divine rings, and imperial arts were destroyed, and finally he was severely caught in the heart.

This is not the real heart, but the origin of Yang Wanjin.

Reverse Trina!

The big wolf dog actually spun in the air and brought the heart back to Ye Jue's body.

This is simply a shocking change! !

Zhang is naturally dead!

Yang Wanjin and Jue Ji both had half a breath left.

Hahaha, no one can stop me anymore.

Ye Jue devoured two supreme god emperors, and his strength once again reached a level of peak. The source of his whole body was turned upside down, causing turmoil in the seventh era.


His body disappeared instantly.


Wei Ting's face suddenly changed at the entrance to the Dragon Roar World. He found that there were countless time and space passing through behind him. Immediately, his spiritual energy exploded, condensing a blue light shield.

However, Ye Jue appeared from above his head and descended directly. Mount Tai pressed down on the top, and his body was crushed down like a giant mountain.

Puff puff!!

This blue light shield immediately suffered a huge crushing force, making a crisp sound.

Psychic blast!

Wei Ting saw Ye Jue becoming more and more powerful, constantly using his power to kill him.

In an instant, he focused all his consciousness on one point, forming a ray of light.


This light cannot be captured and returns to the world of dragon roar in an instant.

In this way, Ye Jue was in vain.

The power of psychic energy is indeed powerful!

Ye Jue, you actually want to kill me, just wait. Our world is plundering positive matter right now. The first one among us will soon become God. That will be your death day.

Wei Ting gritted his teeth and powerful waves were transmitted.


Ye Jue sneered.

This person still escaped.

If you want to destroy the dragon roar, you need to completely evolve this power into reality in order to break the psychic light.

Today, there is only one person left in the new era on the scene.

This is it, Ji Zizai.

His face was full of panic!

At this time, he is moving, returning to the Qijue world in an instant.

However, when Ye Jue chased Wei Ting, he used the power of his incarnation, which was similar to using the power of a big wolf dog to descend from the air.

I said I wanted to torture you. Now the leader of Chaos Zuma has become a human being and has escaped back to the hell world. The ancient air master, the three pillars, and the impermanent... have all been killed by me. It's your turn!

Ye Jue roared, his body disappeared in an instant, and suddenly appeared on top of Ji Zizai's head.

You villain, Ji Zizai, the end of suffering. Because of you, I haven't seen my family for two eras. And because of you, I want to seal you in my kingdom. From now on, every time I use my power, They will all squeeze it out of you, constantly extracting the source, causing you to suffer heart-gnawing pain.

Ye Jue's big hand transformed, covering all time, space, time, space, etc.

Ji Zizai couldn't escape at all. He looked for a way out in the vast river of mana, but he couldn't find it.


He screamed in horror.

It transformed into a huge body and attacked the big hand from a distance.

However, the power falling on this big hand was like raindrops.

No matter how powerful the imperial arts or weapons are... they are all useless.

It was as if they had entered a bottomless abyss.

Why, why can you control such power? Why on earth can you gain such a powerful ability? Reality! What is real? Is everything I practice false? No, I don't believe it, I don't admit it. ,I reject!

Ji Zizai's roar was transmitted, and his body was scurrying around like a meteor hitting the moon.

However, Ye Jue's fingers closed together.

Just like when Buddha sealed the monkey, he could not escape from Wuzhishan.

In the process of closing, the void became fragments inch by inch.

Ji Zizai screamed and flew up. His whole body was torn apart, like a bag of rotten flesh, being squeezed continuously.

Bang bang bang!

I don’t know what kind of weapons or protective treasures they were, but they were all exploding one after another.

Almost instantly, his pupils became dilated and his soul was shattered.


Ye Jue showed no mercy, withdrew his big hand and sealed the man into a particle.

No, don't kill me, ah, I don't want to die, I don't want to be your meat, no, absolutely not!

Ji Zizai tried his best and even began to pray, praying for the power in the dark to give him a way to survive.

He has lived for so long, and everything has been done.

What the God-Splitting Sword, the power to defeat the sky...

All was in vain.


Ye Jue waved his hand and instantly blocked Ji Zizi's mouth.

Next, he will endure endless pain.

Every time I use a bit of strength, I will get it from this person.

You two, come and die!

Immediately, the light of reality distorted in Ye Jue's left and right hands, and Yang Wanjin and Jue Ji appeared respectively.

These two women only had half a breath left.

But he still stared at him bitterly.

Zhang Ziran is dead, you should go with him.

Ye Jue first operated on Yang Wanjin.

She was Zhang Ziran's spiritual partner. She started to burn in her hands instantly, burning her source and turning into a torrent of power that poured into her body.

I'm not willing to accept it. Zhang Ziran and I have been planning for so long, living for so long, hiding for so long... In the end, we still couldn't escape death. Although I had felt it for a long time, I didn't expect the existence of sanctions... It’s a human being!! This is too hard for me to accept. Human beings are life, they are ants, and the road to mythology is broken...

Yang Wanjin was extremely unwilling.


But before she could finish her words, she was burned to ashes by Ye Jue.

It's your turn, Jue Ji. If you don't want to die, I can give you a chance.

Ye Jue killed Yang Wanjin just to scare this woman.


Jue Ji is Chen Ya's number one general and can control the existence of the entire Qijue world.

Hahaha, a chance? I will never betray Qi Jue Nu!

Jue Ji yelled.

Then go to hell.

Ye Jue clenched his right hand and unleashed all kinds of sword energy, directly attacking Chi.

The most precious original power was obtained by him again.

But he found out.

At this moment, he is a demigod.

Although combat power can be infinitely improved, it can never reach the level of a true god.

Because there can only be one true God.

It made him feel that Chen Ya was already facing promotion at the top.

She is going to become a true god!

The so-called original power is also born from the anti-universe. They are all false. My current state is also false. After killing all these people, I know that there is only one power that can truly win, the truth.

Ye Jue's voice, arrogant to the sky, swept in all directions, and his body shook.

After losing his power, he was actually no longer a demigod.

But a very special existence.

It is slowly transforming into a real body.

It can even be seen that his body actually begins to return to its original state, and the stronger he gets, the closer he gets to being ordinary.


He was victorious, finally slaying the enemies who had contended with him in the Sixth Age.

The ancient Qi Lord, the Three Pillars, Impermanence... they have all been against him for an entire era!

They died after all.

Hang it in his hand!

Now only those incomparable beings are left, the old antiques of the past.

Qi Jue Nu, Prince Yama, and Zhao Yin.


Ye Jue's body moved, and particles as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River intertwined together, twisting and spinning toward the collapsing sky. After a blaze of glory, they disappeared without a trace.

They're all dead, they're all dead!

The leader of Chaos Zuma has gone crazy.

His soul and body are continuing to crack...

Save me, Prince Yama!

This great leader who has been shining for all eternity has now made a shrill voice.

Because he felt that he was powerless and was slowly disappearing.

So he could only roar, hoping that Prince Yama would hear him.

However, there was an earth-shattering battle going on there.

Zhao Yin, Chen Ya, Prince Yama, they all hit the bottomless abyss every time they fought.

With them as the center, the surrounding void planes have been separated.

As a result, the three of them were unable to detect changes in the outside world.

The portal to the source of positive matter is slightly open, and colorful liquids are constantly flowing out.

They are fighting over it.

Strong power erupted in various ways in the bottomless abyss.

Did you think you could escape? In fact, I didn't kill you. I just let you go deliberately to give you some hope, and then shattered it and hit you hard.

At this moment, Ye Jue suddenly appeared here. As he spoke, the leader of Chaos Zuma became smaller and smaller, but the light became stronger and stronger, and he struggled fiercely.

Because he realized that Ye Jue was refining him!

No, you actually want to train me. I am the great leader, the companion of chaos, and the master of all religions!

The leader of Chaos Zuma roared repeatedly, and the radiance of the holy light shined brightly.


He was easily grasped by Ye Jue's five fingers and disappeared without a trace.

The Chaos Zuma leader was concentrated to the limit, and then slowly integrated into the body.

His entire body turned into a man of light.

The sacred brilliance splashed down from the body, and those sacred brilliance condensed into one torrent of divine religion after another.

And every particle of him has the shadow of the divine religion.


Ye Jue waved his hand violently, and the intense holy light dissipated in an instant.

It's as if it no longer exists.

You know, it is almost impossible for a powerful force to disappear inexplicably.

When a great emperor dies, the traces of power left behind will not disappear for an entire era.

Only time can erase it.

However, something special happened to Ye Jue.

Originally, the power of the Chaos Zuma leader's faith in all religions could be obtained smoothly.

Ye Jue was even able to successfully use this powerful power of faith.

But at this moment, it disappeared without leaving any trace.

There is no trace between heaven and earth.

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