
Yang Wanjin was shocked.

Jue Ji, you are too impulsive.

Zhang Ziran's expression suddenly changed, and he instantly turned into a stream of light and followed him.

He wasn't running away.

And to save.


Ye Jue smiled sinisterly.

He has been waiting to be alone.

It's really difficult to deal with these three people together.


Ye Jue galloped forward, charging directly towards Jue Ji. His palms carried mysterious power that was about to surpass everything, so fast that it was almost impossible to react.


Jue Ji turned her head sharply and saw Ye Jue with a cruel look on his face, his palm already close to her back.

All defenses seemed to be in vain, divine rings, armors, formations, and imperial arts exploded one after another.


Immediately afterwards, she felt a force that could break her whole body, spreading deep into her body.


Immediately, all the creatures born in her world died and could no longer provide her with power.


Zhang Ziran roared, sound waves rolling towards this direction.

But Ye Jue would not show mercy at all.

When destroying all vitality of Jue Ji, the other hand inserted directly into her chest, penetrated directly into her soul, and pulled out the original power with the power of the laws of heaven.

This origin is a pink heart shape.


Seeing the source appearing in Ye Jue's hand, Jue Ji couldn't believe it and looked at him with a horrified expression.

However, Ye Jue showed no mercy and took a big gulp, eating it directly into his body.

In an instant, it was broken down into blocks by countless mysterious starlights, and then broken down into powder from blocks, completely refined.

All phenomena will be destroyed, and all eternity will become void!

With an almost breathless pressure, Ye Jue slapped away Jue Ji who was left with only one breath left. Her body suddenly became terrifying, unfathomable, and simply synonymous with heavenly secrets.

Stomping in all directions, swallowing mountains and rivers, dominating the world, turning the universe around, with another shock, he grabbed it with his big hand, and in the palm of his hand, countless mysterious stars appeared.

The power of transcendence is about to take shape!

However, the masters of the three major forces in the sky allowed him to develop and compete for the source of positive matter.

I thought that after evolving, I would be able to compete with him, and later I would make them all look good!


The human emperor pen in Ye Jue's hand moved fiercely, writing continuously in the air, and wrote the word Chop!

Cutting Qi to the sky, destroying the void!


Zhang Ziran's protective divine ring was the first to be shattered, turning into billowing powder.

Then, he saw a celestial dragon crashing in like a mountain collapsing and the earth cracking, completely natural, and the heaven and the earth resonated!

Then where is Tianlong? It has transcended the scope of dragon.

Moreover, this dragon is a little special...

The head seems to be very round, the eyes are vicious, the mouth is long, and the fangs are sharp.

It looked a bit like a creature he couldn't imagine.

That’s right, it’s the big wolfdog!

But the remaining enemies are also very powerful.

Whether it's Zhang Ziran or Yang Wanjin.

However, after Ye Jue obtained the form of heaven's creation and helped him reach the supreme demigod realm, everyone in his kingdom also received huge benefits.

For example, the big wolf dog can be vaguely seen. It has merged with a huge dragon corpse, and is covered in white armor!

On the body, sacred poetry flows down!

Buzz! !

Around it, countless white holy lights turned into many divine dragons, all spinning around it!

Some are only as big as a thumb, some are as big as a fist, some are several feet tall, and some are hidden in the void world around them and are as big as a planet.

Just like that, it rushed out of Ye Jue's body and ordered dragons as numerous as the sand of the Ganges River to kill the two supreme god emperors.

This is the supreme majesty of the evolved dragon. The breath of the divine dragon's tribulations is brewing above his head.

However, the big wolfdog didn't feel any pain at all. Not only could this disaster not hurt it!

Instead, it became its tonic, and the Heavenly Tribulation Cloud Qi became a canopy filled with thunder.

The universe has obviously burst into pieces, and a catastrophe has occurred.

Logically speaking, this is basically impossible.

However, Ye Jue is now the way of heaven, turning decay into magic.

Not only the big wolf dog, but also everyone in his world has suffered from evolutionary disaster.

This is a phenomenon that has never happened before.

But now, the big wolf dog has passed the catastrophe and has been upgraded to a god emperor. The energy is naturally fed back to it by Ye Jue.

Use the heavenly calamity as your own canopy to add glory to yourself.

This kind of cultivation is similar to Zhang Ziran's Thunder Emperor Technique. It is simply about turning the sky into nothing, breaking the shackles, shattering the void, and pointing directly to the mythical avenue.


There is only one true God, after all, the ceiling is there.

It can never become a true god.

No chance.

In addition, there is also a steel-colored mountain-shaped magic weapon on the top of the dog's head. The mountain-shaped magic weapon is a divine object created by it itself!

On the surface of this giant steel mountain, there is a big character carved on it, which is kill, and it instantly merges into the body.

Boundless murderous aura was conveyed from it!

Boom boom boom! !

One after another, the heavenly calamity clouds also appeared, and the heavenly calamity appeared. No

However, the boundless calamity cloud actually turned into a killing sword under its thoughts, accompanying the divine dragon.

What is this scene?

A dog is actually about to reach the peak of mythology?

This is simply jaw-dropping!

And, it’s not over yet!

The big wolf dog had more divine objects, and a white bone ring appeared.

This circle is formed naturally without being carved!

Moreover, the bone ring is the size of a washbasin, and there are sections of runes in the ring, which contain the deepest mysteries.

Haha, this is a segment of the backbone of an ancient divine dragon. I got the dragon meat back then and was resurrected after my death. I have been refining it for many years. Unfortunately, I have never been able to exert the energy of the divine dragon in it. But I am the reincarnation of a divine dog. The power of the Great Tribulation has helped me Me, blend into my body...

The big wolf dog roared repeatedly, and the white bone ring entered its body at once.


Then the boundless catastrophe was launched, and it continued to escalate from the God Emperor.

This is its exhibition match!

Because the target, seemingly Zhang Ziran, is actually the beauty in ancient costume.

Yang Wanjin!

The dragon changes again, super dragon!

In the catastrophe of howling ghosts and gods, under the boundless domineering power of the big wolf dog, he actually vaguely transformed into an unprecedented divine dragon.

All the power slowly entered its body. The dragon and the killing sword formed by the mythical power were all surrendered and turned into pure power.

This kind of evolutionary technique has been rare for thousands of years.

Originally, it was impossible for the giant wolfdog to complete its evolution so smoothly.

After all, you have to be careful and walk on thin ice!

But now, Ye Jue simply regards the great tribulation of heaven as nothing, and simply wants to be directly promoted!

The original aura changes continuously, and in the free world, in an instant, there is a great sublimation!

Bang bang bang!

With the continuous explosions, the big wolf dog completely consolidated his cultivation, settled his soul, and reached a limit.

This evolution takes less than a second.

But in this second, Zhang Ziran had already sacrificed himself to the Jade Emperor's Great Temple, and the formation diagrams were activated one by one. This Jade Emperor's Great Temple is also like the ancient Hongmeng Temple, with many formation diagrams. , each time a formation diagram is activated, the power increases by one point. If all of them are activated, it will be comparable to a demigod.

Moreover, it contains ten god-level heavenly veins and some ancient divine treasures, and its power cannot be underestimated.

After all, he is a veteran God Emperor with a rich heritage!

At that time, it was even said that when he was building the Jade Emperor's Great Temple, he searched for a long time and obtained the fallen corpse of a demigod, which made the power of this great temple infinitely close to that of a divine object forged by the true God.

Ye Jue, do you have no other means? Arrange a dog to fight with me? Di Tian, ​​come here and come in quickly. Let's activate the Jade Emperor's Temple together and help me activate it together. We will definitely be able to kill him. This dog.”

Zhang Ziran drank.


The murderous aura reaches the sky, and the sword energy spreads across all directions!

Di Tian enters the battlefield!

He had been hiding in the dark, waiting for opportunities.

Now that the master calls, he appears naturally.

Ye Jue, you won't step on my head anymore. We can kill you and prove the supreme way.

Ditian's combat experience was not dull at all. As soon as he entered the battlefield, he activated the Jade Emperor's Great Temple.


In an instant, he collided with the super dragon transformed into a big wolf dog.

However, the big wolf dog’s target is Yang Wanjin!

Zhang Ziran and Di Tian must be handed over to Ye Jianjie to pay.

Heaven is in ruins!

Four words spewed out from Ye Jue's mouth, his voice was loud and the majestic sound resounded.


The entire void around Zhang Ziran and Di Tian was suddenly torn apart and completely destroyed!

All space and time disappear into nothingness, and the rules of heaven are disintegrating!

Moreover, the sword light condensed into a domineering sword densely entered the Jade Emperor's Great Temple. The protective light curtain outside the Jade Emperor's Great Temple could not withstand the sinking power of heaven at all.

The Jade Emperor's Great Temple was trembling violently.

The array diagrams inside collapsed one after another.

In an instant, all the holy light was extinguished!

The entire temple's outer protective shield seemed to have been broken!

Swish, swish, swish!

Endless crimson energy seeped in, revealing the dead silence.

It was as if a huge brightly lit city suddenly had all the lights extinguished and turned into a ghost town.

What does it mean to gain the way of heaven and dominate the world?

One move can make people sink and break the forbidden laws of the Jade Emperor's Great Temple.

Ye Jue's tall and majestic body landed directly in the center of the temple, looking at Zhang Ziran and Di Tian who were trying their best to activate the formation.


On the other side, Big Wolf Dog and Yang Wanjin finally started fighting.

Obviously, Yang Wanjin didn't even think about how a dog could stop her.

However, when she saw this divine dog running the world, with countless divine beasts, demonic beasts, magical beasts, etc., she understood instantly.

Where is this dog?

He is clearly the Demon King!

No, it’s the Demon Emperor, that’s not appropriate either, it’s the Demon God!


Ditian's eyes widened, and he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. He never imagined that he would be so proud of himself that he was a small role player that he looked down upon before.

Now the power is almost boundless and transcends everything.

Even at the peak of his heyday, he was no match for this person.

However, if you are still in Zhang, you can naturally win!

His master is invincible!


Before he could feel happy, Ye Jue had already torn apart the light curtain of the Jade Emperor's Great Temple, destroying his hope.

The power of Heaven's Sinking is so fierce that it destroys all the brilliance and allows Ye Jue to come and kill them. The danger has already arrived.

Ye Jue! You are looking for death!

Zhang Ziran is now fierce and violent, with all his fingers shaking, and ten invincible divine lights piercing through the eternal oppression.

At the same time, a Hunyuan yellow Dzi Bead appeared above his head!

This Dzi Bead dominates the world, and an overlord appears in it. He is transforming the emperor's skills, and he seems to be at the level of a god-emperor.

This is a divine object that was once made of real matter. I refined it into a Dzi Bead. It is the most noble thing. Ye Jue, you little thing, you are a villain. I want you to see what it is. True power, the power of the universe!”

The strength of Zhang Ziran's body increased steadily, and he roared: Ditian, I will sacrifice you, I will kill him!

He actually wants to sacrifice to Di Tian!


Ditian's face suddenly turned green.

He was called over...

Actually used for sacrifice?

Don't you understand?


Zhang Ziran had the power of history in his hands, and he was so eloquent that he directly slapped Di Tian flat!

No hesitation at all!

So ruthless!

Sure enough, there are people who have cultivated to this level.

There is no love left.

This made Ye Jue shake his head.

After working hard all your life, you just become someone else’s ‘food’.

This is the cruelty of myth.

The horror of this road.

Even he had been devouring others just now to gain strength.

It is enough to show that the power of myth is not a good thing at all!

Thank you!

He is detached now.

Gained the mysterious power beyond myth and technology.

Every punch and every move is real power.

It starts to evolve from the way of heaven and becomes more and more real.

When the time comes, no one can resist him! !


Ditian screamed.

With deep reluctance and regret...

In this way, it became Zhang Ziran's energy.


Devouring the Emperor Tian, ​​Zhang Ziran punched in the air. Thousands of imperial skills descended violently in the fist force. On the other arm, the Heavenly Pearl appeared. With a shake, it slaughtered the world, beheaded the universe, and faced Ye Jue's head. Hit.

Although Yang Wanjin was separated and entangled by the magical dog.

But his own strength is also almost invincible.

But Ye Jue was not afraid at all. He was already invincible, even more invincible than Zhang Ziran!

Coupled with the current power of heaven, everything is sinking, and the peerless majesty is gradually revealed, waiting for the moment to become reality.

God's way!

The supreme law in the legal world, the law outside the law and the lawless way

All are the essence of the laws of heaven!

The law is the rules, which transcend the rules of heaven and earth. There are new rules in every era. The rules flow and people change accordingly.

Now under the control of Ye Jue, he has grasped the eternal secret.

When all the attacks hit him, a ball of divine light rose up in Ye Jue's body!


In an instant, all the power began to be absorbed.

This is too terrifying, that is the power that Zhang Ziran fought hard to exert.

However, Ye Jue is allowed to be washed away and will not be destroyed. It will only become stronger and stronger like a reef.


Then, as soon as he pointed, a sinking light destroyed all the divine rings around Zhang Ziran.

At the same time, with a palm in the air, the wind and clouds surged, and the warriors and horses came to kill!

This is the Divine Fist of Heaven. In addition to the crushing power, Ye Jue also used other powers.

The devastating power destroyed all of Zhang Ziran's magic power, and punched him on the sternum.

This is a punch that transcends time and so on, reaching it instantly and ignoring distance.


Zhang Ziran's whole body was blown away, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the bead on his head was cracked.

The so-called positive matter is nothing but an illusion.

Not useful at all.

On his chest, the halo of light flew out, hitting him like a human treasure.

Zhang Ziran, Qi Jue Nu will not pay attention to you. She wants you to delay more and fight for her. It's a pity, it's a pity, how can you stop me? They are still fighting for real matter, but they don't know how to become a true god. What about God? ?”

As long as I achieve truth, no power can be my opponent. In the face of truth, all power is false.

Ye Jue held his arms for a while.

With a simple wave, a terrifying phenomenon appeared, not a myth or technology.

That was a huge sword energy!

It slashed down in the air, reached Zhang Ziran's head, and hit it with one slash.

However, it was not real enough and was blocked by Zhang Ziran.

His head didn't move at all, and he jumped up from the shock.

Ye would never let him go. He pierced his eyes, rotated his palm, and a ball of sinking power burst out of the air, turning into the power of the twisted void, and slapped Zhang Ziran's armor hard.


The armor vibrated, making a clicking sound, and shocking cracks appeared on it, then continued to extend, and finally exploded.


Zhang Zizi suffered a loss again, moved his body, and used his armor again.

However, Ye Jue waved his sleeves, and the sleeves were like iron plates, all of which were broken armor. They all fought back, and instead attacked Zhang Ziran.

ah! ah! ah!

Zhang Ziran was caught off guard, and all his armor was shot through by his own fragments, turning it into a hornet's nest.

Puff puff puff puff!

Countless blood spurts out of the body like fountains!

This veteran God Emperor screamed repeatedly and had a ferocious face. He never expected that he would be defeated and injured by Ye Jue's consecutive spells.

You are an old antique. Unfortunately, you ended up in the wrong camp... No, it's because you believe in myths too much and think myths are invincible, while I have mastered a brand-new power. You have lived for too long, and your vision has become narrow. status.

Ye Jue's voice shook.


A voice like Hong Zhongda Lu resounded!

He used the Human Emperor's Pen to draw out the characters and flew towards Zhang Ziran.

Boom boom boom! !

Zhang Ziran jumped with his own world shaking, and his main body kept retreating, unable to withstand Ye Jue's boundless strength.

He was struck repeatedly by the emperor's pen.

The Wrath of the Jade Emperor.

Zhang Ziran roared, despite this, he was still high up, looking down at Ye Jue, the whole person and the Great Temple were almost merged into one, and in the void, billions of mythical torrents descended!

Mixed with boundless anger, it besieged and trampled Ye Jue. The impact of these torrents would crush even a god emperor into pulp.

It is indeed a myth, but a myth is just a myth, a fictitious power against the universe.

Ye Jue didn't even look at it.

As soon as he put his hands together, particles as numerous as Ganges River sand reorganized and flew out of his body!

From every particle of the Kingdom of God, densely packed mosaic soldiers flew out!

These mosaic soldiers have been super evolved and are blessed by the power of heaven. Each soldier has a divine ring behind his back and the light of technology above his head.

The vast army entered Zhang Ziran's great temple and collided with the torrent of myths.

This is the collision of two big worlds, a fierce fight, and the birth of the world.

Crackling, like thunder from the sky destroying the world, like disaster coming to the earth!

In an instant, he killed every living creature, sucked it in, and then naturally charged towards the station!

The latter's clothes were all torn apart after being beaten, revealing his body and streaks of blood.

However, Zhang Ziran’s skin is smooth and radiant!

Swish, swish, swish! !

He has the grace of the Supreme God Emperor!

Unfortunately, the creatures in the world that were destroyed by Ye Jue's counterattack still left blood marks on his body. Those blood marks kept flowing out blood, and a large amount of energy was lost.

In an instant, all the gods in the Ganges sand particles were killed.

What is this concept?

Leave no escape route!

Cut off everything!

Don't give the God Emperor any chance!

Ye Jue, you are so cruel!

Zhan Ziran roared and used the divine emperor's origin to shake away countless Tiandao Mosaic soldiers.

Oh? Now that you know you were wrong, do you want to be worthy of being compared with me?

Ye Jue smiled.

Weren't you all arrogant and arrogant just now? Even all your plans have failed, but I can't help it. Do you think you can make a big wave? All of you will fall here.

Ye Jue's body moved, and all the heavenly weapons were attached to his body.

His body shook, and he stepped on Zhang Ziran's temple violently. There were explosions everywhere in the rumbling hall!

All kinds of white energy rolled into his body, as if he was refining the world again, depriving Zhang Ziran of control over the entire Great Temple.

Era are endless, truth is the final path!

You stubborn people, all of you will perish in front of me!

Ye Jue touched his palm, used all his magic power, and a huge reality vaguely appeared in the air!

The boundless suction force caused Zhang Ziran's body to shake and he was unable to use his magic power.

Oops! I have used all my strength! This word reality is all he has, but it has not been completely formed yet. I still have a chance!

After all, Zhang Ziran is the most powerful one among these minions!

He immediately knew that Ye Jue's offensive was extremely fierce, and if he was not careful, he would face a fatal disaster, so he stood upright, unparalleled, and in one stroke, the myth exploded.

This is already a dead end!

He doesn't want to die!

So I sacrificed all my longevity!

And, it’s not an attack!

But run away!

Rush directly to the great world of Qijue!

As long as you enter there, you will be protected by the seven women.

Ye Jue can't do anything to him!

However, Ye Jue will never let him go back. He will not move, and his sword is like an axe. He can create heaven and earth, slashing in the air...

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