What is instant death?

San Tai Zhu coughed out a mouthful of blood with a loud pop!

Everything in the body is falling apart.

Even if he becomes a demon god and a god emperor, he still cannot bear the collapse of the Tao.

This is the crushing power of heaven.

Anyone who is weak will be dominated by this great power.


At the end of the sky, in the dark universe, a red glow burst out.

This is the light of the three pillars exploding!

Behead the Emperor, annihilate him!

After Ye Jue spit out four words, the three pillars collapsed.

Everyone else felt the aura of terror. They all found that the shadow reflected in their eyes, making their bodies unable to move. They could only watch the power enter their bodies.

Ye Jue's majestic body, pointing to the sky and touching the ground, rolled towards them, actually trying to kill them within the rules.


In an instant, these people all used their best trump cards to resist in various ways.

‘Boom! ’

They almost turned over and roared again and again, and a series of demonic emperor spells appeared on their bodies, and the scorching sun, dragons and phoenixes, mountains, rivers, heaven and earth, yin and yang all came out.


In the end, they each collapsed, looking horrified.

What, you actually killed us all with just one glance?

The leader of Chaos Zuma was shocked.

Not only that, this terrifying glance also killed the three pillars.

The thunderous momentum is unstoppable.

They don't even have a chance to save!

He just used the power of heaven to crush the rules, but if we resisted, there was nothing he could do.

After Zhang Ziran's words, Ye Jue was already murderous.

Deciding this veteran God-Emperor to be his enemy, in anger, the shadow rushed out again.

Coming for me?

Zhang Ziran also seemed to be irritated by Ye Jue. With a move of his hand, all kinds of heaven and earth methods were suppressed with a rumble. These were the three thousand Rashomon gates, bombarding Ye Jue.

With his other hand, he pushed hard and combined with Yang Wanjin to chop out the Phoenix, Green Dragon, White Tiger, and Xuanwu.

In an instant, the battle began.

Ignore them, Ye Jue has obtained the way of heaven, it doesn't matter, we will continue to collect positive matter!

Zhao Yin said immediately.

The enemies they want, hell, and the Qijue world, are all trying to find ways to obtain positive matter.

But no matter which side wants to cut off the source and block the wellhead, it only takes a moment to become the ultimate waypoint.

The war broke out in the seventh era!

As soon as Ye Jue caught him, Wanxiang Wuchang, who was using the Demonic Emperor Technique, was caught directly.

Wanxiang, after you swallow impermanence, you can change again and again, but in front of the eyes of heaven, no matter how you change, you can't escape my eyes.

Ye Jue was actually among the billions of clones, and he directly figured out the real body of Wanxiang Wuchang.

Moreover, in his hand, the Human Emperor's Brush and the Human Emperor's Book appeared.

This is the power of Mengdie.

In one stroke, the word 'death' was written.

The Human Emperor's Brush, the Human Emperor's Book, what I have been looking for is actually in your hands!

Wanxiang Wuchang's expression changed drastically, and he was even more frightened that Ye Jue could easily find his true form.

In this way, his ability was completely suppressed.

Three Pillars are your good brothers, right? You guys, what's wrong with you is that you turned into demon gods. My tribe hates demon gods to the core. Let you taste the heart-gnawing power of this hatred. !”

Ye Jue roared loudly and actually slapped Wan Xiang Wuchang on the head.


In an instant, raging anger filled his mind, surging like waves.

This hatred roared like a huge thunder in the sky, shaking him into a trance.

At this moment, blood and fire were intertwined, and flames shot out from Wanxiang Wuchang's eyes.

After you become a demon god, it will be your final resort. It will be your limit, your ceiling. There is no more evolution to speak of. You will stop here and achieve this.

Ye Jue shook his head lightly.

In the past, he and these people had fought against great enemies together and also fought against each other.

Now, it's time to decide the winner.


Ye Jue opened his mouth and spat out, and the blazing flames fell on Wanxiang Wuchang.

Suddenly, Wanxiang Wuchang's face became distorted, showing great pain.

The center of his eyebrows glowed, a gap appeared, and his soul shone.


Ye Jue showed no mercy and squeezed with his big hand.

next moment.

The common people are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, I am not willing to die like this. I hate myself, why didn't I get rid of you earlier? Now I understand, you are the one in this world. The most terrifying enemy, ah...

During the explosion, Wan Xiang Wu Chang was different from the Three Pillars, able to express strong resentment and curses.

He yelled, and his body exploded, the demonic energy surged, burning into blazing flames, and then one rune after another flashed, all runes from hell.

However, being swallowed by Ye Jue in one breath directly converted into his own combat power.


It only took a blink of an eye to kill Wanxiang Impermanence.


It was a moment that transcended all time.

Everything is impermanent and it dies.

in front of their eyes.

Just like the three pillars, they all turned into powder and entered Ye Jue's body.

Ye Jue, you are so insidious and vicious, with such deep calculations!

Ji Zizai yelled.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, his demon allies would be dead.

And they all became Ye Jue's strength.

Okay, okay, hell, we've lost two generals now!

At this time, Zhang Ziran, Yang Wanjin, and Jue Ji looked happy.

It greatly weakens the power of hell.

And looking at this formation, Ye Jue is going to take action against Ji Zizai.


Instead, Ye Jue looked at the direction of Qi Jue's world and locked his eyes on the three of them.

He actually ignored Ji Zizai's existence.


This confused the three of them.

They all knew that Ye Jing was full of hatred for Ji Zizai.

First, he attacked the misery, forcing Su Yan to become a master, and then he captured his daughter and sealed it. They haven't seen each other for an era, and they were simply their nemesis.

No matter which one of these crimes is taken out, it is a blood feud.


He actually ignored Ji Zizai and pointed the finger at them.

Don't be so surprised, Ji Zizai, I will stay until the end and slowly clean up and torture you, now it's your turn!

Ye Jue took action directly without hesitation.

He will not let these people return to the Qijue world.

It was hard to lure them out.

He must be killed here!

Ye Jue's current power of heavenly rules cannot crush them.

However, after killing the three pillars and Wanxiang Wuchang just now, his combat power has increased a lot, and he has vaguely found the power to transcend everything.

The rules of heaven crush it, and it is still the force of anti-universe.

You must first understand this power and then transcend it.

So, let’s make fun of these people first!

Run away!

Jue Ji exclaimed.

She only felt that the Ye Jue in front of her was strange and unpredictable, and she never knew what his final trump card was or what constituted his power.

Not mythology, not technology.

The people fighting in hell are using power that has never been seen before.

But being able to easily kill an existence with the same level of strength as her must be an ancient and brilliant method.

So, she turned around and moved to cum.

Heading towards the Qijue World in the uppermost sky.

Now, Qi Jue Nu is fighting for the source of positive matter and has no time to pay attention to her.


Yang Wanjin was shocked.

Jue Ji, you are too impulsive.

Zhang Ziran's expression suddenly changed, and he instantly turned into a stream of light and followed him.

He wasn't running away.

And to save.


Ye Jue smiled sinisterly.

He has been waiting to be alone.

It's really difficult to deal with these three people together.


Ye Jue galloped forward, charging directly towards Jue Ji. His palms carried mysterious power that was about to surpass everything, so fast that it was almost impossible to react.


Jue Ji turned her head sharply and saw Ye Jue with a cruel look on his face, his palm already close to her back.

All defenses seemed to be in vain, divine rings, armors, formations, and imperial arts exploded one after another.


Immediately afterwards, she felt a force that could break her whole body, spreading deep into her body.


Immediately, all the creatures born in her world died and could no longer provide her with power.


Zhang Ziran roared, sound waves rolling towards this direction.

But Ye Jue would not show mercy at all.

When destroying all vitality of Jue Ji, the other hand inserted directly into her chest, penetrated directly into her soul, and pulled out the original power with the power of the laws of heaven.

This origin is a pink heart shape.


Seeing the source appearing in Ye Jue's hand, Jue Ji couldn't believe it and looked at him with a horrified expression.

However, Ye Jue showed no mercy and took a big gulp, eating it directly into his body.

In an instant, it was broken down into blocks by countless mysterious starlights, and then broken down into powder from blocks, completely refined.

All phenomena will be destroyed, and all eternity will become void!

With an almost breathless pressure, Ye Jue slapped away Jue Ji who was left with only one breath left. Her body suddenly became terrifying, unfathomable, and simply synonymous with heavenly secrets.

Stomping in all directions, swallowing mountains and rivers, dominating the world, turning the universe around, with another shock, he grabbed it with his big hand, and in the palm of his hand, countless mysterious stars appeared.

The power of transcendence is about to take shape!

However, the masters of the three major forces in the sky allowed him to develop and compete for the source of positive matter.

I thought that after evolving, I would be able to compete with him, and later I would make them all look good!


The human emperor pen in Ye Jue's hand moved fiercely, writing continuously in the air, and wrote the word Chop!

Cutting Qi to the sky, destroying the void!


Zhang Ziran's protective divine ring was the first to be shattered, turning into billowing powder.

Then, he saw a celestial dragon crashing in like a mountain collapsing and the earth cracking, completely natural, and the heaven and the earth resonated!

Then where is Tianlong? It has transcended the scope of dragon.

Moreover, this dragon is a little special...

The head seems to be very round, the eyes are vicious, the mouth is long, and the fangs are sharp.

It looked a bit like a creature he couldn't imagine.

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