Ye Jue is indeed crazy. He even wants to lose his own will. Without will, it means death. Who doesn't understand this truth?

The leader of Chaos Zuma was simply shocked when he saw Ye Jue being so crazy.

He definitely wouldn't be able to do it otherwise.

Who dares to lose even his own will?

Since ancient times.

Who doesn’t try every means, exhaust all their strength, and think of all kinds of ways to maintain their will?

Take the two ancient god emperors Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin as examples.

They also went through a lot of hardships to preserve their will until the seventh era.

During this period of time, my body has changed countless times.

In order to replenish longevity, leave your will.

They thought it over.

And now?

Ye Jue, how could he be so crazy?

First, he 'committed suicide' in the Garden of Eden, and was shocked that he didn't die.

The crazy behavior now had to shock all of them.

After all, Ye Jue has a strong trump card and obtained the mysterious power of God's will from the Garden of Eden.

No matter how you look at it, they are strong candidates who can correct the universe or defeat other forces.

The results of it?

Without any warning, he committed suicide.

The white hair is stained by thousands of calamities, and the years go by in vain...

At this moment, Ye Jue's will is slowly dissipating, spreading towards the anti-universe.

No, something's wrong, there's definitely something wrong!

At this time, Ji Zizai suddenly shouted.

His eyes looked horrified.

do not know why…

He felt an unspeakable emotion stirring in his heart.

Yes, I also feel something is wrong.

Wan Xiang Wu Chang, who had transformed into the demon god state, was filled with demonic aura and looked intently at Ye Jue's direction.

That place was dotted with stars.

But if you get close to it, you will immediately encounter a fierce backlash.

Those starlights formed by will are like the most powerful poison.

Anyone who comes close will injure themselves.

They just got a little closer and felt a burning sensation on their skin.

What kind of power did he gain in God's Dimension?

Jue Ji was shocked.

This does not appear to be suicide.

But to integrate the will into the anti-universe.

However, there was a click, as if there was something broken.

No, something is wrong!

Wei Ting suddenly shouted.


Blue spiritual light erupted from his body, bombarding the starry sky.

However, the light of spiritual energy could not pass through. It was actually trembling and humming, as if it was blocked.

Qi Jue Nu, this person has a clear mind and has done unimaginable actions. He actually wants to integrate into the anti-universe heaven.

Jue Ji understood and was shocked.

What kind of suicide is this?

To put it bluntly, I want to turn myself into the anti-universe god.


It was like the pillars holding up the sky cracked, the sky collapsed, the whole world was actually trembling, the universe was trembling.

Everything under the sky is resonating. There were originally cracks everywhere in the void, but they started to be repaired at this moment!

The anti-universe, which was already facing collapse, completed a transformation when Ye Jue's will merged into it.

This can make everyone feel frightened and their scalp numb.

Prince Yama, Chen Ya, and Zhao Yin were shocked at the same time!

They finally knew what Ye Jue got in the God Dimension.

You can find the power of Heaven's Way, you can penetrate into Heaven's Way, and you can manage the power of Heaven's Way!

Originally this was nothing, after all the anti-universe was about to collapse.

But the one in control is Ye Jue! !

This man is full of tricks and conspiracies, allowing him to master the way of heaven against the universe...

You can't kill them first.

Only the true god, the original, can face the power of heaven!

Damn it, stop him!

Chaos Zuma leader yelled.

However, a sword suddenly bloomed from the starlight.


The Chaos Zuma leader's eyebrows were cut open, spreading downwards, and the entire body was about to be divided into two halves.

His soul light was also cut open, and his body and soul were being torn apart rapidly!


At the critical moment, the demonic body burst out with shocking power, and at the most dangerous moment, his life was saved.

But the attack was not over.

The same beam of light shot out from the mysterious starlight, sweeping towards all those who came to seize his will.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

Ji Zizai, Three Pillars, Wanxiang Impermanence, Zhang Ziran, Yang Wanjin, Jue Ji, and Wei Ting all dodge when everything is dark!

Although Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin were injured, their methods were very vicious. After a low drink, the sky map crossed the sky and reached the front. With the blessing of all the mythical power, the map was tumbling. They could vaguely see the scene of the heaven and earth being opened and then destroyed. Stay with Jue Ji and resist the sweep.

Wei Ting's whole body exploded with psychic light, which was able to stop the mysterious beam of light from flying, and he retreated into the world of dragon roar.

At this moment, he already knew that Ye Jue was about to complete his evolution and obtain the anti-universe way of heaven.

Ji Zizai, Three Pillars, and Wanxiang Wuchang, the three demon gods, evaded and defended one after another.

But that mysterious light seemed to have locked onto one of them.

Three pillars!


San Tai Zhu thought frantically that this was the end of the road. After counting the past eras, he finally survived.

Ye Jue, I have given you so much, why do you have to chase me? Damn it, you have obtained the anti-universe heavenly way. Instead of defeating Qi Jue Nu, Dragon Roar World, Prince Yama, you come to find me?

He roared repeatedly, his body flashed in the long river of void, constantly moving, the light of myth all over his body emitted.

However, facing this unmatched power, I felt weak and frightened.

No one has ever obtained the anti-cosmic way of heaven.

Since ancient times, even the true god, God, has not been able to learn the location of heaven from their mouths.

It seems that because it is a huge secret, the two have never been revealed.


It happened that Ye Jue got it and found the way of heaven from the space of God's will.

This mysterious beam of light has unparalleled intimidating power!

It is a force of rules. As long as it is in the anti-universe, no matter how strong it is, it will be suppressed.


Ye Jue gained the power of rules that surpassed everyone.

How could this not make their expressions change drastically.

I am a human being, who has spent time with me, it is you, who has walked with me, or you! What a pity, now I am above all of you, and I am your heaven. What does this mean? You are all me My son!

Ye Jue's voice sounded from all directions, and everyone was so frightened that they almost vomited blood.

He actually said that everyone is his son.

This sounds fine...

After all, he is now the Dao of Heaven and has integrated his will into it.

Everyone is also born against the universe.

The universe is their origin.

However, taking advantage of this is too much, right?

It's like a person you know very well suddenly evolves and says he is your father now.

Shouldn't he be so depressed that he spurts blood on the spot?

What's more, this person is still the same Ye Jue! !

Now they even want to die.

What does it mean to be successful as a villain?

In their eyes, Ye Jue performed to the extreme.

Oh, my sons are fighting and killing each other. It really makes me feel distressed as a father.

Ye Jue seemed to have a desire to talk and sighed.


All the creatures in the Qijue world, the dragon roar world, and the hell world were so angry that their eyes were about to burst and they were shouting.

There is an extra father for no reason...

This makes them so uncomfortable.

And I have to admit it.

This is really dad!

It's the way of heaven!

Ha ha ha ha!!

Ye Jue's loud laughter sounded from all directions again, spreading all around in this collapsed universe.

At this moment, the collapse of the anti-universe has been temporarily halted.

Ye Jue, you have obtained the power of the rules of heaven, and you are just here to show off your words? Huh, even so, you can't deal with us!

At this moment, Prince Yama understood some of his plans.

Now, he doesn't care about heaven at all.

From shock, to a look of indifference.

Is the way of heaven strong?

So why can't the collapse of the Anti-Universe be prevented?

But after Ye Jue came to power, he relied on his strong backing to be able to temporarily stop it.

It is enough to show that this force is not particularly strong.

Waiting for him to become the original devil, or still building the underworld, God will kill him sooner or later.

Now that Ye Jue has obtained the way of heaven and turned it into reality, it will be easier to handle.

Kill him directly!

Ye Jue, you are like a clown. After you get a little bit of power, you start to feel complacent and show off your power. It is simply the behavior of a villain. How can you become a big person like this?

In the world of Dragon Roar, the voice of Long Shao Qin talks freely.

Ye Jue, even if you get the way of heaven, I now have the Kunlun Mirror and will become a true god soon. The mere rules of the way of heaven cannot suppress me. The way of heaven is just a crushing force. Once it reaches a balance, it will be ineffective. , it seems your plan failed again.

Chen Ya shook her head.

Really? Then I'll kill one first and have fun.

When he said this, his voice paused slightly.

Then, the three pillars' blood surged, their soul light surged, and they seemed to be targeted by some extremely terrifying huge beast.

Even his thoughts were frozen, and he couldn't move at all.


He saw a person's shadow suddenly appear in the starlight.

This is Ye Jue!

But the shape is very special, the whole body is black and white, and he is wearing a pure white divine robe that keeps flying back, reflecting in his eyes.

This is the form created by heaven!

Ye Jue's smile froze and turned into a smile full of killing intent.

An old thing from this dark realm.

Definitely not expected.

If you kill him yourself, you will use all your strength!


This phantom followed the eyes of the three pillars and entered the soul, body, and world.

Completely ignoring the distance, just one glance will result in a huge assassination in an instant.


San Taizhu's thoughts were ups and downs. His body suddenly swelled violently, and his reaction was very violent. He looked frightened and desperate. It was unbelievable that this kind of attack method was unprecedented and unheard of.

Just one look and you're going to die?

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