
Just when all forces are preparing.

Endless distant portals in the sky, black mist billowing, accompanied by strong winds, and thick black strange substances loomed.

These strange black substances, like black mud, fell from the sky of the seventh era universe.


A big star was directly corroded into a puddle of black mud.

There are many cosmic beings fleeing everywhere, being affected by the black mud, causing blood mist to evaporate, and being burned to ashes, leaving nothing behind.

As for their soul light, there is no need to think about it. No matter how strong it is, it collapses in an instant and can never be revived.

All the heavens and worlds are being destroyed.

The upper bounds, space levels and the like have long since ceased to exist.

Between heaven and earth, there is a raging and violent black storm!

Without the protection of the God Emperor, even an emperor would be torn apart in this black wind.

The boundless aura of destruction spreads out.

Even more terrifying than before.


At this moment, wanton laughter spread throughout the universe.

It's here, it's finally here, the power of destruction, such a huge power of destruction, the Sacred Tree of Destruction, please let me grow.

This is the voice of Prince Yama. He is sitting in hell, urging the destruction of the sacred tree.

Buzz buzz...

The roots of the God of Destruction tree penetrate everywhere, constantly absorbing the power of destruction.

Gurgling, gurgling!

Every time it is absorbed, the Sacred Tree of Destruction fluctuates violently and grows.

This rate of evolution is really too fast.

If this continues, Prince Yama will become the original demon, which is expected to come soon.


However, naturally someone stopped him.

I saw that time and space were constantly changing, and a great world appeared in the sky above hell. In the large world, there were countless figures standing.

Every figure glows with azure light.


All the demons in hell immediately raised their heads, looked over, and roared.

These extremely tall demons, with emperor-level aura wafting all over their bodies, roared towards the world of dragon roars!

Dragon Roaring World? How dare you attack me? You are so brave. Aren't you afraid that Qijue World will sneak attack from behind?

Prince Yama did not expect that the person who dared to attack Hell for the first time would turn out to be Dragon Roar World.

All the demons refused to accept it and rushed out of the hell world one after another, killing towards the spiritual sky.

The whole world in the dark storm shook violently.

Demons and psychic powers engage in the final showdown.

The fight started, they started fighting!

Jue Ji in Qi Jue World screamed excitedly.

It seems that they still couldn't hold back and took action first.

This is very good news for Qijue World.

As long as they continue to fight, all the lives in the Qijue world can compete for the positive universe matter.

These black mud and black storms are all antimatter and constitute the most basic destructive force of the anti-universe. The real positive universe has not yet been erupted!

Chen Ya also stood up suddenly and grabbed it with her big hand. The dark storm around her calmed down and was forcibly suppressed by her power that was about to become a true god.

The ultimate power of myth is constantly flowing in her palm!

Each mythical beam is brilliant and disperses into the void, making its Seven Ultimate World stable in the anti-cosmic storm.

Then, everyone in Qijue World saw the door to the positive universe in the sky.

This time, the gate to the positive universe appeared completely and completely.

Compared with the half-covering before, which can never make people see the true face clearly, it needs to be clearer and more real.

It turns out that this door really exists. I even doubt the authenticity of the positive universe!

Oh my god, I'm so lucky to see this.

First in wisdom, first in strength, first in all kinds of things, only a perfect being can witness this moment!

Hahahaha, we are going to the positive universe!

Suddenly, everyone was cheering and excited.

Seeing the door to the positive universe, the smile on Chen Ya's face became thicker and thicker.


She raised her hands, and countless Qijue Yuanqi turned into a light curtain, and the entire Qijue world slowly rose, rising slowly in the black storm of the great destruction of the world.

This scene is like becoming a god.

Chen Ya is not afraid of the anti-cosmic backlash at all. Now that her power is just one step away from becoming the true god in mythology.

The power of true God can turn everything around!

The best of the best, antimatter couldn't hurt her.

coming soon!

Suddenly, Chen Ya's expression turned serious, and her eyes shone with joy.

Because she saw it.

The door to the positive universe opened a gap.

Puff puff puff puff! !

Suddenly, there was a sound of swallowing, and immediately, the entire black storm between heaven and earth was reopened into a void, and countless substances formed a scene more spectacular than the Tianhe River in the seventh era.

These substances are all anti-universe, they have never been seen before, and they are spreading in all directions.

The collapse of every era is more or less spewing.

However, the Gate to the Positive Universe of the Sixth Era appeared in advance, allowing the Starry Sky Emperor to take advantage of the loophole.

So much so that these substances were not spewed out during the great destruction of heaven and earth.

it's good now.

In the end era, more positive cosmic matter was ejected than ever before, and it was more abundant and wider.

At first glance, it looks like a colorful, liquid-like thing.

As long as a living being comes into contact with these seven-colored substances, it can be sublimated in an instant, and its cultivation level will greatly increase.

Now Dragon Roar World and Hell are at war with each other.

They simply got a huge bargain.


Immediately, Chen Ya transformed into a big hand, a hand that reached the sky, and grabbed it.

She actually wants to incorporate all colored substances into the Qijue world.

This is really greedy.

Don't leave a drop for others.

However, something unexpected happened to her. Someone she had never planned for appeared.


As soon as this person appeared, when her mind was just starting to work, it shattered an unknown number of light-years away, and suddenly resisted the big hand she had formed.

Even the Milky Way, which was shattered by the void, was cut off by this force.

Who, who is stopping us?

How is it possible? There are other forces?

Who is it?

Zhang Ziran, Yang Wanjin, and Jue Ji were making crazy calculations immediately.

However, the next moment, they no longer had to forget it.

Because, who it was, had already appeared in front of them, standing in the light not far away.

It's you?

You're not dead?

Ye Jue?!

The three of them were suddenly surprised.

Chen Ya's eyes flashed, and a big fighting hand appeared again. She now had strong magic power. With a spin, countless galactic vortexes suddenly erupted, squeezing towards Ye Jue.

Chen Ya, we are old acquaintances meeting, so there is no need to take action directly, right?

Under Ye Jue's control, these galaxy whirlpools flew towards the Qijue world.

Dang Dang Dang!

The bombardment hit the light curtain and caused violent fluctuations.

Ye Jue, I knew you were not dead.

Chen Ya once again increased her power at this moment. At this moment, all the auras in her hands were concentrated, which were close to the power of a true god. She was ready to bombard Ye Jue at any time and give him a fatal blow.

As for this, Ye Jue, why don't you join us? You are practicing the mythical path and should join the Qijue World.

At this time, Zhang Ziran, the veteran god-emperor in the Qijue world, flew out and preached to Ye Jue.

You old turtle!

But he didn't expect to be scolded by Ye Jue.

This made him look embarrassed.

He is the ancestor-level God-Emperor.

To be humiliated like this?

Ye Jue, are you just trying to be quick with your words? It makes no sense at all. Surrender now and join the Qijue world to fight against hell and dragon roar. Our mythical experience will shine again and rush into the positive universe.

Yang Wanjin frowned.

When she knew that Ye Jue was not dead, she knew that this person definitely had some conspiracy.

However, it's no use now, the door to the positive universe is about to open.

Following the Qijue World and ascending to the righteous universe is the right way!

Shut up, you old witch, you and this old turtle have been living in secret for so many epochs. Don't you just want to enter the positive universe? I won't let you succeed. Although we have no hatred or grudges, you choose If you join the Qijue World and become my enemy, you are my enemy.

I always crush my enemies to death!

Ye Jue is very arrogant.

Puff puff puff puff! !

Apparitions of people, such as big wolf dogs, Su Baiyu, Fen Tian, ​​etc., kept appearing around him...

The way he is now is shocking enough to describe his weirdness.

The people in the kingdom behind him are all providing him with strength.

This mythical entity has gone crazy, kill it.

Jue Ji is disdainful.

What time is it now? The true God is about to appear.

Just him?

Can it go against the will of heaven?

Ha ha ha ha!

Unexpectedly, Ye Jue laughed and looked at them:

Who told you that I am a myth? Now, I already know the truth. The so-called myth is actually a lie. It is just a counterattack against the power given to you by the universe. True God? It's just a joke. Why will God die? , why the true god will be destroyed, don’t you fools still not understand it now?”

Hearing this person scolding them like this, the unparalleled powerful men in the Qijue world looked gloomy.


All of them were ripped apart by the bloody light that shot into the sky, causing parts of the dark universe to crack and collapse. It was the bloody light that tore it apart.

This is a great explosion of Qijue power. The source comes from Qijue Daughter and blooms deep in the Qijue world.

A line of blood was generated in an instant, cutting through the dark void and splitting Ye Jue into two.

Now, it is no longer a one-person battle.

But a world-class fight.

Every time he takes action, the lives in the world of the strong gather their strength and pass it on to the master of the country to bombard the enemy.

The one who launched this attack was naturally Chen Ya, the Qi Jue female.

Her face was cold and stern, and the immeasurable blood cloud flooded the multidimensional universe, trapping Ye Jue inside.

The power of true God cannot be insulted!

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