This is wrong. Since the original demon has the power to destroy God... Hey, the Celestial Clan?!

At this time, someone was surprised.

Yes, in order to deal with the original demon, God used a sacred tree in the Garden of Eden to give birth to a new race, the Celestial Race. The Celestial Race is a special life created by God. Unfortunately, the Celestial Tree has been destroyed. There is no power in deep space that can suppress demons anymore.”

Zhao Yin said in a deep voice.

No wonder your expression is so solemn.

Long Shaoqin finally understood how powerful the original demon was that made Zhao Yin show such an expression.

Now the Celestial Clan has all been destroyed.

Even the God Tree is gone.

If Prince Yama really became the original demon, wouldn't they be killed indiscriminately?

Being God has no effect at all.

I really didn't expect that at the critical moment, a primitive demon would pop out.

Wei Ting was very angry.

He thought that damn hell, there was no chance to appear.

Who would have expected that it would be a powerful enemy that could restrain them.

What stands in front of us is not only the original demon, but also the Seven Women who want to become true gods. At first glance, it seems that we have an advantage, but in fact, we are not. Both of them are extremely powerful and can pose a great threat to us.

Zhao Yin said coldly.

Is there any countermeasure?

The other heroes looked at each other and then asked.

Their psychic bodies are very powerful compared to the emperor level.

If you fight hard, you won't lose anything.

But which side to fight with?

In the end, the other party will be unable to help but jump out and add insult to injury.

Anyway, if the Qijue World and Hell were fighting.

Then they will definitely be like the mantis stalking the cicada, followed by the oriole.

Since Hell is our biggest enemy, let's destroy Hell first.

Wei Ting suggested.

After all, Prince Yama has not yet become the original demon.

Now is the great opportunity.

If he were allowed to evolve, it would be too late.

But if we fight Hell, Qijue World will definitely attack us first. After all, our spiritual light has the power to restrain the myth.

Long Shaoqin frowned.

Then the three of us are constrained by each other.

The lives in the world of Dragon Roar feel that the situation is difficult to stabilize and are in a delicate balance.

Now the portal to the universe appears, and matter will be spewed out soon.

No matter which side it is, they will definitely fight for it.

They all want to improve themselves and cultivate to a perfect state before entering the positive universe.

The matter ejected from the positive universe will never be missed easily.

In short, our enemy is Hell, destroy Hell first, and then attack the Qijue World.

Zhao Yin said.

His face was as sharp as a knife, very three-dimensional, and his eyes were piercing. It seemed that he would take action when necessary.

Now is the final moment, there is no need to hide yourself anymore.

What's more, his identity has been exposed and there is nothing left to hide.


But at this moment, a voice suddenly resounded, and with a roar, the entire protective layer of the Dragon Roar World seemed to be broken open, and the sky was cracking together, and it was about to explode.

This is a destructive force. The visitor is very powerful. The mysterious power is intertwined and spreads to every corner.

Everyone felt this man's presence.


It's you?

How is this going?

They were all dumbfounded.

Including Zhao Yin, Long Shaoqin were both stunned. They simply did not expect that this person would appear at this moment.

Ye Jue?!

Wei Ting's mouth opened into a '0' shape and did not close for a long time.

it's me.

Ye Jue's complexion looked as fair as jade, and his long black hair was extremely pure. The light from his body shone in the sky, his eyes were sharp, and he had a faint smile on his face.

He actually appeared in the world of Dragon Roar and made a show of force that shocked everyone and really sent chills down the spine.

Because they don't understand.

How could he not die?

After all, everyone in the entire Dragon Roar World had witnessed the destruction of him and the Garden of Eden.


Now, he appeared in front of these people so arrogantly.

How could they not be shocked? !

This is ten thousand times more shocking than seeing a ghost!

What makes the world of Dragon Roar even more puzzling is that Ye Jue is not dead, but why did he break into the world of Dragon Roar?

Don’t you know that this is the space of spiritual light? Is he not afraid of really dying?

Disintegrated into slag by psychic energy?

Ye Jue!

Wei Ting blocked the back of the world. With a bang, his body expanded and he was about to attack.

At the same time, densely packed spiritual bodies were soaring, turning into streams of light, and rushing towards Ye Jue.

Facing such a lineup.

This person is bound to die!


Ye Jue didn't panic at all.

Even if these attacks came to him, there was no counterattack.

Wait a minute.

However, Long Shaoqin suddenly issued an order.

This caused everyone's movements to freeze for an instant.

It's just a phantom.

He shook his head and said: Ye Jue, I really didn't expect that your life would be so hard. The Garden of Eden was destroyed, but you didn't die with it. But since you have appeared now, in our world of Long Xiao , whether you are here to declare war or surrender, let’s make it clear now!”

Haha, surrender?

Ye Jue seemed to have heard some big joke.

Oh? You don't plan to surrender. Are you here to declare war?

Long Shaoqin frowned.

No, I'm here to join forces with you.

Unexpectedly, Ye Jue actually flicked his fingers and said something lightly.

This made everyone listen.

Ye Jue, what are you doing? How can we join forces with you?

Wei Ting sneered again and again.

Ye Jue, what are you thinking about? Are you joining forces with us to fight against hell and the Qijue world?

Zhao Yin walked out and faced Ye Jue for the first time with a calm expression.

Oh? You are Zhao Yin, right? You are the being who has been supporting the world of Long Roar. Without your presence, Long Shaoqin would not have been able to reach this point.

Ye Jue's eyes narrowed slightly.

This guardian of the Garden of Eden doesn't seem to have any power fluctuations on his body.

But he believed that it definitely contained extremely terrifying strength.

A man who has experienced many times of blood and fire.

There will never be a trace of combat activity like this.

Then there is only one possibility.

That is hiding to the extreme.

The strength has far exceeded imagination.

Demi god?

Absolute entropy?

The possibility of the latter is very high!

Stop talking nonsense, Ye Jue, tell me your purpose.

Zhao Yin said coldly.

Just like what you said, I want to join forces with you, Long Xiao, to fight against the Qijue World and Hell.

Ye Jue's body slowly rotated in the void, and he stated his purpose: I already know that the original demons can actually restrain God, and you are following the path of God, so you must kill them, but... I am afraid that the Qijue World will disturb you, so I have been reluctant to take action.

Okay, let me deal with Qijue World, and you can go deal with Prince Yama, because we have to save Chen Ya, so we can kill two birds with one stone, how about that?

His words were sincere.

But what fell into Wei Ting's ears was full of conspiracies and intrigues.

Even if he were beaten to death, he would not believe that Ye Jue's purpose was so pure.

Aren't you afraid that after we destroy Hell, no one can restrain us, and then we can easily take care of you?

Long Shaoqin looked at Ye Jue and asked.

When that time comes, our old and new grudges will be settled at that time.

Ye Jue waved his hand and said: As you can see, we are now at the end of the road. The contract is just a fiction to us. We can only make verbal promises. Do you Long Xiao accept or reject?


Wei Ting was about to speak.

Long Shaoqin interrupted him and said: Okay, we accept it, it will benefit us without any harm, and we are not afraid of you betraying us. Qi Jue Nu has severed all ties with you now. We are incompatible with each other, and it is impossible to fight with you. It’s a conspiracy, and your chance to save Qi Jue’s daughter is only before the main universe door opens, and your time is tight, Ye Jue.”

I know all this. Qi Jue Nu will soon become a true god, but I have my own way to deal with her. You just need to concentrate on dealing with hell.

Ye Jue's body gradually disappeared.

Are we really going to unite the Dragon Roaring World?

At this time, everyone who heard the whole conversation was frowning.

They chose the right side to participate in the ultimate battle, to kill demons, to avenge injustice and revenge.

Now he actually wants to join forces with Long Xiao?

How could this not make a knot appear in their hearts?

There's no rush.

However, Ye Jue took a deep breath and reassured everyone: I...We, although we have gained new power now, have to fight against Hell, Qi Jue, and Long Xiao at the same time, the chance of winning is almost zero.

Now that our four forces are mixed together, we must destroy two of them first, and then fight to the death.

he said.

In fact, joining forces with Long Xiao is also a last resort.

After all, neither the Qijue World nor Hell is a candidate for alliance.

Now that you have made your decision, we will follow you. There is nothing more to say. Everything is left to you.

Jin Yulan nodded and said.

Thank you all for your trust.

Ye Jue said: There is only one word, win!


Everyone nodded solemnly.


At this moment, Chen Ya in Qijue World suddenly raised her head, her expression seemed very confused.

Just now, she discovered that the power fluctuations in the world of Dragon Roar had changed.

becomes more elusive.

It seems that a new force has ushered in.

Qi Jue Nu, the universe is about to spew out matter. Be prepared. We must get it.

Zhang Zizi was next to him and said aloud.

The matter of the positive universe can greatly sublimate our world of Seven Ultimates. With those mysterious materials, you can quickly refine the Kunlun Mirror and directly become a true god, crushing everything!

Yang Wanjin also said.

The two of them seemed completely unaware of the changes in the world of Dragon Roar.

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