At the moment when the four forces were fighting, the gate of the positive universe started its second round of spewing again.

This time, even more violently than before, a large amount of colorful substances were sprayed out from a large well, and it seemed to have endless power.

The material that conquers heaven and earth makes everyone's eyes flash.

Now Qi Jue Nu didn't care about Ye Jue, she flew directly away from Qi Jue World and rushed towards those colorful substances.

With the power close to the true god at her center, she kept spinning, and all the colorful substances flowing around her were thrown into her body and melted directly.

Around Chen Ya, followed by Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin, they were all absorbing these substances in crazy mouths.

At this moment, Prince Yama couldn't bear it anymore.

He saw the ocean of positive matter that was tens of billions of light years above his head, and he directly grew up and flew out of hell to catch that matter.

I even want to cut off the source, keep everything to myself, prevent anyone from eating it, and leave no scraps.


The mysterious substance of the positive universe is extremely important to everyone.

Even if the psychic body obtains these liquids, it can instantly increase its combat power. Who wouldn't be tempted?

Therefore, the same is true in the world of Dragon Roar. Masters such as Long Shaoqin, Wei Ting, Zhao Yin, and those replica heroes flew out, all flying into the sky.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, the three parties met.

Go to hell!

Prince Yama suddenly reached out and grabbed Long Shaoqin and the others.


A gurgling blue power splashed out, and a violent storm broke out in an endless and distant place.

However, from Zhao Yin, starlight burst out from Zhao Yin's body, pressing fiercely and swallowing up mountains and rivers. His body was thousands of light years taller, standing in the dark storm of destruction, as if the only god had descended.

The power of Prince Yama was directly resolved by him.

Get away!

Zhao Yin just said two words, and then punched with his backhand, colliding with Prince Yama's halberd.

His punch was so skillful and natural.


Prince Yama's body suddenly swelled to a height of thousands of light years, but under the impact, he rolled and rolled in the air and really rolled out.

It's enough to show how powerful it is!

This guardian of the Garden of Eden is very powerful. If I want to deal with him, I must become the original devil. I can crush this person to death in an instant.

Prince Yama was furious, and he also had doubts in his heart.

How can the guardian of the Garden of Eden survive so well?

He is simply worse than an old turtle.

However, he knew that now was not the time to be angry, so he made a decisive decision, raised his palm, and immediately concentrated all the power of hell, attacking from the east to the west, and bombarded the Qijue World.

This is adding insult to injury. When Qi Jue Nu and Ye Jue are fighting, first suppress the stronger one.


In the world of Qijue, Chen Ya, Zhang Ziran, Yang Wanjin, Jue Ji and all the masters almost felt this wave of power. They immediately mobilized their magic power and collided away. A long river of Qijue converged into a sword to resist Yama. The prince's attack.

There was a loud bang.

The dark void shook, dissolving Prince Yama's power into the invisible.


However, this gave Ye Jue an opportunity. He used some mysterious power that made it difficult for people to see through. When Chen Ya counterattacked Prince Yama, he punched two consecutive punches, one punch turned into a universe, and the other The fist turned into a galaxy, the universe was a word of love, and the galaxy was a word of righteousness.

These two words are extremely powerful, the meaning is like a mountain, and they are heavy enough to crush the ancient times.

Friendship also reflects Ye Jue's thoughts.


However, Chen Ya didn't appreciate it and punched twice without even thinking.

One is Qizi, and the other is Juezi.

The dark earth surges into the sky, tearing apart in all directions!

Shocking is not enough to describe this confrontation.

Ye Jue, do you really want to stop me? Aren't these positive materials precious to you?

She drank.

Now blocked by Ye Jue and the tribe behind him, it is difficult to absorb these positive substances.

It was intercepted every time.

The power Ye Jue is using now is mysterious and mysterious.

Not mythology, not technology.

There is an indescribable weird feeling.

Hahaha, if you get these positive substances, wouldn't it mean that you can directly refine the Kunlun Mirror and become a true god? Do you think I'm stupid?

Ye Jue's power suppressed the Qi Jue world.

Now the dark universe is cracking and collapsing, and it can even be seen that there is another source of blood and light, which seems to be blooming in the depths.

not good.

Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin's expressions changed.

That place was too familiar to them.

That is the demon refining bottle, the place where the mortal angel is sealed.

They buried it with their own hands.

If it weren't for the collapse of the universe, no one would be able to find the real sealed place.

However, now it has been completely exposed. A huge bottle, with immeasurable red clouds surging there. The vastness is not enough to describe, and it can roughly locate where it is!

It's so far away, it's actually a separate space across the seventh era.

It's okay, it can't come out for the time being.

Chen Ya looked solemn.

By the time it comes out, a group of us will have already ascended to the universe.

Or if she becomes a true god, she won't be afraid.

Now, we still have to suppress Ye Jue, this roadblock.

Use all the seven powers. This time I will defeat him in one fell swoop!

As many particles as stars in Chen Ya's body responded, her silver hair soared three thousand feet, and countless people were sacrificing themselves. Their souls, blood, magical powers, and bodies turned into a divine sword.

The Seven Ultimate Divine Sword.

This long sword was thousands of feet long and flashed with seven colors of blood, red, orange, red, green, blue, blue and purple.

Moreover, it is extremely sharp, carrying endless anger, resentment, and roar. A single cut with the sword can make the emperor fall instantly.

She has the Seven Ultimate Divine Sword in her left hand and the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword in her right hand.

Simply invincible.


Seeing this scene, Ye Jue felt an invincible feeling.

The new power he gained from God's consciousness space has not yet been fully understood.

Being able to be on par with Chen Ya is because there are many people behind him who support him and convey his spiritual thoughts and power.

But now, facing the Seven Ultimate Divine Sword, the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword, Chen Ya who has the Kunlun Mirror under her feet and the Seven Ultimate World above her head, it is simply difficult to compete.

Therefore, he temporarily avoided it and instead rushed towards those positive substances.

Since we can't fight hard, we should take the first step and seize all these materials.

Let Qi Jue Nu fall short.

I am the ultimate and strongest pinnacle of mythology, Ye Jue. Even if you keep plundering the gate of the universe, as long as it is still gushing out, I will always have a chance!

Chen Ya was not afraid of Ye Jue's plundering. Suddenly, she rushed towards the gate of the positive universe.

Suddenly, a river of colorful substances, like a sea, quickly approached her.


Ye Jue spun violently, whining, and was instantly stopped by all the positive matter rushing toward Chen Ya.

However, Chen Ya's goal is to reach the gate of the universe.

She no longer cares about these leftovers on the road.

what to do?

The big wolf dog is howling, but in this critical moment, there is nothing that can be done.

Chen Ya is too powerful, getting stronger and stronger, close to the true god, and has the divine weapon Qijue Divine Sword, the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword, and the Ten Divine Weapons in hand, she is simply invincible.

It is no exaggeration to say that Shinhwa is the strongest!

I haven't adapted to the new power yet, and I'm still figuring it out. It seems it's too late.

Ye Jue originally wanted to stop Chen Ya and defeat her before she became a true god.

But it seemed there was no hope.


His power is also endless, and every particle bursts out with overwhelming divine power, spreading out, repelling the surrounding black storm, and absorbing the positive matter.

In this case, he began to sublimate and master the new mysterious power.

He has never understood the power obtained from God's space.

It is not between myth and technology, it is a completely new kind of power that has never appeared before.

Always making it difficult for him to perform.

I thought I didn’t understand.

If you don't understand the power at all, you won't be able to fully use it. What you can use is only superficial.

Huh? In the world of Qi Jue, it seems that Ye Jue has failed and cannot stop Qi Jue Nu at all.

At this time, Long Shaoqin saw Qi Jue Nu rushing towards the gate of the universe and launched a strong attack on her.

Qi Jue Nu, you want to intercept the source, have you asked me?

Prince Yama moved his body, and a soul exactly like him was born in the ocean of hell. His every move and every move had the same magic power as him.

Reincarnation in the underworld lasts for eternity!

His soul was born from hell, and with one punch, he hit Qi Jue Nu with both his body and his fist.


Chen Ya did not expect that the Dragon Roar World and Hell, which were fighting to the death, would attack her at the same time in an instant.


The beating made her spin like a top, swish, swish... various ancient characters, swords, artifacts, beams of light... all shot out, turning into a vast torrent.

Now that she was injured, what she shed was no longer blood, but myth, which struck in all directions like a storm.

ah! ah! ah! ………

Countless screams were transmitted from her body. They were all masters in the Qijue world. They were all penetrated by spiritual energy and the destructive power of hell, making painful sounds. , was also seriously injured.

You bunch of trash, what do I need from you? All of them should be sacrificed with blood and become part of my power!

Chen Ya saw this scene and shook her head. Since she was seriously injured, it was useless and could not provide her with strength.

Immediately, the brilliance of Qijue shone fiercely.

All those who were irradiated melted and were sacrificed in blood.

Don't worry, when I become a true god, I can resurrect them with a single blow.

Chen Ya was also ruthless, killing while giving reassurance to the remaining masters.

It's a blood sacrifice anyway, so sacrifice more, melt it completely, and turn it into your own strength to deal with Ye Jue, Long Xiao, and Hell.

Still want to occupy the source? If you become a true god, wouldn't I be dead?

Prince Yama's long sword of blood shadow appeared out of the sky and struck directly into Chen Ya's heart, just like a blood siphon sun striking the Qijue World.

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