Chen Ya took Qijue World up. With a slight shock, she flicked her fingers, and a bright moon flew out from her fingertips. This bright moon was like an ice disk, hanging in the air. Suddenly, it suppressed the spiritual energy and froze it all. Seal.

With a snap of her fingers, the bright moon she created sealed the entire space with ice, and the frozen power gradually spread in all directions.

It's not the real freezing, but the Seven Divine Powers. With her current cultivation and imperial skills, she can turn decay into magic.

But Chen Ya is not willing to leave the paradise of mythology.

Now she can easily go to the positive universe and the dragon roaring world for the final battle.

But she didn't do this. Instead, she was refining the Kunlun Mirror, waiting to swallow up the paradise and become the only true god.

At that time, the spiritual power of the Dragon Roar World could no longer suppress the myth.

Destroy him.

Seeing the tenacious resistance of Qijue World, Long Shaoqin gave the order coldly.


All the psychic bodies are heading towards the Qijue World.

Fight for me!!

Jue Ji yelled.

But in just a moment, she was in a mess, her clothes were in tatters, stained with blood, and she was in a very embarrassed state.

These psychic bodies can indeed restrain the myth!

Whether it is imperial arts, formations, or other weapons... they are all decomposed under the light of spiritual energy.

It was as if I had met the biggest nemesis in my life.

We are not rivals.

The leader of Chaos Zuma looked gloomy, these psychic bodies were enough to kill them.

No matter how powerful their realm is, how strong their strength is, how sufficient their foundation is, and how rich their methods are.

Being restrained means being restrained. Everything is in vain. Just defending is already very difficult. How to fight?

Qi Jue Nu has started sacrificing her teammates again.

In the world of Dragon Roar, someone saw Qi Jue Nu swallowing an emperor again to replenish her strength and shook her head.

The scary thing about myths is that they can devour each other.

To gain strength.

Therefore, mythology is an evil path.

Only spiritual ascension is the king of kings and the most correct way.

Their paths have gone astray.

It's not too late to surrender now. Give up everything and join the psychic army and become one of us.

Zhao Yin said loudly.

Don't even think about it!

Ji Zizai yelled, looking at them with vicious eyes in Qijue World.

There is nothing more to say now.

It's the ultimate two-way showdown.

Whichever way wins.

One party will disappear completely.

But he believed that victory must be a myth.

You are really stubborn and unwilling to accept it. The beings who cultivate the mythical body are very stupid. After all, people who are not stubborn cannot cultivate to a high level.

Long Shaoqin said disapprovingly.

The myth will die today.


He pressed a sphere, and gray matter suddenly poured out from the world of dragon roar.

These substances have thoughts, can transform at will, and can defend or attack.

It is the weapon of the top civilization, called the Cave of Jialan.

Because the space swallowed by these substances will turn into a huge blue hole, which will be frozen there forever and become the background of the universe.

He wants to carry out a dimensionality reduction attack on the Mythical Paradise and wipe out all the creatures in it.

Since Qi Jue Nu wants to become a true god inside.

Then just let her be.

Perhaps before becoming a true god, he had already fallen into the Cave of Jialan, and his life would fall into death forever.

Long Shaoqin, do you really want to destroy myths and become God?

Chen Ya smiled coldly and suddenly sat down. The Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword hung high in the air, humming continuously and shaking the entire space.

The Kunlun Mirror was under her legs, releasing layers of divine rings, which were being cracked layer by layer like threads peeling off cocoons.

As long as she is given time, she can open the core of the artifact and gain part of the power to become a true god.

Chen Ya, stop dreaming about becoming a true god. Even if you become a true god, there are more terrifying enemies waiting for you. You cannot defeat them with your qualifications. Only we, Long Xiao!, can defeat the real enemies.

Wei Ting warned Chen Ya.

Even if she becomes a true god, she still can't win.

Because this is related to the final outcome of the anti-universe.

The qualifications of Qijue World are not enough to defeat the enemy.

Who is the real enemy in your mouth?

At this moment, Chen Ya's body has merged into the Kunlun Mirror, taking away almost 70% of the power of the artifact.

But the pressure she withstood was also huge.

It is necessary to constantly sacrifice the powerful creatures in the Qijue world.

Some supreme beings, kings of kings, have been devoured.

Ah, no, spare your life, Qi Jue Nu, don't kill me.

A super powerful man from the ancient tribe, who was close to the God Emperor, actually knelt down in the world of Qijue.

But Chen Ya didn't let him go at all. With a flick of his finger, this super powerful man was instantly shattered into pieces and torn apart like paper.

Then all the source of power was swallowed up by Qijue World and fed back to her body.

this method. He is simply like a devil, like a demon king.

Even if you practice mythology to the end, you are just a group of beings who have mastered powerful power.

The mind, the essence, the soul will never change much.

The more powerful a life is, the more cruel and cruel it is.

He doesn't care at all about the lives of the weak.

As powerful as an ant.

If this continues, we will also be swallowed up by her.

The leader of Chaos Zuma, Ji Zizai, and the three pillars were trembling all over.

they know.

The three God Emperors of Ancient Heaven are not at all worried about being backlashed by Qi Jue Nu.

Because with the power of the God Emperor, he can escape before the devouring comes.

But they can't.

It's just infinitely close to the God Emperor.

Just like those kings of kings, the super powerful men of the ancient clan.

It could be sacrificed at any time.

We must find an opportunity to break out of the Qijue World, otherwise there will only be a dead end waiting for us.

Ji Zizai gritted his teeth and said.

But there is a more terrifying psychic light outside.

Santaizhu's scalp was numb.

Is there no other way?

The leader of Chaos Zuma felt a stomach ache.

He worked hard to dig out the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword and gave it to Qi Jue Nu first.

I didn't expect that people would not appreciate it at all.

If you say devour it, devour it, without giving any face at all.

He also worries about being next.

So we must escape.

But it's not to break up with Qi Jue Nu, but to find a relatively safe place.

Waiting for Qi Jue Nu to become a true god, they return again and enjoy the treatment given by the true god.

There is only one way in the world now, and I don't know if you are willing to do it.

Suddenly, Wan Xiang Wu Chang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

With their current qualifications, strength, and combat power, they have been completely defeated.

It was no longer on the table in the final battle.

Therefore, they must make a comeback in a desperate situation.

What's your plan?

Ji Zizai asked immediately.

I don’t know what this impermanent thing is doing in the mythical paradise.

After he betrayed the Starry Sky Emperor, he bumped into this person.

It was found that the latter was praying and seemed to be communicating some great will.

When he saw them coming, he immediately stopped and pretended that nothing was wrong.

I didn't feel anything at the time.

Now I have discovered that Wanxiang Impermanence seems to have found some backing.

You all come closer. You can't be heard by Qi Jue Nu. Listen to me carefully.

Wanxiang Wuchang narrowed his eyes slightly, gathered all the powerful men of the new era, and whispered.

If you have any plans, tell me soon.

San Tai Zhu asked eagerly.

Look, what is this?

Suddenly, Wanxiang Wuchang's palm spread out, and a red seed appeared.


Seeing this thing, the leader of Chaos Zuma was shocked.

Seed of destruction!

How could this thing be in your hands?

Ji Zizai's eyes narrowed.

This is the real thing.

The ripples that shook out from it were all aura of destruction.


You surrendered to the enemy?!

The leader of Chaos Zuma finally knew what Wanxiang Wuchang had been doing.

He is actually being the sixth child!

Has been reporting the situation to the enemy.

The existence behind the impermanence of all things is actually Prince Yama? !

At that time, the Sixth Age exploded, and Prince Yama and the Seed of Destruction disappeared.

No one expected that it would be in the hands of Wanxiang Wuchang.

Wanxiang Impermanence has been transporting information to the Seed of Destruction!

Prince Yama knows everything! !

An enemy? No, there is no real enemy at all. We in the Anti-Universe are just a group of humble creatures struggling to survive. Now that the Seventh Era has ended and we are not allowed to survive, then we have no choice but to Go to the positive universe to find a way to survive.

Wan Xiang Wuchang whispered: Whether it is Qijue Nu or Dragon Roar World, they all regard us as trash now. We are also the invincible strong men who dominated the Sixth Age, and now we are reduced to relying on the Ancient God Emperor. A bonfire of strength, pinning the hope of life on others, is this still us?

Hearing these words, San Tai Zhu was deeply moved.

That's right!

They are also powerful men who have dominated for an era, but are now reduced to sacrifices.

How can you accept this willingly?

But there is nothing we can do.

Now that we have the power to make a comeback, right in front of us, who can remain calm?

Tell me, what should we do?

Ji Zizai said coldly.

He wanted to hear what Wanxiang Impermanence had to say.

It's very simple. As long as you pray to the Seed of Destruction, you will be able to have new powers like me.

Suddenly, Wanxiang's upper armor shattered, revealing the devil's black lines.

He has actually become a demon!

Everything is impermanent, you have fallen, and you actually chose to become a demon?

The leader of Chaos Zuma took a sharp look and immediately shouted.

Degenerate? Leader, are you kidding?

Unexpectedly, Wanxiang Wuchang shook his head: This is the new power given to me by Prince Yama. I am now the demon god in charge of hell. The demon god is Prince Yama's right-hand man. Becoming a demon god means fighting side by side, and becoming a demon god with Prince Yama. Eternal comrade-in-arms, he will not devour us like the Qi Jue Nu and treat us like piglets. Instead, he will be polite and treat you as honored guests.


After hearing these words, San Tai Zhu frowned.

Humph, Prince Yama has recruited you so sincerely, but now you are hesitant. Well, just pretend you have never met me.

Wan Xiang Wu Chang snorted coldly, used the Seed of Destruction, twisted his body, and was about to disappear in the world of Qijue.

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