Hahahaha, Ye Jue is about to die. I can clearly feel that the indelible marks left by that person's path and the places he fought are now disappearing.

Ji Zizai heard the sound of wild laughter coming back across time and space, across the sea of ​​​​sacrifice.

He seemed to be slightly in a trance, and thinking about those things still made him feel a little dazed.

Along the way, he was tit for tat with Ye Jue.

A long time has passed, and when he thinks of the past, he is still in a state of being suppressed.

But it's fine now.

Ye Jue is going to die in the Garden of Eden.

It's really going to happen.

The leader of Chaos Zuma had a sad look on his face. What a shame. A veteran monster like him had never shown such an expression in the past.

For many years, he has always been extremely strong, and it was only when this man fell that he showed this expression.

Really dying?

San Tai Zhu still held a very skeptical attitude.

But the breath of death conveyed from the Garden of Eden in the Sea of ​​Sacrifice is definitely not an illusion.

Ye Jue's aura was all too familiar to them.

The moment is dying.

The man who was quite confident, had a high-spirited personality, and wanted to dominate the mythical paradise, was now going to die.

The breath is diminishing little by little and cannot be stopped at all.

He is going to die, by our psychic light!

Wei Ting looked like a ferocious big tyrannosaurus, with a face that was both ferocious and ecstatic.

Over the years, what storms and waves has this free and easy and frivolous man not experienced?

He saved the day every time.

Now comes retribution!

Everyone saw that the Garden of Eden was being decomposed by the light of spiritual energy, and large swaths of purple mist were rising, expanding continuously, becoming huge and boundless, almost squeezing the entire mythical paradise.

Then, it faded away again, quickly blurring, until it completely disappeared!


The Garden of Eden was destroyed.

The will of God is thus slain.

Hahaha, we killed the suppressive will left by the only God, and we can become the new God.

A series of cheers erupted from the world of Dragon Roar.

“I didn’t expect that we would win in the end.”

Pandora left a voice, sighing extremely.

What I saw and heard today deeply touched my heart. The death of that man made me feel that life is so small, so fragile, and vulnerable.

The old heroes of the Earth Age who were resurrected by Dragon Roar, Qin Yi, Lu Juan, Long Xiaogu, Wu Jin and others, all shook their heads.

It's finally over.

They, Long Xiao, and their old enemy Ye Jue spent a long time, and to others, it was already an ancient history.

The final winners are them.

Although they were clones, they witnessed the fall of that great man.

It’s really like a dream!

The time traveler, is he finally dead?

Long Shaoqin's face was cold, but you could see that the corners of his eyes seemed to relax.

He actually already knew that Ye Jue was a time traveler!

Now that the Starry Sky Emperor has died, this identity can no longer be concealed.

Ye Jue, he is a person who came from the positive universe.

He still had many questions to ask this man.

What does the positive universe look like?

He especially wanted to know.

But now with the death of this man, he is buried forever in the long river of time.

This means that no one can interact with this time traveler again.

The so-called truth will be revealed by themselves after they become gods.

As time goes by in the world, all living beings in the world have changed countless generations, and even several civilizations have changed!

Now, they are reaching the top.

Zhao Yin, now it's your turn. Let's get started. We, Long Xiao, will become gods.

Long Shaoqin said.

Becoming God requires rules and conditions. We have already completed the former. Now we only need to completely destroy the myth before we can become God.

Zhao Yin flicked his fingers.

The light of psychic energy will destroy the myth.

Everything will 'ascend' and become the power of their world, and the myth will become extinct from then on.

In the ultimate place of mythology, there is no true God and no one can resist God.

He was extremely serious. He once looked up at the sky and wanted to see the universe through the sky.

Now this goal is about to be achieved.

Not good.

At this time, countless people in the Qijue World saw the Dragon Roar World and stared at them.

Especially the leader of Chaos Zuma, Ji Zizai, Santai Zhu, was shaking all over and his scalp was numb.

It's okay, we have the demigod Qi Jue Nu, the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword, and the Ten Divine Weapons, the Kunlun Mirror. She can become a true god and fight against God!

Ji Zizai thought of something and said in a deep voice.

Now, Chen Ya has taken advantage of the Dragon Roar World to attack the Garden of Eden and captured one of the ten artifacts, the Kunlun Mirror.

This huge mirror, now the size of a palm, came into Chen Ya's palm, spinning constantly and spitting out intense light.

I didn't expect that it would end up being a battle between us.

Long Shaoqin saw his old friend and said calmly.

The world of Dragon Roar shrouds the entire seventh era like a terrifying shadow. Superstring life forms have all evolved into psionic bodies, and even their movement trajectories cannot be captured.

It is vast, everywhere, and can be immortal in units of tens of thousands of years.

What kind of splendid civilization will the final confrontation between the two powerful forces create?

Creatures at the level of mythology, fragments of the avenue are scattered, tracing back to the true God.

On the other side, from superstring evolution to a technological route that no one has ever reached, erasing God, psychic powers dominate the world and overlook all walks of life.

Whether it is Qijue World or Long Shaoqin, they are no longer insignificant existences.

In the seventh era, they are now fighting for hegemony.

Be the first to become God, the existence of true God, will break through the sky and see the truth of the universe.

From the ancient times, the vicissitudes of the sea, the continental stars, carrying countless joys and sorrows, more blood and chaos, and many secrets have now come to an end.

The end is now.


All the mythical beings in the Qijue world flew out.

Jue Ji was slightly shocked, and with a snap of her fingers, a bright moon flew out from her fingertips. The bright moon she created could freeze everything.

In addition, the leader of Chaos Zuma and others also use the power of myth to turn decay into magic.

Huge flames and thunder humanoids came out across the seven worlds, forming an army. Blessed by various heavenly principles, the divine patterns vibrated, forming the ultimate world of myth. It is extremely powerful, terrifying and brilliant. This is the strongest power of myth. .


The dragon roaring world, which is opposite to the mythical world, supports various illusory giant human figures, slowly rotating, and various spiritual beings also step out of the world.

These lives can no longer be called lives. They can become whatever they want.

It can even change into a state beyond the imagination of the brain, becoming a non-existent existence.

In the eyes of the mythical body, all these spiritual beings are inconsistent.

Everyone sees the shape differently.

But what I saw was the ultimate form of the entropy body.

Qijue, dotted all over the place!

Chen Ya took action, and the vast expanse of blue waves was stirred up by the power of myth. The magnificent world of myth was full of auspiciousness and auspiciousness. With unparalleled momentum and carrying countless mythical memories, it crashed into the world of Dragon Roar.


On the spot, blood spattered the Seventh Era.

Originally, the development of the Seventh Era was short-lived. Most of it was integrated by Su Yan, and the remaining small part was destroyed by fire, thunder, wind...

The place where the blood was splattered turned out to be Qijue World.

Possessing the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword, the most powerful mythical weapon, the Kunlun Mirror, it is actually no match for the power of psychic energy.

Psionic energy, this is a powerful light that has never been seen before or will come after, that can destroy God.

All myths are broken down by a single exposure.

Totally restrained!

It seems that it was created as a force dedicated to extinguishing myths.

damn it!

Ji Zizai shouted, never expecting that the little character he looked down on at the beginning would actually obtain such a terrifying thing.

This power is enough to exterminate them.

Even the Seven Wonder Women and the demigods are no match.

Only the Qi Jue Daughters become true gods.

Hold it to me. When I completely refine the Kunlun Mirror and obtain the ultimate place of myth, I can become a true god, and my psychic powers can be broken.

Chen Ya said coldly, encouraging her momentum and full of confidence.

Okay, let's fight!

San Tai Zhu nodded.

The only hope now rests on Qi Jue Nu.

The myth cuts off the world of mortals, and they all want to go to the righteous universe! !


The great world of Qijue once again burst out with huge power.

The last creature in the myth still refuses to give up.

Wei Ting sneered.

It is only a matter of time before the myth is destroyed.

The last creature of the myth? Not necessarily...

At this moment, a huge thing rushed out of a certain magic dimension fragment. The buildings inside were all damaged and filled with an ancient atmosphere.

We from Ancient Heaven are here to help Qi Jue Nu and destroy the enemy!

The roaring sound attracted everyone's attention.

Those are the God Emperor, Zhang Ziran, Yang Wanjin, and Di Tian!

The leader of Chaos Zuma in the Qijue world recognized him.


The three god emperors took Ancient Heaven into the Seven Ultimate World.


In an instant, it brought unparalleled tyrannical power.

Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin are both veteran God Emperors with strong foundations.

Di Tian was originally infinitely close to the God Emperor. After thousands of years, he finally took that step.

I thought you would always hide and not show up.

Chen Ya seemed to be relieved.

How is it possible? Now is the important moment. We have been wary of other enemies. In short, we must repel the mythical enemy first. The real enemy may appear at some point.

Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin said at the same time.

Hmph, it's just that there are three more god emperors. Do you think you can make a comeback? This is against the will of heaven?

In the world of dragon roar, Wei Ting, who turned into a spiritual giant, roared, as if the heavens were overturning.


Psychic blast!

The entire Qijue World was almost pushed to the deepest point of the abyss of the Seventh Era.

Chen Ya, Zhang Ziran, Yang Wanjin, Di Tian, ​​Jue Ji, the leader of Chaos Zuma, Ji Zi Zai, San Tai Zhu, and countless unparalleled powerful men, their bodies were all vibrating, shining brightly, and their souls were radiating with spiritual energy. The light slowly rises from the abyss.

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